
yale university英文介绍,求耶鲁大学的英文简介及其翻译

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Yale University was founded in 1701, is a private university. It and Harvard, and Princeton University share the honor, common for the United States over the years and the University Graduate School top position. Professor lineup school, curriculum, teaching his first class facilities. Beautiful Goethe George Dynasty-style architecture and modern construction of buildings and to each other films, the whole show was very classical and beautiful campus. Autumn leaves over the campus Staphylococcus frequently, those tan sun shines Elite built antique style towering buildings. Yale's reputation, its beautiful and solemn, and sun, on the central campus to look around, the sense of history that imposing attracting outstanding students to the world : :
The school is the strongest disciplines of social science, humanities and life sciences. Yale University Graduate School of Management in 1978 to create a unique curriculum -- public and private professional management (Pub1ic&PrivateManagement) courses, which focus on public and non-profit organizations for professional management training. Curriculum is 60% teaching, a case study of four, the latter half is public or non-profit agencies run cases. Yale University Master of Business Administration did not ask Mr. MBA but MPPM, whose source is also here.
Yale has a total number of outstanding alumni : the recent two-term president of the United States are alumni of Yale University, George Bush is a Yale secret society known [skeleton and bones] member. Incumbent President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary was in the Yale Library Lane awareness. Famous movie stars Judy, Forster, a "Time" magazine columnist Kevin, Tsui Lam is the famous Yale .....
Yale now has 12 colleges. Yale College : opening humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering undergraduate courses awarding Bachelor of Arts, Science, arts studies degree. Graduate School : Yale College graduates offer postgraduate courses delegated Master of Arts and Doctor of Science degree, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.College : Yale College graduates and other institutions in the education of students with the corresponding courses, delegated medical doctorate. Seminaries : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding theology, a master's degree in religious literature, the best students may pursue a master's degree in theology. Law : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding research, Doctor of Laws (J. D. ) degree and LL.M., legal and penal science doctoral degrees. Arts :Yale College graduates to set up vocational courses, a master's degree in Fine Arts awarded. Music : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding music, art or music, and musical arts degree. Forest and Environment Research Institute : courses for the graduates of Yale College, awarding the Master's forests, forest M.Sc., environmental studies and a master's degree and doctorate in forest. Architecture : YaleCollege graduates courses, vocational awarding master's degrees and the construction of non-career environmental design degree. College of Nursing : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree in science delegated care. Drama : Yale College graduates pursue graduate certificate courses for students, master's and doctoral degrees awarded art. Agencies and regulatory institutions : Yale College graduates for courses, vocational degree or delegated management, but also the creation of institutional behaviour and the management of science degree courses .
耶鲁现拥有12个学院。耶鲁学院:开设人文科学、社会科学、自然科学以及工程学本科课程,授文学士、理学士、文科研究学士学位。研究生院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设研究生课程,授文学硕士、理科硕士、哲学硕士、哲学博士学位。医学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生以及在其它院校受过相应教育的学生开设课程,授医学博士学位。神学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授神学硕士,宗教文学硕士学位,优秀学生还可攻读神学硕士学位。法学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授法学研究硕士,法学博士(J. D.)学位以及法学硕士、法律科学博士和刑法博士学位。艺术学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设职业课程,授美术硕士学位。音乐学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授音乐硕士、音乐艺术硕士、以及音乐艺术博士学位。森林与环境研究学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授森林学硕士、森林科学硕士、环境研究硕士以及森林学博士学位。建筑学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授建筑硕士职业学位以及环境设计非职业学位。护理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授护理科学硕士学位。戏剧学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生中攻读学位证书的学生开设课程,授美术硕士及博士学位。机构与管理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授企业管理硕士职业学位,同时也开设机构行为和管理科学方面的博士学位课程。
Yale University was founded in 1701, is a private university. It and Harvard, and Princeton University share the honor, common for the United States over the years and the University Graduate School top position. Professor lineup school, curriculum, teaching his first class facilities. Beautiful Goethe George Dynasty-style architecture and modern construction of buildings and to each other films, the whole show was very classical and beautiful campus. Autumn leaves over the campus Staphylococcus frequently, those tan sun shines Elite built antique style towering buildings. Yale's reputation, its beautiful and solemn, and sun, on the central campus to look around, the sense of history that imposing attracting outstanding students to the world : :
The school is the strongest disciplines of social science, humanities and life sciences. Yale University Graduate School of Management in 1978 to create a unique curriculum -- public and private professional management (Pub1ic&PrivateManagement) courses, which focus on public and non-profit organizations for professional management training. Curriculum is 60% teaching, a case study of four, the latter half is public or non-profit agencies run cases. Yale University Master of Business Administration did not ask Mr. MBA but MPPM, whose source is also here.
Yale has a total number of outstanding alumni : the recent two-term president of the United States are alumni of Yale University, George Bush is a Yale secret society known [skeleton and bones] member. Incumbent President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary was in the Yale Library Lane awareness. Famous movie stars Judy, Forster, a "Time" magazine columnist Kevin, Tsui Lam is the famous Yale .....
Yale now has 12 colleges. Yale College : opening humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering undergraduate courses awarding Bachelor of Arts, Science, arts studies degree. Graduate School : Yale College graduates offer postgraduate courses delegated Master of Arts and Doctor of Science degree, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.College : Yale College graduates and other institutions in the education of students with the corresponding courses, delegated medical doctorate. Seminaries : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding theology, a master's degree in religious literature, the best students may pursue a master's degree in theology. Law : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding research, Doctor of Laws (J. D. ) degree and LL.M., legal and penal science doctoral degrees. Arts :Yale College graduates to set up vocational courses, a master's degree in Fine Arts awarded. Music : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding music, art or music, and musical arts degree. Forest and Environment Research Institute : courses for the graduates of Yale College, awarding the Master's forests, forest M.Sc., environmental studies and a master's degree and doctorate in forest. Architecture : YaleCollege graduates courses, vocational awarding master's degrees and the construction of non-career environmental design degree. College of Nursing : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree in science delegated care. Drama : Yale College graduates pursue graduate certificate courses for students, master's and doctoral degrees awarded art. Agencies and regulatory institutions : Yale College graduates for courses, vocational degree or delegated management, but also the creation of institutional behaviour and the management of science degree courses .
耶鲁现拥有12个学院。耶鲁学院:开设人文科学、社会科学、自然科学以及工程学本科课程,授文学士、理学士、文科研究学士学位。研究生院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设研究生课程,授文学硕士、理科硕士、哲学硕士、哲学博士学位。医学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生以及在其它院校受过相应教育的学生开设课程,授医学博士学位。神学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授神学硕士,宗教文学硕士学位,优秀学生还可攻读神学硕士学位。法学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授法学研究硕士,法学博士(J. D.)学位以及法学硕士、法律科学博士和刑法博士学位。艺术学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设职业课程,授美术硕士学位。音乐学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授音乐硕士、音乐艺术硕士、以及音乐艺术博士学位。森林与环境研究学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授森林学硕士、森林科学硕士、环境研究硕士以及森林学博士学位。建筑学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授建筑硕士职业学位以及环境设计非职业学位。护理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授护理科学硕士学位。戏剧学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生中攻读学位证书的学生开设课程,授美术硕士及博士学位。机构与管理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授企业管理硕士职业学位,同时也开设机构行为和管理科学方面的博士学位课程。


5 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 美国加州理工大学
6 Imperial College London 英国伦敦帝国学院
麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,缩写:MIT)是美国一所综合性私立大学,有“世界理工大学之最”的美名。位于麻萨诸塞州的波士顿,查尔斯河(Charles River)将其与波士顿的后湾区(Back Bay)隔开。今天MIT无论是在美国还是全世界都有非常重要的影响力,培养了众多对世界产生重大影响的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是世界理工科菁英的所在地。麻省理工是当今世界上最富盛名的理工科大学,《纽约时报》笔下“全美最有声望的学校”。入选中国世界纪录协会世界综合实力最强的大学候选世界纪录。
耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译“耶劳大书院”,是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为常青藤联盟的成员之一。在2007英国泰晤士专上教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement)的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名与剑桥、牛津大学并列世界第二。美国普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。


  The University of Georgia, also referred to as UGA or simply Georgia, is an American public research university. Its main 762-acre (3.08 km2) campus is located in Athens, Georgia, approximately 70 miles (110 km) northeast of downtown Atlanta. It is the flagship university of the University System of Georgia. Founded in 1785, it is the country's oldest state-chartered university and the birthplace of the American system of public higher education.Varsity and intramural student athletics are an integral part of student life. The University of Georgia's intercollegiate sports teams, commonly known by their Georgia Bulldogs nickname, compete in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I and the Southeastern Conference (SEC). UGA served as a founding member of the SEC in 1932. In their more than 120-year history, the university's varsity sports teams have won 39 national championships and 130 conference championships. The Georgia Redcoat Marching Band, the official marching band of the university, performs at athletic and other events.

  The University of Georgia was incorporated on January 27, 1785, by the Georgia General Assembly, which had given its trustees, the Senatus Academicus of the University of Georgia, 40,000 acres (160 km2) for the purposes of founding a "college or seminary of learning." The Senatus Academicus was composed of the Board of Visitors and the Board of Trustees with the Georgia Senate presiding over those two boards. The first meeting of the university's board of trustees was held in Augusta, Georgia on February 13, 1786. The meeting installed its first president, Abraham Baldwin, a Founding Father, native of Connecticut and graduate of Yale University. Baldwin was a delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, and one of two Georgia delegates to sign the final document. William Few Jr., original Trustee of the University and another Founding Father, also represented Georgia at the Constitutional Convention and was the other signer the U.S. Constitution.
  佐治亚大学成立于1785年1月27日,鉴于佐治亚大学的评议委员会受托人在格鲁吉亚大会的指示,建造了40000英亩(160 km2)的佐治亚大学,建立大学的目的是神学院学习。参议院委员会由参会人员组成,由佐治亚州参议院负责主持这两个委员会。1786年2月13日,校董事会第一次会议在佐治亚州奥古斯塔举行。会议任命了第一任校长亚伯拉罕·鲍德温,他是康涅狄格州的开国元勋,毕业于耶鲁大学。鲍德温是1787年制宪会议的代表,也是签署最终文件的两名格鲁吉亚代表之一。小威廉姆是大学的原理事,也是另一位国父,他也代表格鲁吉亚参加了制宪会议,是美国宪法的另一个签名者。1799年7月2日,美国国家科学院在佐治亚州路易斯维尔再次召开会议,决定开放大学的时间。在这会议633英亩(2.6 km2)的奥科尼河那样的选择,大学被建立。这片土地,现在是佐治亚州阿森斯克拉克郡综合市县的一部分,当时是杰克逊县的一部分。这次会议还建立了一个新校长,任命另一位耶鲁大学毕业生Josiah Meigs担任该职位。第一节课是在1801年举行的,命名为富兰克林学院,命名为本杰明·富兰克林。第一届毕业生于1804年5月31日毕业。佐治亚大学校园里的许多特色都与耶鲁大学的校园相似。这是1859年11月3日至1859年11月5日,在佐治亚州多森市举行的最后一次会议,在此之后,该委员会被一个由佐治亚州众议院和佐治亚州参议院组成的董事会所取代。
  During the American Civil War, the university closed in October 1863 and reopened in January 1866 with an enrollment of 78 students including veterans using an award of $300 granted by the General Assembly to injured soldiers younger than 30. In the same year, the legislature appropriated $2,000 for the creation of a College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
  With students limited to white males for the first century of its history, University of Georgia began educating white female students during the summer of 1903. White women were not admitted as full-time undergraduates until 1918. However, at that time only junior college transfers majoring in Home Economics were integrated. Before admission of white women to the university, several white women were able to complete graduate degrees through credit earned during the summer sessions. The first white woman to earn such a degree was Mary Lyndon. She received a Master of Arts degree in 1914. Mary Ethel Creswell earned the first undergraduate degree in June 1919, a B.S. Two UGA dormitories are named after these graduates: Creswell Hall and Mary Lyndon Hall.
  在1903年夏天,佐治亚大学开始教育白人女学生。直到1918年,白人女性才被承认为全日制大学生。然而,当时只有家庭经济专业的专科转学合并。在白人女性进入大学之前,有几个白人女性能够通过夏季课程获得的学分完成研究生学位。第一个获得这样学位的白人女性是玛丽·林登。她在1914年获得了艺术硕士学位。1919年6月,Mary Ethel Creswell获得了第一个本科学位,两个佐治亚大学宿舍以这些毕业生的名字命名:Creswell Hall和Mary Lyndon Hall。佐治亚州的第一个Phi Beta Kappa分会于1914年在佐治亚大学成立。Phi Beta Kappa是美国最古老、最负盛名的本科荣誉组织。Phi Kappa Phi是最古老的全学科荣誉协会,于1923年在大学设立了一章。1935年,在佐治亚大学建立了Omicron Delta Kappa的一章。Omicron Delta Kappa被认为是最高的学院荣誉之一,可以授予个人,以及Phi Kappa Phi和Phi Beta Kappa。1941年,大学的教育学院院长沃尔特·科金被佐治亚州州长尤金·塔尔马达解雇。种族融合在1961年实现,在汉密尔顿·霍姆斯和夏莱恩·亨特的承认之后与南方学院和学校的关系出现了明显的紧张。霍姆斯毕业于Phi Beta Kappa,并成为埃默里大学医学院的第一位非裔美国学生。1967年,他获得医学博士学位,后来成为骨科教授,并在该校担任副院长。亨特(后来,亨特-高尔特)获得了新闻学学位,并获得了杰出的职业生涯,包括两个艾美奖和一个优秀的广播新闻工作者。2001年,在他们第一次报名参加课程的40周年纪念日上,学校将一所著名的校园建筑命名为holms - hunter学术大楼。尽管亨特和福尔摩斯是第一个在大学里入学的非裔美国学生,但玛丽·弗朗西斯是1962年第一个获得音乐教育硕士学位的非裔美国人。1963年,切斯特·达文波特成为美国佐治亚大学法学院的第一位非裔美国人,也是第一个非裔美国人毕业(LL.B . 1966)。十年后,莎伦·塔克成为首位非裔美国人法学毕业生,于1974年获得法学博士学位。
  2003, the University of Georgia was the only public university in North America with winners of the Rhodes, Marshall, Truman and Goldwater Scholarships in the same year. In 2014-15 the university was among only seven universities nationwide with recipients of all three major national undergraduate scholarships: the Goldwater, Truman and Udall. UGA is ranked fifth among the nation’s universities for the production of Fulbright U.S. Scholars.
  2003年,佐治亚大学作为北美唯一的公立大学,在同年获得了罗兹、马歇尔、杜鲁门和Goldwater奖学金的获得者。2014年至2015年,佐治亚大学是全国范围内仅有的七所全国范围内的三大本科奖学金获得者:Goldwater,Truman and Udall。在美国富布赖特学者的生产中,佐治亚大学排名第五。2016年,24名佐治亚大学学生被命名为罗德学者,其中包括尤金·布斯和赫尔维·克莱克利,其中有五名2008年以来获得的奖学金。在2011 - 2012年,佐治亚大学是美国仅有的四家学院之一,拥有最多四名Goldwater学者;仅有的两所大学之一,有三名Udall学者,其中只有四所大学,至少有五名博伦学者。佐治亚大学的学生还获得了马歇尔奖学金和17项富布莱特奖学金,将佐治亚大学列为国家奖项的顶级学府。2016年,马绍尔学者成为自2003年以来第6位获得该奖项的乌干达学生。[32]马歇尔奖学金是最具选择性的研究生奖学金之一。与此同时,校友们也很有代表性,因为一名UGA毕业生在三年内第二次获得了梦寐以求的麦克阿瑟天才奖(贝丝·夏皮罗和2011年的A.E. Stallings)。2011- 2012年,佐治亚40多所大学获得了国家学术奖学金,其中包括马歇尔奖学金、4个Goldwater奖学金、3个Udall奖学金、5个Boren奖学金、17个富布赖特奖学金和10个国家科学基金研究生奖学金。


“Lux et Veritas”
  耶鲁大学(英语:Yale University)是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的私立研究型大学,创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School),是全美历史第三悠久的高等学府,亦为常春藤盟校成员之一,与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学和研究生院前三的位置。该校教授阵容、学术创新、课程设置和场馆设施等方面堪称一流。除了研究生课程之外,耶鲁同时也非常注重本科生教育。在各个大学排名榜单中,都一直名列前茅。




清华:Tsinghua University is a university in Beijing, People's Republic of China. Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed the "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925 and the name “National Tsinghua University” adopted in 1928. With a motto of Self-Discipline and Social Commitment and in the spirit of the Latin Facta Non Verba, Tsinghua University is dedicated to academic excellence, the well-being of Chinese society and to global development. Today, most national and international rankings place Tsinghua as one of the best universities in China.
哈佛:Harvard University (incorporated as The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts and a member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and currently comprises ten separate academic units.It is also the first and oldest corporation in the United States.
Initially called "New College" or "the college at New Towne", the institution was renamed Harvard College on March 13, 1639. It was named after John Harvard, a young clergyman from the London Borough of Southwark, England, who bequeathed the College his library of four hundred books and £779 (which was half of his estate), assuring its continued operation. The earliest known official reference to Harvard as a "university" occurs in the new Massachusetts Constitution of 1780.
During his 40-year tenure as Harvard president (1869–1909), Charles William Eliot radically transformed Harvard into the pattern of the modern research university. Eliot's reforms included elective courses, small classes, and entrance examinations. The Harvard model influenced American education nationally, at both college and secondary levels.
Harvard has the second-largest financial endowment of any non-profit organization (behind the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), standing at $26 billion as of September 2009.
剑桥:The University of Cambridge (informally Cambridge University), located in the City of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world and the fourth oldest in Europe. The name is sometimes abbreviated as Cantab. in post-nominals, a shortened form of Cantabrigiensis (an adjective derived from Cantabrigia, the Latinised form of Cambridge).
The university grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was formed, early records suggest, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with townsfolk there.The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are often jointly referred to as "Oxbridge". In addition to cultural and practical associations as a historic part of British society, the two universities also have a long history of rivalry with each other.
Academically, Cambridge is consistently ranked in the world's top five universities and as a premier leading university in Europe by numerous media and academic rankings. The University's alumni include 85 Nobel Laureates as of 2009[update].
牛津:The University of Oxford (informally Oxford University, or simply Oxford), located in the UK city of Oxford, is the oldest surviving university in the English-speaking world and is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institutions. Although the exact date of foundation remains unclear, there is evidence of teaching there as far back as the 11th century. The University grew rapidly from 1167 when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.
After disputes between students and Oxford townsfolk in 1209, some academics fled north-east to Cambridge, where they established what became the University of Cambridge. The two "ancient universities" have many common features and are nowadays known as Oxbridge. In post-nominals the University of Oxford is typically abbreviated as Oxon. (from the Latin Oxoniensis), although Oxf is sometimes used in official publications.
Most undergraduate teaching at Oxford is organised around weekly essay-based tutorials at self-governing colleges and halls, supported by lectures and laboratory classes organised by University faculties and departments. League tables consistently list Oxford as one of the UK's best universities,and Oxford is currently ranked in the world's top 10.The University is a member of the Russell Group of research-led British universities, the Coimbra Group, the League of European Research Universities, International Alliance of Research Universities and is also a core member of the Europaeum. For more than a century, it has served as the home of the Rhodes Scholarship, which brings highly accomplished students from a number of countries to study at Oxford as postgraduates.
耶鲁:Yale University is a private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, and a member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Yale has produced many notable alumni, including five U.S. presidents, nineteen U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and several foreign heads of state.
Incorporated as the Collegiate School, the institution traces its roots to 17th-century clergymen who sought to establish a college to train clergy and political leaders for the colony. In 1718, the College was renamed Yale College to honor a gift from Elihu Yale, a governor of the British East India Company. In 1861, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences became the first U.S. school to award the Ph.D.
Yale College was transformed beginning in the 1930s through the establishment of residential colleges, 12 of which now exist. Almost all tenured professors teach undergraduate courses, more than 2,000 of which are offered annually.
The University's assets include a US $16.3 billion endowment , the second largest of any academic institution, and more than two dozen libraries that hold a total of 12.5 million volumes (making it one of the world's largest library systems).Yale and Harvard have been rivals in academics, athletics, and other activities for most of their history, competing annually in The Game and the Harvard-Yale Regatta.



yale university是什么大学

yale university是耶鲁大学。
耶鲁大学坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文,是世界著名的私立研究型大学、全美第三古老的高等学府、 美国大学协会的14所创始院校之一,也是著名的常春藤联盟成员。
2021-22年度,耶鲁大学位列泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第8名、CWUR世界大学排名世界第10位、U.S. News世界大学排名世界第12名、软科世界大学学术排名世界第11名、QS世界大学排名世界第14名。
耶鲁大学的校训是Lux et veritas中文译为“真理和光明”,校训特别强调思想自由。