
queen mary hospital,英国留学

admin admin 发表于2023-12-30 06:18:34 浏览11 评论0



悉尼大学 queen mary有空调么

king single bed
bedside cupboard
study desk with chair
overhead shelving
desk lamp
mini refrigerator
electric heater
  Queen Mary Building在2015年7月为学生提供800个床位,是一所学生自助宿舍楼。Queen Mary Building由Royal Prince Alfred Hospital的护士宿舍改造而成,除了改造加入的现代设施外,宿舍也保留了一部分的怀旧元素。
  悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)始建于1850年,是坐落于澳洲金融之都悉尼市中心的一所世界顶尖高等学府。作为整个澳洲及大洋洲的第一所大学,悉尼大学同时也是澳大利亚八大名校联盟G8的核心成员,国际著名研究型大学联盟组织环太平洋大学联盟、亚太国际贸易教育暨研究联盟的成员之一。根据澳洲政府官方整理的资料,1/3的澳洲诺贝尔奖得主为悉尼大学校友,这一数字遥遥领先于澳洲其他大学,领跑着整个澳大利亚的科学与技术的发展。




更为详细的英国申请要求可以浏览英国留学选校定位志愿参考系统:https://www.liuxue315.cn/dingwei/?ozs=g-uk 使用方法:把你的GPA、语言成绩、专业名称、院校背景(211/985/双非)等信息输入到系统中,系统会自动匹配出与你成绩情况类似的同学案例,可以依据自己的条件看看有没有适合自己的留学案例,了解一下与自己情况类似的人,他/她们都去了哪些院校,作为自己选择院校的参考。
Top Universities 2009 League Table
Institution Satis Res Stud:staff Ser Entry Complet Good hons Prosp Total
1 Oxford 84% 6.2 11.6 2884 502 98.6 90.1 83.9 1000
2 Cambridge 6.5 12.2 2299 518 97.9 85.4 88.4 950
3 Imperial College 76% 5.8 10.4 3218 473 96 69.1 89.3 865
4 London School of Economics 74% 6.3 12.6 1562 469 96.9 75.2 87.7 818
6 Warwick 76% 5.6 13.6 1881 448 96.7 79.4 74.9 775
7 University College London 76% 5.5 9.1 1702 434 94.3 75.1 81.5 767
8 Durham 78% 5.2 15.4 1375 447 96.4 78.8 75.9 760
9 York 77% 5.5 13.1 1313 423 95.2 74.7 70.5 736
10 Bristol 75% 5.2 14.7 1535 430 95.8 78.4 81.5 724
11 King's College London 77% 4.7 11.9 1696 406 93.2 72.1 80.4 715
12 Loughborough 83% 4.3 17.1 1293 361 94 67.4 73.2 709
13 Exeter 81% 4.7 16.8 1183 381 94.8 79.8 68.5 708
14 Leicester 83% 4.5 14.5 1329 360 92.9 69 72.3 706
15 Bath 75% 5.2 16.6 1291 428 95.3 77.3 81 701
16 Nottingham 75% 5 13.8 1390 403 96.2 75.7 76 696
16 Southampton 79% 5.4 16.3 1479 389 90.7 74.8 71.8 696
18 Edinburgh 73% 5 13.3 1294 430 92.2 79.9 74.9 682
19 Lancaster 78% 5.4 12.7 1227 375 92.5 68.8 60.9 680
20 Newcastle 75% 4.4 14.9 1481 394 92.3 71.1 75.3 657
22 Sheffield 76% 4.5 14.5 1140 403 92.4 71.9 73.7 650
23 East Anglia 82% 5 17.9 1127 359 91.2 67.5 63 647
24 SOAS 71% 5.3 10.5 1746 368 84.4 73.4 68 646
25 Birmingham 77% 4.3 15.3 1342 402 92.4 68.4 70.4 643
27 Manchester 73% 5.1 12.8 1378 412 92.3 70.5 67.4 638
28 Aston 76% 3.9 17.4 1607 351 88.4 65.8 76.4 637
30 Royal Holloway 74% 5.2 14.7 1244 361 88.2 66.4 66.9 626
31 Leeds 75% 4.5 14.6 1014 385 92.1 71.8 67.3 619
31 Reading 78% 4.9 16.2 1012 340 91.7 71.7 63.3 619
31 Queen's Belfast 77% 4.3 15.3 1222 364 86.6 70.3 76.1 619
34 Liverpool 75% 4.6 13.3 1013 377 90 67.6 70.7 610
35 Strathclyde 76% 3.6 16.8 1219 367 81.8 74.6 76.4 604
36 Kent 79% 4 16.3 1143 307 87 59.7 70.5 601
37 Queen Mary, London 75% 4.7 12.8 1173 340 88.5 60.8 75.1 594
38 Sussex 69% 5.1 15 1136 387 88.3 79.5 62 593
39 Surrey 72% 4.7 16.3 1156 339 86.8 61.9 77.3 582
40 Stirling 3.9 15.4 964 288 89.9 67.9 71.8 581
41 Keele 75% 4 15.3 1048 313 84.3 64 77.6 578
42 Essex 75% 4.8 14.1 1149 309 83.4 60.4 62.8 576
43 Aberystwyth 81% 4 19 997 296 89.8 61.8 56.2 560
44 Dundee 78% 4.2 13.7 971 373 68.7 66.3 73.9 559
45 Hull 80% 3.2 18.6 934 297 83.9 56.4 71 550
46 Goldsmiths College 73% 4.9 15.5 793 307 82.2 64.8 63.6 546
47 Heriot-Watt 75% 4.2 16.6 1115 343 82.3 55 72.1 542
48 Swansea 77% 4.4 15.1 1010 295 88.3 49.9 61.4 531
49 Bradford 76% 3.4 15 1167 280 82.2 60.5 73.9 528
50 City 72% 3.7 18.1 878 321 85 63.7 77.1 509
Rankings for UK universities in the Research Assessment Exercise 2008
名 次 院校英文名称 院校中文名称
1 The University of Cambridge 剑桥大学
2 The University of Oxford 牛津大学
3 London School of Economics 伦敦政治经济学院
4 Imperial College 伦敦大学帝国理工学院
5 University College London 伦敦大学学院
6 The University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学
7 The University of Warwick 华威大学
8 The University of York 约克大学
9 The University of Essex 埃塞克斯大学
10 The University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学
11 Queen Mary and Westfield 伦敦大学玛丽王后?威斯特费尔学院
12 The University of St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学
13 The University of Bristol 布里斯托大学
14 University of Durham 杜伦大学
15 The University of Southampton 南安普顿大学
16 The University of Leeds 利兹大学
17 The University of Sheffield 谢菲尔得大学
18 The University of Bath 巴斯大学
19 The University of Lancaster 莱切斯特大学
20 King's College London 伦敦大学国王学院
21 Cardiff University 卡地夫大学
22 The University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学
23 Royal Holloway and Bedford 伦敦大学皇家哈洛威学院
24 The University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学
25 Univ. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 纽卡斯尔大学
26 Loughborough University 拉夫堡大学
27 The University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学
28 The University of Sussex 萨塞克斯大学
29 The University of Kent 肯特大学
30 SOAS 伦敦大学皇家哈洛威学院
31 Birkbeck College 伯克贝克学院
32 The University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学
33 The University of East Anglia 东安格利亚大学
34 Goldsmiths College 伦敦大学金斯密斯学院
35 The University of Surrey 萨里大学
36 The University of Aberdeen 阿伯丁大学
37 The Queen's Univ. of Belfast 贝尔法斯特女王大学
38 The University of Liverpool 利物浦大学
39 The University of Dundee 邓迪大学
40 The University of Reading 瑞丁大学
41 The Open University 开放大学
42 Heriot-Watt University 赫瑞特瓦特大学
43 Aberystwyth University 威尔士大学阿伯雷斯威斯分校
44 University of Ulster 阿尔斯特大学
45 The City University 城市大学
46 Cranfield University 克兰菲尔德大学
47 The University of Strathclyde 斯特拉斯克莱德大学
48 The University of Leicester 莱切斯特大学
49 Swansea University 威尔士大学斯旺西分校
50 Bangor University 威尔士大学班戈分校
51 University of Wales, Newport 威尔士大学新港学院
52 The University of Stirling 斯特灵大学
53 The University of Keele 基尔大学
54 University of Hertfordshire 赫特福德郡大学
55 University of Brighton 布莱顿大学
56 The University of Hull 赫尔大学
57 The University of Salford 萨尔福德大学
58 The University of Bradford 布拉德福德大学
59 Brunel University 布鲁内尔大学
60 De Montfort University 得蒙福特大学
61 Birmingham City University 伯明翰城市大学
62 St George's Hospital Medical School 圣乔治医学学院
62 The University of East London 东伦敦大学
64 London South Bank University 伦敦南岸大学
65 The University of Portsmouth 朴茨茅斯大学
66 University of Westminster 威斯敏斯特大学
67 Oxford Brookes University 牛津布鲁克斯大学
68 Roehampton University 罗汉普顿大学
69 Univ. of the West of England 西英格兰大学
70 Bournemouth University 伯恩茅斯大学
71 Middlesex University 密德萨斯大学
72 The University of Plymouth 普利茅斯大学
73 Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学
74 University of Winchester 温彻斯特大学
75 Manchester Metropolitan Univ 曼彻斯特城市学院
75 Liverpool John Moores Univ 利物浦约翰莫尔斯大学
75 University of Northumbria 诺桑比亚大学
78 The Univ of Wales, Lampeter 威尔士大学兰彼得分校
79 The University of Huddersfield 哈德斯菲尔德大学
80 University of Bedfordshire 贝德福德郡大学(原卢顿大学)
81 Anglia Ruskin University 安格利亚鲁斯金大学
82 The Robert Gordon University 罗伯特戈登大学
83 Leeds Metropolitan University 利兹城市大学
84 Sheffield Hallam University 谢菲尔得哈勒姆大学
85 University of Glamorgan 格拉摩根大学
85 Kingston University 金斯顿大学
87 Glasgow Caledonian University 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学
88 University of Wolverhampton 伍尔弗汉普顿大学
89 University of Teesside 蒂塞德大学
90 UHI Millennium Institute 苏格兰高地和岛屿大学
91 University of Central Lancashire 中央兰开夏大学
92 University of Chichester 奇切斯特大学
93 The University of Lincoln 林肯大学
94 The University of Greenwich 格林威治大学
95 Bath Spa University 巴斯思巴大学
96 University of Wales Institute 威尔士大学学院
97 University of Sunderland 桑德兰大学
98 Coventry University 考文垂大学
99 London Metropolitan University 伦敦城市大学
100 University of West of Scotland 西苏格兰大学
100 University of Abertay Dundee 阿伯泰邓迪大学
102 Napier University 纳皮尔大学
103 Canterbury Christ Church Univ 坎特伯雷基督教会大学
104 University of Bolton 博尔顿大学
105 University of Chester 切斯特大学
106 University of Gloucestershire 格洛塞斯特郡大学
107 The University of Northampton 北安普顿大学
108 Glyndwr University 格林多大学
109 Thames Valley University 泰晤士河谷大学
109 Staffordshire University 斯坦福郡大学
111 Edge Hill University 艾吉希尔大学
112 Liverpool Hope University 利物浦希望大学
113 York St John University 约克圣约翰大学
114 Queen Margaret Univ, Edinburgh 爱丁堡玛格丽特皇后学院
115 University of Cumbria 坎布里亚大学
116 UC Plymouth St Mark and St John 普利茅斯圣马克约翰学院


伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary, University of London,官方简称QMUL)又译伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院, 世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟"罗素大学集团"成员,英联邦大学联盟成员, 是伦敦大学联盟中规模较大的独立学院之一。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院是由玛丽女王学院、Westfield学院、St Bartholomew's医学院以及London Hospital Medical College合并成立。2013年,官方将伦敦大学玛丽王后·威斯特费尔学院(Queen Mary and Westfield College ) 更名为伦敦大学玛丽女王学院。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院频繁位列欧洲顶级名校和世界百强名校。在目前和过往的校友或职员中,有六位诺贝尔奖获得者。
大学的主校园坐落于伦敦东区的Mile End,其他3个校区皆位于伦敦东区中心地带。学校现有学生17,000多人,员工4000余人,包括来自100多个国家1,000多人的留学生。在2014年QS世界大学排名中取得了进步,位列全球98位,英国18位。在2014泰晤士世界大学排名位列全球114位,英国14位。同时在英国官方2014ref排名中在学术质量排名(by GPA)中排名英国第9。
伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary, University of London)建校于1887年,1915年加入伦敦大学。主校园Mile End在伦敦的两大金融中心之间--"金融城"和码头区。2012年3月12日退出1994大学集团,加入罗素大学集团。
在Queen Mary的校友和现在及过去的成员中,有5位诺贝尔奖得主。
伦敦大学玛丽女王学院金融专业很好,各方面的条件都不错。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院,世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟"罗素大学集团"成员,英联邦大学联盟成员,是伦敦大学联盟中规模较大的独立学院之一。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院是由玛丽女王学院、Westfield学院、St Bartholomew's医学院以及London Hospital Medical College合并成立。2013年,官方将伦敦大学玛丽王后.威斯特费尔学院(Queen Mary and Westfield College ) 更名为伦敦大学玛丽女王学院。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院频繁位列欧洲顶级名校和世界百强名校。在目前和过往的校友或职员中,有六位诺贝尔奖获得者。 考取伦敦大学玛丽女王学院有一定的难度,建议报班培训,推荐选择唯寻国际教育。唯寻国际教育秉承“教育的本质是和更优秀的人在一起”的教育理念,精研国际课程,专注于A-Level、IB、AP等全科课程培训,提供顶尖大学笔面试辅导及国际竞赛培训。【点击测试我能申请哪所国外大学】想要了解更多关于伦敦大学玛丽女王大学金融专业的相关信息,推荐选择唯寻国际教育。唯寻国际教育线上课程占比超过70%,合作国际学校近50所,学员累计超5000人,其中有295名学子获得了牛津和剑桥录取,超2000名学员进入了世界排名Top 50的名校。同时,唯寻目前已在上海,北京,西安开设共计8个教学中心,给学子提供线上线下多种授课模式;专业线上授课系统,支持清晰的板书与实时课堂互动,打破距离隔阂。


皇后学院-Queen Mary 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院 皇后学院logo(Queen Mary-University of London)建校于1880年,是伦敦大学最大的学院。在质量评估中成绩优异,是世界上公认的优秀教学和科研院校。学院拥有世界著名的巴兹伦敦医学牙科学院,是医学与牙科的重要教学和科研中心。 皇后学院现分设九个学院:文学院、工程学院、信息科学及数学学院、社会科学院、自然科学院、法学院、基础医学院、临床医学与临床牙科学院。该学院较强的专业:天文学、英语、数学、计算机科学、电子与航空工程、俄语、西班牙研究与资料,特别是法律、经济、计算机科学和工程等专业。 2012年3月12日退出1994年集团,加入罗素大学集团。
  伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London,简称QMUL或QM)以英国玛丽王后命名 ,又译伦敦大学玛丽女王学院, 世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,英联邦大学联盟成员。伦敦玛丽女王大学是伦敦大学联合体中规模最大的学院之一,与伦敦大学的另外三个学院:伦敦大学学院,伦敦国王学院,伦敦政治经济学院并列为伦敦大学联盟的四大核心学院。同时也是伦敦大学联盟中唯一的校园式大学,大学的主校园坐落于伦敦东区的Mile End,其他3个校区皆位于市区中心地带。


伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary ,University of London,官方简称QMUL)又译伦敦大学玛丽女王学院,世界百强名校,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,英联邦大学联盟成员, 是伦敦大学联盟中规模较大的独立学院之一。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院是由玛丽女王学院、Westfield学院、St Bartholomew’s医学院以及London Hospital Medical College合并成立。2013年,官方将伦敦大学玛丽王后·威斯特费尔学院(Queen Mary and Westfield College ) 更名为伦敦大学玛丽女王学院。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院频繁位列欧洲顶级名校和世界百强名校。在目前和过往的校友或职员中,有六位诺贝尔奖获得者。
大学的主校园坐落于伦敦东区的Mile End,其他3个校区皆位于伦敦东区中心地带。学校现有学生17,000多人,员工4000余人,包括来自100多个国家1,000多人的留学生。在2014年QS世界大学排名中取得了进步,位列全球98位,英国18位。在2014泰晤士世界大学排名位列全球114位,英国14位。同时在英国官方2014ref排名中在学术质量排名(by GPA)中排名英国第9。
自2013年起,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院官方正式英文名称已改为Queen Mary University of London,中文官方翻译改为伦[1] 敦玛丽女王大学,并颁发自己的学位证书,但该校仍属于伦敦大学集团。


伦敦大学玛丽女王学院生活非常不错。伦敦大学玛丽女王学院在寸土寸金的英格兰中心—伦敦,背靠着泰晤士运河,历史悠久、学术顶尖且极尽贵族气息。主校区距离伦敦的2个金融中心车程都在15分钟内,乘坐地铁仅需要10分钟,交通极其便利,学子可以享受到伦敦中心地带所提供的便利以及各种实习机遇。这所大学不仅坐拥英伦风格的古典建筑、以英国玛丽王后的名字命名,还是罗素大学集团成员、伦敦大学四大核心学校之一。开设的众多学科英国领先、世界闻名,国际生占比达到35%以上,对国际生极为友好,受到众多申请者的追捧。伦敦玛丽女王大学位于伦敦市区中心地带,大学的主校区Mile End位于伦敦东区心脏地带,其他校区也位于市区中心地带。【点击测试我能申请哪所国外大学】想要了解更多关于伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的相关信息,推荐选择唯寻国际教育。唯寻国际教育有一个教研团队,全员都毕业于牛津剑桥。他们分别领衔不同学科,并对每一个学科大类进行细分,反复打磨学科教案与考题,再将牛剑笔面试的知识点融入其中,为参加牛剑精英营的学子们量身规划专属的教学方案,真正做到“一人一课表”。
伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary-University of London)是伦敦大学联合体中规模最大的学院之一,同时也是伦敦大学联盟中唯一的校园式大学,与伦敦大学的另外三个学院:UCL, Imperial College, King’s 并列为伦敦大学联盟的四大核心学院。皇后学院是由玛丽皇后学院,Westfield学院,St Bartholomew’s医学院以及创立于1785年被誉为英格兰医学院之父的London Hospital Medical College合并成立。大学的主校园坐落于伦敦东区的Mile End, 其他3个校区皆位于伦敦东区中心地带。学校现有学生近10,000多人,包括来自100多个国家,超过1,000多人的留学生。该院设有200多个学位的课程,研究水平很高,在全英大学评比中,多数部门的研究评估分为5或5*。在2004年世界前200所大学排名中,名列第100名,在英国排名第14位(2004年《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》);其毕业生起点工资则在英国排名第2名(2004年《星期日泰晤士报大学指南》)。
学校的麦尔安德(Mile End)主校区位于历史悠久、文化多元化的东区(East End),这一地区处于伦敦老城(The City)和码头开发区(Docklands)这两大金融区之间。东区不仅有著名的街头集市和各具风味的餐厅,还有公园、运河边幽静的人行道以及现代化的美术馆等等。


1. 形容词的位置:
1放在冠词前的形容词(all, both, such...)+2冠词、指示形容词、所有形容词、不定形容词(the, a, an, this, that, your, some, any...)+3序数(first, second...)+4基数(one, two...)+5性质、状态(kind, fine, good...)+6大小、长短、形状(large, small, big...)+7新旧、温度(old, new, hot...)+8颜色(red, blue...)+9国籍(Chinese, English, Japanese...)+10材料(iron, brick, stone...)+11名词、动名词(boy, house...)
2. some和any的用法:
(1)两者修饰可数单数名词,表某一个;任何一个; 修饰可数复数名词和不可数名词,表一些;有些。
I am looking for some matches.
Do you have any matches? I do not have any matches.
(A) 在期望对方肯定的回答时,问句也用some。
Will you lend me some money? (=Please lend me some money.)
(B) any表任何或任何一个时,也可用于肯定句。
Come any day you like.
(4)some和any后没有名词时,当做代名词, 此外两者也可做副词。
Some of them are my students.〔代名词)
Is your mother any better?(副词)
3. many和much的用法:
〔1)many修饰复数可数名词,表许多; much修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。
He has many friends, but few true ones.
There hasn't been much good weather recently.
(2)many a:
many a和many同义,但语气比较强,并且要与单数名词及单数形动词连用。
Many a prisoner has been set free. (=Many prisoners have been set free.)
〔3〕as many和so many均等于the same number of。 前有as, like时, 只用so many。
These are not all the books I have. These are as many more upstairs.
They worked like so many ants.
(4)as much等于the same amount of, 表同量和同一事情。
He bought two pounds of sugar and as much tea. 〔同量)
I was not in the least surprised, for I had fully expected as much. 〔同一事情)
Many of them were very tired.
I don't eat much for lunch. 〔代名词)
He is much taller than I. (副词〕
4. (a) few和(a) little的用法:
(1) (a) few用在复数可数名词之前,(a) little用在不可数名词之前。
He took a few biscuits. (=several)
He took few biscuits(=not many)
He took a little butter. (=some)
He took little butter. (=not much)
(2) few可由bardly any或almost no所取代,含否定的意味。
The composition is well written; it has few (=hardly any) mistakes.
Few (=Almost no) men can solve it.
(3) a few相当于some, several, 含肯定的意味。
He has a few (=some or several) friends.
(4) a little和little之间的差别,就和a few和few的差别一样,只是(a) little须修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。
He grows worse; there is little hope of his recovery.
He is not much better, but there is a little hope.
5. 其他的数量形容词:
(1) plenty of, a lot of, lots of均表许多,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。
The room contained plenty of (or a lot of or lots of) students.(复数名词)
The room contained plenty of (or a lot of or lots of) furniture.(不可数名词)
(2) a great (or a good) deal of, a large (or a small) quantity of, a large (or a small) amount of, 均表(量), 修饰不可数名词。
The room contained a great deal of furniture. (不可数名词)
The room contained a good deal of furniture. (不可数名词)
The room contained a large quantity of furniture. (不可数名词)
The room contained a large amount of furniture. (不可数名词)
The room contained a small quantity of furniture. (不可数名词)
The room contained a small amount of furniture. (不可数名词)
(3) a number of “许多;一些”;a great (large, good) number of “许多”,修饰复数可数名词,并且要与复数动词连用。
A number of books are missing from the library.
The number of books from the library is large.
(the number of +复数名词←→单数动词)
The room contained a great (or large or good) number of students.(复数可数名词)
(4) enough的用法:
(A) 可接复数可数名词和不可数名词。
There are enough chairs. (可数)
There is enough furniture. (不可数)
(B) 可放在年修饰名词的前后。
We don't have enough time. =We don't have time enough.
(5) hundreds of, dozens of, thousands of, scores of +复数可数名词
冠词或数词(one, two...) + (hundred, dozen, thousand, score) 复数可数名词
(6) the rest of “其余的”, 可接复数可数名词及不可数名词,作主词时,接可数名词则用复数动词,接不可数名词则用单数动词。
The rest of the students are absent. (复数可数名词)
The rest of the water was thrown away. 不可数名词)
注:the rest作代名词, 等于 the others, 和复数动词连用。
6. 不可名词量的表示语:
(1) 不可数名词可加表单位的形容片语,表示数的观念。其公式为:
(2) 各类表单位的形容词片语。
(A) 物质名词:
a piece (suit) of armour;
a piece (slice) of cake;
a piece (an article) of furniture;
a piece of jewelry;
a piece (sheet) of paper;
a cake of soap;
a piece (slice) of bacon;
a piece (stick) of chalk;
a bit (blade) of grass;
a piece (strip) of land;
a bit (grain) of rice;
a bowl of soup;
(B) 抽象名词
a word of abuse;
an item (a bit) of business;
an attack of fever;
a bit (an amount) of interest;
a fit of passion;
a piece (word) of advice;
a piece of evidence;
a piece (an item) of information;
a piece (an item) of news;
(C) 自然现象:
a flash of lightening;
a bolt of thunder;
7. 名词种类的表示语:kind of, sort of, type of,
(1) 三者都可接可数名词及不可数名词,其后的冠词a (an)常被省略。
What kind of (a) pencil did you buy?
I don't like that sort of game.
(2) kind of, sort of, type of之前可加a, the, some, any, etc.
I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating.
(3) 比较下列用法:(加*表非正式用法)
I don't like this (*those) kind of person.
I don't like many (or these) kinds of roses.
I like this kind of flower.
I like flowers of this kind.
I like *these kind of flowers.
I like this kind of roses.
I like roses of this kind. (置名词后更强调种类)
I like roses of these kinds.(置名词后更强调种类)
8. 数词:
(1) 基数(Cardinal numerals):one, two, three...
(A) 除one接单数名词外,其余均接复数名词。
He has one sister and three brothers.
(B) hundred的后面须加and(但可以省略)。
12,345 = twelve thousand three hundred (and) forty five;
(2) 序数(Ordinal mumerals):first, second, third...
(A) 序数前面必须附以定冠词。而a second, a third等,则是another的意思。
(B) 日期多用序数。
It's on Friday, the fifth of October (= October the fifth = October 15th).
(C) 序数的简体。
9th = the ninth; 12th = the twelfth; 16th = the sixteenth;
(3) 分数:
(A) 分数的表示法:第一,分子用基数,分母用序数。第二,分子大于2时,分母须加“s”以形成复数。
1/2 = a (one) half; 1/3 = a (one) third; 2/3 = two-thirds; 1/4 = a (one) quarter;
(B) 分数可接与不可数名词;所接的名词是单数,则与单数动词连用,是复数则与复数动词连用。
A third of the peach was bad.
A third of the bananas were bad.
(4) 倍数词:常用的有half, double, treble(三倍)等。
(A) half a, a half, half the +名词,表(一半的)。
He ran a half mile in half an hour.
He ran half a mile in half an hour.
I have read half the book.
(B) half还可作名词,代名词及副词。
Two halves make a whole. (名词)
This is half as much again as that. (副词)
(C) 倍数常用的表达法:
(half; double; treble; twice; two times; three times; four times...) +定冠词或所有形容词+名词或所有代名词
I had to pay double (= twice) the usual fare.
That window is three times the size of this.
9. “数词+名词”结合而成的形容词:
(1) 数词+名词=形容词
a five-dollar bill;
two three-hour periods;
the Three-power Conference(三强会议);
(2) 数词+名词+形容词=形容词
a six-year-old boy;
a three-hundred-year-old tree;
(3) 名词(无冠词)+基数=the +序数+名词
World War Ⅱ= World War Two or the Second World War;
Vol. Ⅰ= Volume One or the First Volume;
Page 4 = page four or the fourth page;
Lesson 6 = lesson Six or the Sixth Lesson;
Chap. Ⅲ = Chapter Three or the Third Chapter;
Charles Ⅰ= Charles the First;
cf. Napoleon the Great = the Great Napoleon;
(4) “数词+复数名词”作主词,虽为复数形,但强调单一性,则用单数动词。若强调一个一个的个别数,则用复数动词。
Thirty minutes is sufficient for a good sermon.
Fifty dollars a month is a large sum in our eyes, but is nothing to him.
cf. Ten years have passed since I saw you last.
10. 各种数字的读法:
(1) 年号的读法:
1979←→nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred (and) seventy-nine;
(2) 电话号码;货币的读法:
1023←→one o two three; 1227←→one double two (or two two) seven; $4.25←→four dollars (and) twenty-five (cents);
(3) 小数点的读法:
13.91←→thirteen decimal (point) nine one; 0.23 = nought demical two three;
(4) 算术式的读法:
2+3=5 Two plus three is (equals, is equal to) five.
5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.
3×2=6 Three times two is six. or Three by two are six.
9÷3=3 Nine divided by three makes three.
1. 限定用法:形容词紧靠着〔代)名词,直接修饰该〔代)名词。
(1) 前位修饰:
(A) 字尾为en或表比较的形容词,大多只能作限定用法,放在名词的前面。
a wooden leg; earthen ware; his elder sister; the upper room, etc.
(B) 下列这些形容词只有限定用法,没有叙述用法。
upper; former; latter; outer; inner; utmost; mere; only; utter; main; certain; very; live; spare;
(C) 形容词前有so; no; too; how等字时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后。
He could not do it in so short a time.
He is no less remarkable a man than his elder brother (is).
(2) 后位修饰:
(A) 名词之后的数词+名词+old; long; high; wide; deep; etc.
a man eighty-five years old; a river two hundred miles long;
(B) 为加强语气或音调美,而将限定形容词放在后面。
He had a face thin and worn, but eager and resolute.
(C) something; anything; everyone; anybody... + 形容词。
I'll tell you something very important.
That's nothing new.
(D) 由形容词子句省略主词和动词而不的过去(或现在)分词或形容词片语。
I have answered all the letters (which were) received (by me).
Alfred was a king anxious for his people's welfare.
2. 叙述用法:形容词作补语,间接地修饰〔代)名词。
He was awake all the night. 〔主词补语)
The noise kept me awake. 〔受词补语)
I have many trustworthy friends. 和 All of my friends are trustworthy.
It was a hot and sultry day. 和 The weather became hot and sultry.
3. 作补语的形容词:
(1) be+形容词+介系词:由此结合而成的片语,有些等于及物动词。
I am fond of skiing. = I like skiing.
He is afraid of it. = He fears it.
注:其他如:be capable of; be concerned with; be (un)familiar with (to); be late for; be subject to; be worthy of; etc.
(2) 某些已转化为形容词的过去分词,其后通常接at; about; with; in; of等介词。
John is interested in English grammar.
He was surprised at her behaviour.
(3) be+形容词+介系词:可接〔代)名词,动名词,或名词子句,但名词子句若是hat子句须省略介词,因that子句不可直接作介词的受词。
She was not aware of the facts.
She was not aware (of) how much her husband earned.
She was not aware that there is danger.
(4) It+ be +形容词+that子句
It is true that she never came.
此类形容词有:certain; likely; obvious; plain; possible; true; etc.
(A) that子句中的假设法。
It is appropriate that he (should) get the post. (should可省略〕
(B) 人称形容词亦可接其他连接词引导的子句。
I'm not sure why he came.
I'm not clear where she went.
4. 有关worth; worth while; worthy的句型 如下:
(A) 主词(含it) + be worth + (动)名词
(B) It(虚主词) + be worth while + 不定词或动名词
(C) 主词 + be worthy + of + (动)名词
主词 + be worthy + 不定词
This book is worth reading. (= It is worth while to read this book. = This book is worthy of reading. = This book is worthy to be read.)
5. like和as: like只能作介词不能作连接词; as则两者都可。
I hoped to succeed as you have (succeeded).
I hoped to succeed like you.
I hope to succeed *like you have. (like作连词是非正式的用法)
冠词 (三)
1. 不定冠词的用法:
(1) a用在子音前; an用在母音前。
An hour
(2) 表同种类的全体, 此时a带有any的意味。
A dog is a faithful animal. (=Dogs are faithful animals.)
(3) 等于one。
I have a sister and two brothers.
(4) 等于the same.
Birds of a feather flock together.
(5) 等于per“每一......”。
We work eight hours a day. Ninety miles an hour;
(6) a = a certain, 表说话者不认识此人。
Do you know a Mr. Smith?
(7) 物质名词或抽象名词加a (an)即成普通名词,
Asparagus is a grass. (a = a kind of) ;
This is a good cloth for summer.
(8) “have (or take) + a + 抽象名词”,与抽象名词的动词形同义。
Let us take a swim. = Let us swim.
2. 定冠词的用法:
(1) 由于上下文的关系, 某名词所指的东西已非常明显, 或已有一定的范围, 该名词应加the。
Shut the door.
Please pass me the caster.
(2) 表该名词的总称。
The cow is a useful animal. (= Cows are useful animals.)
(3) 前面已提过的名词,再度提到时前面加the。
Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a cottage.
The cottage was in the country, and the boy lived there all his life.
(4) 用于为片语或子句所修饰的名词之前。
This is the book that I promised to lend you.
(5) 用在宇宙(独一无二)的天体名词之前。
The sun; the moon; the sky; the earth;
(6) 用在方位,方向等名词之前。
The sun rises in the east and set in the west.
(7) 乐器的名称前要加the。
To play the piano (violin, guitar, flute, etc.)
(8) 表示单位的名词前要加the。
Gasoline is sold by the gallon.
Meat is sold by the catty.
(9) 在最高级的形容词或序数(the first...)之前要加the。
Taiwan is the best place to live in.
(A)海、河、运河的名称:The Thames; the Bahamas;
(B) 复数形的专有名词: The West Indies; the Bahamas;
(C)船泊的名称: The Queen Mary; the Flying Scotsman; the Comet;
(D) 书报、杂志、经典的名称: the Times; the Central Daily News; the Koran;
(E) 公共建筑、机关的名称: The Ritz Hotel; the Ministry of Education;
(F) 国民的总称: the French; the Japanese; the Chinese;
(G) 用在姓氏的复数前指其全家人: The Chens will move to the country.
3. 冠词的省略:
(1) 称呼语之前不加冠词。
Waiter, bring my bill, please.
(2) 家庭称谓如父母兄弟前不加冠词,甚至佣人也都不需加冠词。
Father is out, but Mother is at home.
Cook has made mince-pies for Christmas.
(3) 三餐名称前不加冠词。
Come to dinner (breakfast, lunch) with me.
(4) 运动、游戏、颜色、感官的名词前不加冠词。
He likes basketball.
White is a beautiful color.
Do you play bridge?
Sight is one of the five senses.
(5) 表官职、身份或亲属关系的名词当补语,或作同位语时不加冠词。
He was elected president.
George Ⅵ, King of England.
(6) School; church; hospital等字,指原有的用途时不加冠词,若指建筑物本身或场所时,则要加冠词。
School begins at eight. (school作抽象名词用)
The school stands on the hill. (school指建筑物)
(7) 两个相对的名词并用时不加冠词。
Arm in arm; day by day; man to man; young and old;
副词 (四)(Red修饰Blue)
1. 副词的用法:
(1) 修饰动词: He works hard. He speaks slowly.
(2) 修饰形容词: The flower is very beautiful.
(3) 修饰其他副词: He works very hard.
(4) 修饰名词: Even a child (or Even he) can do it.
(5) 修饰全句: Probably he will come back.
(6) 修饰副词片语: He came exactly at two o’clock.
(7) 修饰副词子句: He started soon after we came.
2. 副词的位置
(1) 副词修饰形容词、副词(片语或子句)时,通常放在前面。
The mountain is very beautiful.
He came long before the appointed time.
(2) 修饰动词的副词
不及物动词 + 副词 She speaks well.
及物动词 + 受词 + 副词 She speaks English well.
(3) 表确定时间或场所的副词, 通常放在句首或句末, 放在句首时语气较强。
She was born in Taipei in 1948.
(4) always, never, often, sometimes, usually等频率副词的位置。
(A) 在一般动词前: They always say so.
(B) 有动词be时,在be动词后: I am always busy.
(C) 有助动词时, 在助动词和本动词间: This job will never be finished.
(5) 置于句首修饰全句: Fortunately he succeeded in the examination.
(6) 同类两个以上的副词须依 (单位较小者 + 单位较大者) 的顺序排列。
He lives at Taichung, in Taiwan, Republic of China.
(7) 有两个以上不同种类的副词修饰语时, 其顺序为: 地点+状态+次数+时间。
She arrived there safely the other day.
3. 时间副词
(1) Time“时候”: 可以用作when的答语, 如: late ( = at a late time), now ( = at this time), presently (= at the present time), then ( = at that time), just, nowadays, today, etc.
I’ve just heard that you are leaving us. ( = at this very moment)
Nowadays, many teenagers have long hair. ( = at the present time)
注: 两个以上表时间的副词须依“单位小的时间+单位大的时间”排列。
I’ll see you at nine on Monday.
(2) Duration“期间” : 用来作how long的答语,如:
momentarily, temporarily, for many weeks, long, from May till August, etc.
Has he been ill long? Yes, he has been ill since the end of May.
He was away from school (for) four or five weeks.
(3) Frequency“频率”: 用来作how often的答语,可分两种:
(A) 非限定频率:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, etc.
The sun always rises in the east. My brother rarely writes to me.
(B) 限定频率:daily, hourly, monthly, annually, twice, everyday, once, etc.
I have been in Singapore once.
We have English lessons every other day.
I was there for a day or so every year during my childhood.
注: Seldom, rarely, never等有否定意义的频率副词置于句首,要将助动词或be动词放在主词之前。
Seldom do we hear such fine singing from school choirs.
4.地方副词: 表示where?的副词,也包括“动态方向”的副词,如:
below, by, down, elsewhere, far, here, home, in, locally, near, off, opposite, out, around, away, back, outward(s), right, sideway(s), upward(s), etc.
(1) 地方副词通常置于句尾,加强语气时可放在句首。
He lives in a small village. They are not there.
(2) 两个地放副词并列时,地方确定的副词在后面,地方不确定的副词在前面。
The children running around upstairs.
(3) 两个以上的地方副词须依“小地方+大地方”的顺序排列。
Many people eat in restaurants in London.
5. 几个特殊副词的用法:
(1) enough, too,
(A) enough放在所修饰的形容词和副词后面; too放在形容词和副词前面。
She’s old enough to do some work.
She’s too old to do any work.
(B) too...to + 动词“太…而不能”, enough to + 动词“足够可以”(= so...that)
I am too poor to afford such extravagance.
= I am so poor that I cannot afford such extravagance.
You are rich enough to keep a maid.
= You are so rich that you can keep a maid.
(2) very, much,
(A) very修饰形容词,副词; much (或very much)修饰动词。
He spoke very carefully.
It is much talked about these days.
(B) Very修饰原级形容词及副词;much修饰比较级,最高级的形容词及副词。
Your work is very good.
This is much better.
This is much (by far) the best.
(3) already, yet, still,
(A) Already用于肯定句,作“已经”解; yet用于否定句,作“还”解,用于疑问句作“已经”解。
I already like him. (= I have by this time come to like him.)
He can’t drive yet. (= He can’t drive up to this time.)
Have you already seen him? (= That was quick.)
(B) Still表动作或状态的持续,作“仍然”解。
I still like him. (= I continue to like him.)
He is still standing. (continue to stand)
He is standing still. (= standing motionless)
(4)only和 also常随句中位置的变动,句意和语气也会改变。
Only John phoned Mary today.
John phoned only Mary today.
John phoned Mary only today (today only).
(5) just, merely, purely, simply等字放在所修饰的词语之前;


1. Mrs. Smith complains to me that she often finds that she cannot communicate with her 16-year-old daughter .
2. I firmly believe that the short of reading of simplified English novel is a easy and happy way to widen our vocabulary.
3. I think we don't do a good job for preventing the environment from pollution .
4. Except for writing articles each week, our English teacher asks us to read eight books in the summer vacation.
5. We know from reliable sources that an English-speaking native will come to teach us Englishin the second term.
6. Watching English films usually will not only improve your hearing but also help you practise the skill of speaking.
7. If you have any questions about the studying strategies , please ask me. I will explain to you in details.
8. The Canadian girl is good at seizing every chance to speak Chinese. It is the reason why she mastered Chinese for less than 3 years.
9. There is a hospital nearby,and we immediately sent him there.
10. Managing to get on the island, George (George Island), the captain of the command (the headquarters) sent a massage.
11. He decided to continue his experiments with another way.
12. The novel recalled her memory about the five years she spent in the countryside when she read the novel.
13. Mary thought that it was difficult to carry out her plan alone.
14. We didn't believe that he could finish walking the distance in a quarter , but he succeeded in doing this.
15. Even when his doctor told him he was suffering from lung cancer, Chichester was still unwilling to abandon the wish of long-cherished voyage.
16. When I was busy doing a new Mouse (rats) device, Mark came to ask me to go to a flower show.
17. The actor seems to be very pleased to play a minor role in the play.
18. National Day is going to come, let's clean the bedroom thoroughly.
19. She was very reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor do her operation.
20. They have arranged to let us visit the Great Wall tomorrow, I believe we will have a good time there.
21.The old man was disappointed after he read the letter, and he tear it intoto pieces with his trembling fingers .
22. The old couple are proud of their grandchildren, because at the 28th Olympic Games he won two gold medals and a bronze medal.
23. Even if his grandmother cannot take part in his birthday party, she will send a present to him,which Tom is undoubtable.
24. Yesterday was the 20-year-old birthday of Mary . Her father sent her a pair of boots, her mother bought her a box of chocolates .And her boyfriend took her a bouquet of red roses.
25. John is not involving in the thing that he must work at weekends usually if he receives the job.
26. As we all know, lung cancer is partly caused by excessive smoking.
27. My grandparents said that the inventioner of television once lived in the same area of theirs
28. I propose that we should go to office to find Professor Smith, and invite him to participate in our English-language party.
1. Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their 16-year-old daughter simply can not communicate.
2. I firmly believe that, short of reading the (simplified) English novel is to expand our vocabulary of a relaxed and happy way.
3. I think we care for the environment from pollution wave (pollution) also has not done enough.
4. In addition to writing the text each week, we returned to our English teacher had arranged eight books to read in the summer vacation.
5. We know from reliable sources that the second term of a native English-speaking people to teach us English.
6. Often to see the film in English will not only improve your hearing, but will also help you cultivate the skills of that.
7. If you learn the strategy of these have any questions, please just ask me. I will explain in detail the conduct.
8. That Canadian girls are good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. This is less than three years on why she skillfully mastered the reason for Spoken Chinese.
9. Accustomed to a home near a good hospital, we immediately sent him there.
10. Victory on the island, George (George Island), the captain of the command (the headquarters) to fly a radio.
11. He decided to continue his experiments, but this time he will do another way.
12. She read the novel when she can not but recall that in the rural areas through five years.
13. Mary alone that the implementation of her plans is difficult.
14. We believe that a quarter of an hour he can not finish within that distance, but he succeeded in doing this.
15. Even when his doctor told him after suffering from lung cancer, Chichester is still unwilling to abandon long-cherished wish of the voyage.
16. I was busy doing a new Mouse (rats) device, dragging Mark came to see me out of the Flower Show.
17. The actor seems to be very pleased to play a minor role in the drama.
18. National Day to go to the, let's complete the bedroom (thorough) cleaning yourself.
19. She very reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor for her surgery.
20. They have been arranged so that tomorrow we go to visit the Great Wall, I believe we will be playing there very much.
21. Elderly disappointed after reading the very letter, with trembling fingers had to tear it to pieces.
22. Taste old married couple are proud of their grandchildren, because the 28th, he won two Olympic gold medals and a bronze (bronze) license.
23. Even if he's not able to attend his grandmother's business dinner, she would send him a lovely gift. Tom no doubt on this point.
24. Yesterday was the birthday of Queen Mary the Second-year-old. Her father sent her a pair of boots, her mother bought her a box of chocolates (chocolates). And she brought her boyfriend is a bouquet of red roses.
25. To accept the job often have to go ashore at the weekend, but John and do not care. (Involve)
26. As we all know, lung cancer is due at least in part caused by excessive smoking.
27. My grandparents said that the invention of television, that person had been living in their lots that.
28. I propose that we will go to office as soon as Professor Smith, for inviting him to participate in our English-language show.
1. Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their 16-year-old daughter simply can not communicate.
2. I firmly believe that, short of reading the (simplified) English novel is to expand our vocabulary of a relaxed and happy way.
3. I think we care for the environment from pollution wave (pollution) also has not done enough.
4. In addition to writing the text each week, we returned to our English teacher had arranged eight books to read in the summer vacation.
5. We know from reliable sources that the second term of a native English-speaking people to teach us English.
6. Often to see the film in English will not only improve your hearing, but will also help you cultivate the skills of that.
7. If you learn the strategy of these have any questions, please just ask me. I will explain in detail the conduct.
8. That Canadian girls are good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. This is less than three years on why she skillfully mastered the reason for Spoken Chinese.
9. Accustomed to a home near a good hospital, we immediately sent him there.
10. Victory on the island, George (George Island), the captain of the command (the headquarters) to fly a radio.
11. He decided to continue his experiments, but this time he will do another way.
12. She read the novel when she can not but recall that in the rural areas through five years.
13. Mary alone that the implementation of her plans is difficult.
14. We believe that a quarter of an hour he can not finish within that distance, but he succeeded in doing this.
15. Even when his doctor told him after suffering from lung cancer, Chichester is still unwilling to abandon long-cherished wish of the voyage.
16. I was busy doing a new Mouse (rats) device, dragging Mark came to see me out of the Flower Show.
17. The actor seems to be very pleased to play a minor role in the drama.
18. National Day to go to the, let's complete the bedroom (thorough) cleaning yourself.
19. She very reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor for her surgery.
20. They have been arranged so that tomorrow we go to visit the Great Wall, I believe we will be playing there very much.
21. Elderly disappointed after reading the very letter, with trembling fingers had to tear it to pieces.
22. Taste old married couple are proud of their grandchildren, because the 28th, he won two Olympic gold medals and a bronze (bronze) license.
23. Even if he's not able to attend his grandmother's business dinner, she would send him a lovely gift. Tom no doubt on this point.
24. Yesterday was the birthday of Queen Mary the Second-year-old. Her father sent her a pair of boots, her mother bought her a box of chocolates (chocolates). And she brought her boyfriend is a bouquet of red roses.
25. To accept the job often have to go ashore at the weekend, but John and do not care. (Involve)
26. As we all know, lung cancer is due at least in part caused by excessive smoking.
27. My grandparents said that the invention of television, that person had been living in their lots that.
28. I propose that we will go to office as soon as Professor Smith, for inviting him to participate in our English-language show.
1. 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。
1. Mrs complains about Smith to me saying , the daughter that she often discovers with self sixteen-year-old has no way to communicate with simply.
2. 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
2. I firmly believe that reading the English novel simplifying is one kind of method easy and pleasant of the amounts expanding our vocabulary.
3. 我认为我们在波爱护环境不受污染(pollution)方面还做得不够。
3. I think that we treasure an environment in the wave not accepting the aspect contaminating (pollution) composing insufficiently.
4. 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。
4. Except writing is tattooed with the outside weekly,our English teacher returns to us have arranged eight book to read within summer holidays.
5. 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。5. We learn the people who goes down a school term one taking English as mother tongue from reliable source being going to teach our spoken English.
6. 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。
6. Often watching English film be able to improve your hearing not only, and be able to help the technical ability that you train speaking.
7. 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。我将更详细的进行讲解。
7. If you study tactics to these what problem have, ask me about causually please. I explain more detailed go along.
8. 那个加拿大女孩善于抓住每个机会讲汉语。这就是她为什么三年不到就熟练地掌握了汉语口语的原因。
8. That Canada girl is good at grasping at every opportunity to say Chinese. This is why she has grasped Chinese spoken language cause skilledly less than 3 years.
9. 习惯好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了
9. Be accustomed to the hospital easy to have a family nearby, we immediately have delivered him to there.
10. 胜利登上乔治岛(George Island)后,船长向指挥部(the headquarters)飞了一份无线电报。
10. Victory Deng Shang George Island (George Island) queen, the captain has flown for one radiogram to headquarters (the headquarters).
11. 他决定继续他的实验,不过这一次他将用另一种方法来做。
11. He decides to continue his experiment , he will use another kind of method to compose only this one time.
12. 她在读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。
12. When reading this novel she, have remembered her that spending in rural area spontaneously 5 years.
13. 玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。
13. Mary feels that the strength depending solely on self carries out her plan is difficult.
14. 我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他却成功地做到了这一点。
14. We have thought that he can not finish walking that paragraph of distance within a quarter, but he has achieved but successfully this one point.
15. 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。
15. After telling him to develop lung cancer even in his doctor, Chichester still is unwilling to abandon the long-cherished wish making a voyage around the world.
16. 我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠(rats)装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。
16. I am bustling about when being used for one kind of new mousing (rats) device , mark drags me coming walking going out to have looked at flower show.
17. 那位演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。
17. That actor is willing to act as one is less important role in drama seemingly very much.
18. 国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底(thorough)打扫一下吧。
18. National Day is going to have arrived at , we sweep an once completely (thorough) with the bedroom.
19. 她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她做手术。
19. She agrees to let young one doctor be that she performs an operation very with difficulty.
20. 他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。
20. They already have made arrangements for being fond of let us will go and will visit the Great Wall tomorrow , I believe that we are sure to have very much good time in there.
21. 老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。
21. The old people finishes reading pole of believing that the queen is disappointed , uses the finger trembling to tear it into strips unexpectedly.
22. 老两口味他们的孙子感到骄傲,因为他在第28届奥运会上获得了两枚金牌和一枚铜(bronze)牌。
22. Their Sun Zi feels two old taste being uppish, because of he has gained two gold medals and one copper (bronze) plate on 28th Olympiad.
23. 即使他的祖母不能来参加他的生意宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点汤姆深信不疑。
23. Even if his grandmother can not come to participate in his business banquet,she also may attach oneself to his piece of lovable gift. Firmly believe this little Tom.
24. 昨天是玛丽的二十岁生日。她父亲寄给她一双靴子,她母亲为她买了一盒巧克力(chocolates).而她的男朋友则带给她一束红玫瑰。
24. Yesterday is twenty-year-old birthday of Mary. Her father attaches oneself to her pair of boots , her mother is that she has bought a box of chocolate (chocolates). But, her boy friend brings to her bunch of red rose then.
25. 接受这份工作就得经常在周末上岸,但约翰并不在意。(involve)
25. But accept this job having to go on shore often on on the weekend right away, John does not care about. (Involve)
26. 众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。
26. Be universally known, lung cancer the part field is to more than the correct or required number but arouse since having a smoke at least.
27. 我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。
27. My grandparents said that person who invents TV once lived in their that section of an area.
28. 我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。
28. I suggest us to may go to office immediately the day afer tomorrow look for Professor Smith , invite him to participate in our English Evening.


很多很多,不过可以推荐十个比较有名为代表的 ,Kew Gardens
英国著名植物园——邱园皇家植物园,全名是Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew。这里可谓是一个天然植物“大氧吧”,相比车水马龙的伦敦市中心,把邱园称作“自然天堂”也不为过。邱园很大,有很多温室建筑,比如棕榈屋Palm House、Temperate House就是邱园的地标。如果逛累了,邱园里还有很多各式各样的咖啡小铺和餐厅,休闲小憩或美餐一顿都不是问题呢!
地址:Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond TW9 3AB

Isabella Plantation
17世纪查尔斯一世建立专门用来打猎的里士满公园Richmond Park是英国最大的皇家公园(Royal Parks),也是许多小动物的家园,尤其是鹿群。在占地两千多公顷的里士满公园里,有一处特别绚丽的花园,叫Isabella Plantation。这个小花园里不仅有池塘、溪流,每年到4、5月份的时候,小路两旁的花也会争相绽放,整个花园的颜色那叫一个色彩缤纷,就像走在爱丽丝梦游仙境里一样!
地址:Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park, Richmond TW10 5HS

Queen Mary’s Rose Gardens
摄政公园Regent’s Park里除了500多英亩的硕大绿地和葱郁树木,它的中心还有一个浪漫美丽的“玛丽女王玫瑰园”。每逢夏天玫瑰花盛开的季节,这里会有3万多株、400多种玫瑰争奇斗艳。玫瑰园里供游人坐卧的大靠背椅,在阳光明媚的日子里慵懒地“窝”在里面,眼里都是浪漫的玫瑰,闻到的都是甜美的香气,听鸟儿叽叽喳喳的,这画面也太惬意了!如果幸运的话,还有机会在玫瑰园里感受来自皇家音乐学院表演的现场演奏会呢!
地址:Queen Mary’s Rose Gardens, The Regent’s Park, Chester Road, London NW1 4NR

Chelsea Physic Garden
Chelsea Physic Garden历史悠久,是英国最古老的植物园之一。这座花园始建于1673年,有很多具有药用价值的植物。起初,Chelsea Physic Garden用于药用植物的教学;而目前,它已经成为了独立的慈善机构,靠社会的支持来维护和发展。Chelsea Physic Garden里有各式各样的花园,比如“药用植物花园”、“可食用植物花园”,以及“世界医学花园”等等;大家可以挑选自己感兴趣的园子前去一饱眼福呀!
地址:Chelsea Physic Garden, 66 Royal Hospital Road, London SW3 4HS

Abbey Gardens, College Garden
地址:The College Garden, Great Peter House, Abbey Gardens, 2 Great College Street, London SW1P 3SE

Holland Park
荷兰公园Holland Park是由Sir Walter Cope在17世纪建造的。公园里很出名也十分具有特色的一处景观要属“日本小花园”了:瀑布、池塘、花花…… 无论是春天还是秋天,都是前去观赏的好季节。另外,荷兰公园距离伦敦设计博物馆Design Museum也超近,欣赏完治愈人心的自然景观,还可以“转变画风”去逛逛这个时尚小众的博物馆呀。
地址:Holland Park, Ilchester Place, London W8 6LU

Water Gardens
Water Gardens位于英国第二大皇家公园Bushy Park内。这个花园最为特别啦,看名字就知道,花园不仅仅是花的世界,还可以用水的艺术雕琢出一个庭园,喷泉水池,层层叠叠,是另一番灵动的享受呢!
地址:Water Gardens, Bushy Park Cottage, Park Road, Hampton Hill, Teddington, Hampton TW11 0BS

Culpeper Community Garden
地址:Culpeper Community Garden, 1 Cloudesley Road, London N1 0EJ

距离伦敦比较远的宝子们,其实在你生活的城市也有很多值得发掘的花园境地哦。比如伯明翰的Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses;莱斯特的Botanic Garden和Castle Gardens;林肯郡的Burghley House Gardens和Gunby Hall Gardens;曼彻斯特的Tatton Park和Dunham Massey里的花园等等。