

admin admin 发表于2024-01-04 19:41:54 浏览7 评论0




您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   上周完成了11月的最后一次雅思考试,大家考得怎么样呢?下面就由小钟老师来为大家介绍2023年11月30日雅思口语考试真题答案。  一、考题解析  Part1题目汇总  Work or Study  Accommodation  Hometown  Perfume  Math  Weather  Voice  Outdoor  Reading  Borrowing/ lending  Jeans  Plan  Visit relatives  Walking  Countryside  Market  Social network  Smile  Travel  Routine  Concentration  Garbage  Languages  Haircut  Part2考题汇总  人物类:  Describe a person who speaks a foreign language well  Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal  Describe a person who is good at his or her job  Describe a person who often travels by plane  Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions  Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person  Describe a child who made you laugh  Describe your favorite singer or band  Describe a person who often helps others  物品类:  Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future  Describe an advice you received on choosing your major or work  Describe an experience that you enjoyed an indoor game  Describe something you borrowed from others  Describe a prize / award you really want to win  Describe something you lost but got back.  Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room  Describe a popular product (e.g. food,handicraft)make in your region  Describe a film you would like to share with your friends  Describe a toy you liked in your childhood  Describe a practical skill you learned  Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing  Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare  Describe an advertisement you remember well  Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online  Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)  Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction  事件类:  Describe a leisure activity you do with your family  describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake  Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger  Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school  Describe an occasion when you met someone for the first time  Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others  Describe a special that made you happy  Describe an experience that you heard a stranger talking on the phone in public  Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement  Describe an experience that you visited a friend  Describe the happiest day you have ever had  Describe an experience that you won a prize  Describe a time when you visited a park  Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others  Describe a time you solved a problem through the internet  Describe an unusual experience of travelling  Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information  Describe an occasion when you invited your family or friends to dinner  Describe an occasion when you got up early  Describe a time that you gave advice to others  Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel  Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time  地点类:  Describe a place you remember well that is full of color  Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)  Describe a school you went to in your childhood  Describe a new public place you would like to visit  Describe a historical building you have been to  Describe a park/ garden you like visiting  二、名师点评  Part 1:  目前题库已经很稳定,大家不必担心新题的出现。但是最近有很多同学问我,是不是把part1中所有题目背一遍,就安心了。答案当然是否定的。首先,part1虽然话题稳定,但是话题中的问题是不稳定的,也就是说不是所有问题都在咱们的机经里面。其次,背诵对于雅思口语考试的目的背道而驰,我们需要的是锻炼自己答题的技巧和遣词造句。这是需要大量时间的练习和反思。  Part2:  Part2题目中,像公园,早起经历,读书写字的地方,乍一看十分简单,其实想说好并不容易。就拿公园来说,几乎大部分同学都是说去公园是因为fresh air, go boating, walking, trees and flowers。这样千篇一律的答案在考官那里是没有高分的,因为他觉得这不是‘你’的答案,而是‘大家’的。所以part2素材的选择要有个性化。  三、考试预测  准备雅思机经时,要时刻以口语的评分标准为基准去训练自己,切记本末倒置。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


  PASSAGE 1 :农耕方式的发展
  PASSAGE 2 :古代不同民族间的商品交易
  PASSAGE 3 :沟通冲突
  27. iii
  28. vii
  29. i
  30. iv
  31. ix
  32. viii
  33. v
  34. ii
  35. FALSE
  36. TRUE
  38. TRUE
  39. TRUE
  40. B
  培训类(G类)阅读考试形式:IELTS 考试阅读(培训类)部分共有三部分,文章难度由浅至深,考生需要回答40道题目。第一部分有14道题目,通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告 等)。第二和第三部分分别有13道题目。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。文章内容和题目均出现于问卷中。
  1. 关于欧洲及世界社会发展,经济状况,科学动向以及文化交流的文章
  自1995年雅思考试的题型做出重大改革以后,有两条原则就被命题的剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)反复强调非专业原则和国际化原则。为了使 不同地域,不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等且毫无理解困难地参与雅思,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已 经不再作为雅思的考查范围。
  2. 关于地球,自然界的科学现象及地理现象的文章
  3. 人类历史发展中重要事件,重要人物及重要标志性产品


  Passage 1
  1 -6 判断
  1. FALSE
  2. TRUE
  4. FALSE
  5. TRUE
  7-13 填空
  7. shopping cost
  8. 待回忆
  9. export sector
  10. 60,000
  11. biggest sector
  12. soft word
  13. Scandinavian countries
  14. Substitute
  Passage 2
  15 - 21 heading匹配
  15. 选 Reviewing common belief
  16. 选 examples of different spiecies of bird's intelligence
  17. 选 link between capacity of using tools and survival
  18. 选 Physiological evidence of bird's intellgence
  19. 选 link between cognitive ability and society communal performance
  20. 选 white-winged chough
  21. 选 how younger birds trick on others
  22 -27 匹配
  22. 选 New Caledonian Crows
  23. 选 Black Kite
  24. 选 Black Kite
  25. 选 White-winged Chough
  26. 选 White-winged Chough
  27. 选 New Caledonian Crows
  尤其是每种题型的应对方法。拿Matching的题来讲,在General Reading和Academic Reading中就不一样,一个是Matching of Information,另一个是Matching of Paragraph Headings,两种题型的做法不一样,在前者,考生应将注意力集中在题中,将每个问题的核心词标出来,然后根据这些核心词去文中找相应的信息。
  考生在平时训练中尤其要培养这方面的敏感度。核心词尽量以信号词为主,其次才是关键词,这一找信息的方法尤其适用于雅思阅读考试中的“Gap-filling、Table/Graph Filling、Sentence Completion、Short Answer Question、True/False以及Multiple Choice题目。


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   雅思的阅读考试,在11月20日的考试中,有了新的变化,来一起看看真题吧。下面是小钟老师整理的2023年11月20日雅思阅读考试真题及答案。  2023年11月20日雅思阅读考试真题  Passage 1  主题:世界上最古老的鞋  参考答案:  Passage 2  主题:捕捉小行星  参考答案:  Passage 3  主题:语言的变化  参考答案:  27-30 填空27.sound laws28.fashion29.imperfect30.principle of ease  31-37 判断31.F32.NG33.NG34.T35.T36.NG37.T  38-40 匹配38.C39.B40.A  雅思阅读评分标准  是直接将答对题目数量划分给对应分数,从9分到0分。其中a类标准稍严于g类,二者是不完全一样的,请注意。具体看下表:  雅思阅读考试类型  雅思A类阅读(学术类)部分共有三篇文章,考生需要回答40道题目。每一篇文章所需要回答的问题数量并不相同。每一道问题相对应一个分数。文章内容和题目均出现于试卷中。  文章介绍  阅读考试中所出现的文章是由真实的文章改写而成的。这些文章来源于诸如杂志、期刊、书籍和报纸等途径,与考生未来在大学课程中将阅读到的文章极为相似。文 章还包括了非文字性的内容,比如图表、曲线图、以及画图等。文章的写作方式多样,比如记叙文、说明文或者议论文等文体。文章的内容包含即将学习本科、研究 生课程或进行职业注册的考生所感兴趣的、与其认知程度相符的常见话题。其中,至少一篇文章会出现详尽的论述形式。所有文章总计长度约在2000到2750 字之间。  雅思G类阅读(培训类)共有三部分,文章难度由浅至深,考生需要回答40道题目。第一部分有14道题,第二和第三部分分别有13道题。  第一部分通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告等)。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。文章的内容和文体各有不同,难度最深的为第三部分的内容。  第一部分的内容选自通知、广告、时间表、宣传品、以及其它类似的内容。第二部分的内容选自大学招生简章、课程介绍、大学课程介绍、图书馆指引、规定、以及 其它类似的内容。第三部分的内容选自报纸、杂志、期刊、小说或非虚构的书籍、以及其它类似的内容。所有文章总计长度约在2400字左右。  雅思G类阅读考试评分标准  按照IELTS评分标准,考生每科成绩从1~9共分为九个等级。考生的总分取听、说、读、写四个部分得分之和的平均值,平均值也需按照四舍五入的原则统计,并最终确定考生的雅思总分。今天,新通教育安徽外语专家就和大家来聊聊雅思G类阅读评分标准是什么?希望能解答于雅思考生对于雅思G类阅读评分标准的疑惑。  听力、阅读、写作、总分都有半分的情况存在,最后得分均为取四项成绩的平均值,如果遇到四项平均值为x.25或者x.75时怎么计算?  遇到这种情况还是按照四舍五入的原则计算,但需要尾数大于0.5分才计入上一级分数,尾数小于或者等于0.5则计入同一级分数。例如四项平均分等于或大于5.25分,则计入5的同一级分数,取5.5分;如果平均分等于或大于5.75分,则计入5的上一级分数,取6分。  雅思G类阅读得分与原始分数换算表  听力和阅读都分别有40道题目,每答对一题得一分。最后的分数(原始分 Raw Score)被折算成1-9分的雅思段位。  由于和A类阅读考试相比,雅思G类阅读的题目较简单,所以取得高分相应的需要多对2-3题。由于雅思阅读考试都是相对比较客观的题目,所以不存在雅思阅读成绩复议这个程序。大家在备考雅思阅读考试的时候,可以根据上面的雅思G类阅读评分标准对自己的阅读进行测试。  考试时间为60分钟 共3篇文章 每篇约1000左右(阅读量极大) 40个题目  在考试内容上A类和G类是有一定的差别的:  Academic类与General training类的考题都以"三大段"的文章为基本结构,大约1500-3000字之间,内容多样,甚至有时以图表、表格的方式出现,学生答题的方式亦有多种答题形式,共40题.  阅读部分的主题并不是为了考察学生对学术的专业度或认知度,所以学生千万别因对主题的陌生而紧张起来。  A类与G类内容相同之处在于A类除生活化范畴之外,加入考生在学业上、学术上的探讨与了解,而G类较着重于社会上的、生活化的、工作训练等的主题。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   在上周举办的最新一期的雅思考试,已经顺利落幕了,那么大家肯定很感兴趣。今天就和小钟老师看一看2023年6月22日雅思写作考试真题及答案。  1考题解析  小作文:bar chart  大作文:As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. D o you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for the environment?  2名师点评  1. 本次考试难度中等。  2. 整体分析:  Task 1柱图,静态数据图,proportions of males and females getting top grades in the S school, compared with the national average,静态图以排序、比较数据大小关系为主。  注意点:1.观察并选择重要数据 2.句型表达要体现多样性  相关表达:  e is not agreat deal of difference ... ...与...的区别不大  2.A is s as much/many as B. A是B的...倍  3.A is the second most popular, and it makes/takes up 26% of the total survey.  4. The proportion of foreign students from Asia was the highest, followed by that of Europe.  5.A is the largest (most) component, which accounts for x% (第一大值) of all/the total/the whole. Following closely is B (第二大值).  Task2:环境类话题,  题目翻译:随着社会的发展,越来越多人的购买使用私家车,这个趋势对于个人的好处是否大过对于环境的坏处?  这个题目限定了对于个人的好处和对于环境的坏处,需要仔细审题。  分析好题目之后,安排结构。  第一段 引言:描述题目背景,提出观点  第二段: 私家车的普及对于个人的好处。  第三段:然而,对环境产生的危害更大,危害一。  第四段:危害二。  第五段 总结:再次重申观点。  Introduction:In many countries, the increasing number of private cars has aroused a great concern. +我的观点(pose threat to environment at a alarming rate ).  Body1:  Ts:诚然 (There is no denying that)private cars 给个人带来很多好处 。  Ss: 更多的出行自由(more freedom in travelling),比起公共交通,也更舒适(more comfortable),去超市可以一次性购买很多东西(transport a large quantities of goods),郊游也更方便(go hiking/camping)尤其有些地方没有公共交通(no public transport services available )  Body2:  Ts: 然而(In spite of this), 对于环境的坏处却更大。  Ss:会排放尾气(emit exhausted fumes)尾气里含有有毒有害物质(contain toxic and harmful substances, pollute the air),导致很多城市出现雾霾天气(smoggy weather)  Body3:  Ts: 对于汽油的消耗(consumption of petrol)也是一个令人担忧的问题( a big concern)  Ss: 化石燃料的储量有限,私家车的增多会进一步导致能源短缺(shortage of fossil fuels),同时还会排放二氧化碳(carbon emissions),加快全球变暖(accelerate global warming)长期来看,会给环境带来灾难性的后果。(disastrous consequences)  Conclusion:私家车给个人带来便利的同时,却会给环境带来更大的危害。需共同努力(make joint efforts )来降低其危害.  3考试预测  1. 小作文:重点关注流程,地图。  2. 大作文:多关注科技,社会生活,政府类话题。  3. 重点浏览15-16年写作机经。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。https://liuxue.87dh.com/   9月4日的雅思考试是换题季后第一场考试,很多学生都感觉其中的听力部分是难度比较高的。那么下面小钟老师把这一次雅思听力的考试真题与答案解析带给大家,来看看这些内容吧。  一、2023年9月4日雅思写作真题与答案  TASK 1小作文  柱状图Bar Chart  TASK 2大作文  In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh its disadvantages?  这是一道非常常见的利弊讨论题:  优点 Advantages:  1.给公司带来经济上的好处(bring some economic benefits for companies),因为他们不用雇佣司机(employ drivers);  2.对乘客更加友好(be more passenger-friendly ),因为不会存在驾驶员违规操作(negligence in driving),驾驶程序都是自动化地(driving procedures are programmed and automated)。  缺点 Disadvantages:  1.有安全隐患(safety concerns),因为程序是由人类设定的(be programmed by human beings),在特定的情形会出现误判(may make wrong judgements in particular circumstances)。  2.在早期阶段容易引起公众的反对(be opposed by the public in the early stages)。  3.失业问题(unemployment),大量的以此为生的驾驶员会因此失业(many taxi and public transport drivers will lose thier jobs)。  二、优势写作怎么提分  1. 正确使用句子和单词  这是更基本的一点,包括单字的正确拼写、词语在特定句子中的正确使用、正确的句子模式。注意:请勿在文章中使用中式英语,这就要求构思时不要用中文思维,写作时要仔细斟酌文章的语句。  2. 文章语句的多样化  这点必须在句子与词语的正确上来实现。句子的多样化是反映英语水平的关键,也是在文章中获得良好结果的关键。如非谓词从句、定语从句、宾语从句等,以及简单句子、复杂句子的综合使用。  3. 阐明观点  在文章中从正反两面来阐述某个问题(有时这是必须的),但是千万别忘了附上你自己的观点。  要笼统的写上“every coin has two sides”,或者“it depend son the person”需要做的是澄清自己的意见是什么。可以选择直接在开头陈述观点,但作为结尾的必要部分,请记住在结尾处需要再次重复。  4. 实现句子连贯性  句子连贯性的主要要求是:在雅思写作的正文中,段与段、点与点都是需要一些逻辑连接词的,这样才能确定文章的连续性。  句式的连贯性也是考生们比较容易达到的一个标准,只要在日常雅思写作时,总结一些比较高质量的连接词,并且练习至能够灵活使用即可。  对于文章的结构可以使用开头段+主要段落(正反观点和反方观点两个段落)+结尾段落,这也是很多模板当中会套用的一个高分模板。  三、雅思写作怎么准备  1.积累雅思写作词汇语料库  在雅思写作备考阶段,要有意识地积累高频主题雅思写作词汇。雅思考试理论上要准备8000词汇,但是写作的核心词汇只有几百个,却可以应付200多个雅思作文题目,所以我们要扎实地积累自己对于每一个高频主题的语料库。雅思写作经常考的一些社会、环境、教育和犯罪类的题材。我们就应当有针对性的准备相关词汇,建立个人写作词汇语料库。  2.打造个性化范文模板  雅思写作重要的不是你的思想而是你的表达方式。比如“出国留学的优势和困难?”这样的话题大部分考生的答案都是相似的,无非是有学习语言的环境、了解西方文化、开阔视野、丰富人生经历,增加国际化经验等等,困难无非就是孤独、文化休克、学费压力、前途的未知等等,既然观点很难标新立异,就要让自己文章的表达法妙笔生花,句式灵活多样。  解决的途径就是多读一些优秀的范文,多积累一些闪光词汇和漂亮的句式。网络上的以及出版物中的范文已经大量流传,只可参考观点不可背诵。但是范文中精彩的模板、多变的句式、词汇的亮点都是值得借鉴的。考生尤其需要打造自己的个性化范文。  以上信息希望能帮助您在留学申请的道路上少走弯路。如果您还有更多问题或需要深入探讨,不要犹豫,您可以在我们的留学官方网站上找到更丰富的考试资讯、留学指导和一对一专家咨询服务。我们的团队始终站在您的角度,为您的留学梦想全力以赴。祝您申请顺利!https://liuxue.87dh.com/


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。https://liuxue.87dh.com/   8月1号进行了八月初的第一场雅思的考试,相信大家对真题以及答案会非常的感兴趣、今天就由小钟老师为大家介绍2023年8月1日雅思阅读考试真题答案。  一、考题解析  P1 土地沙漠化  P2 澳大利亚的鹦鹉  P3 多重任务  二、名师点评  1.8月份首场考试的难度总体中等,有出现比较多的配对题,没有出现Heading题,其余主要以常规的填空,判断和选择题为主。文章的话题和题型搭配也是在剑桥真题中都有迹可循,所以备考重心依然还是剑桥官方真题。  2. 整体分析:涉及环境类(P1)、动物类(P2)、社科类(P3)。  本次考试的P2和P3均为旧题。P2是动物类的话题,题型组合为:段落细节配对+单选+summary填空,难度中等。题型上也延续19年的出题特点,出现配对题,考察定位速度和准确度。P3也出现了段落细节配对,主要是段落细节配对+单选+判断。三种题型难度中等,但是文章理解起来略有难度。  3. 部分答案及参考文章:  Passage 1:土地沙漠化  题型及答案待确认  Passage 2:澳大利亚的鹦鹉  题型:段落细节配对+单选+Summary填空  技巧分析:由于段落细节配对是完全乱序出题,在定位时需要先做后面的单选题及填空题,最大化利用已读信息来确定答案,尽量避免重复阅读,以保证充分的做题时间。  文章内容及题目参考:  A 概况,关于一个大的生物种类  B 一些物种消失的原因,题干关键词:an example of one bird species extinct  C 一种鹦鹉不能自己存活,以捕食另一种鸟为生,吃该鸟类的蛋。题干关键词:two species competed at the expense of oneanother  D 吸引鹦鹉的原因以及鹦鹉嘴的特点。题干关键词:analysis of reasons as Australian landscapeattract parrots  E 植物是如何适应鹦鹉。题干关键词:plants attract birds which make the animal adaptto the environment  F 南半球对英语的影响  G 两种鹦鹉从环境改变中获益并存活下来。题干关键词:two species of parrots benefit fromm theenvironment change  H 外来物种及本地鹦鹉  I 鸟类栖息地被破坏以及人类采取的措施  J 作者对于鹦鹉问题的态度  单选题:  why parrots in the whole world are lineal descendants of  选项关键词:continent split from Africa  the writer thinks parrots species beak is for  选项关键词:adjust to their suitable diet  which one is not mentioned  选项关键词:should be frequently maintained  填空题:分布在文章的前两段  one-sixth  16th century  mapmaker  John Gould  Passage 3:多重任务  题型:段落细节配对+单选+判断  参考答案及文章  28 F  29I  30C  31B  32G  33C  34B  35A  36YES  37YES  38NO  39NOT GIVEN  40NO  Passage3: multitasking  Multitasking Debate—Can you do them at the same time?  Talking on the phone while driving isn't the only situationwhere we're worse at multitasking than we might like to think we are. Newstudies have identified a bottleneck in our brains that some say means we arefundamentally incapable of true multitasking. If experimental findings reflectreal-world performance, people who think they are multitasking are probablyjust underperforming in all-or at best, all but one -of their parallelpursuits. Practice might improve your performance, but you will never be asgood as when focusing on one task at a time.  The problem, according to René Marois, a psychologist atVanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, is that there's a sticking pointin the brain. To demonstrate this, Marois devised an experiment to locate nteers watch a screen and when a particular image appears, a red circle,say, they have to press a key with their index finger. Different colouredcircles require presses from different fingers. Typical response time is about half a second, and thevolunteers quickly reach their peak performance. Then they learn to listen todifferent recordings and respond by making a specific sound. For instance, whenthey hear a bird chirp, they have to say "ba"; an electronic soundshould elicit a "ko", and so on. Again, no problem. A normal personcan do that in about half a second, with almost no effort. The trouble comeswhen Marois shows the volunteers an image, then almost immediately plays them asound. Now they're flummoxed. "If you show an image and play a sound atthe same time, one task is postponed," he says. In fact,if the second taskis introduced within the half-second or so it takes to process and react to thefirst, it will simply be delayed until the first one is done. The largestdual-task delays occur when the two tasks are presented simultaneously; delaysprogressively shorten as the interval between presenting the tasks lengthens(See Diagram).  There are at least three points where we seem to getstuck, says Marois. The first is in simply identifying what we're looking can take a few tenths of a second, during which time we are not able tosee and recognise a second item. This limitation is known as the"attentional blink": experiments have shown that if you're watchingout for a particular event and a second one shows up unexpectedly any timewithin this crucial window of concentration, it may register in your visualcortex but you will be unable to act upon it. Interestingly, if you don'texpect the first event, you have no trouble responding to the second. Whatexactly causes the attentional blink is still a matter for debate.  A second limitation is in our short-term visual 's estimated that we can keep track of about four items at a time, fewer ifthey are complex. This capacity shortage is thought to explain, in part, our astonishinginability to detect even huge changes in scenes that are otherwise identical,so-called "change blindness". Show people pairs of near-identicalphotos -say, aircraft engines in one picture have disappeared in the other -andthey will fail to spot the differences (if you don't believe it, check out theclips at /~rensink/flicker/download). Here again, though, thereis disagreement about what the essential limiting factor really is. Does itcome down to a dearth of storage capacity, or is it about how much attention aviewer is paying?  A third limitation is that choosing a response to astimulus -braking when you see a child in the road, for instance,or replyingwhen your mother tells you over the phone that she's thinking of leaving yourdad -also takes brainpower. Selecting a response to one of these things willdelay by some tenths of a second your ability to respond to the other. This iscalled the "response selection bottleneck" theory, first proposed in1952.  Last December, Marois and his colleagues published apaper arguing that this bottleneck is in fact created in two different areas ofthe brain: one in the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and another in thesuperior medial frontal cortex (Neuron, vol 52, p 1109). They found this byscanning people's brains with functional MRI while the subjects struggled tochoose among eight possible responses to each of two closely timed tasks. Theydiscovered that these brain areas are not tied to any particular sense but aregenerally involved in selecting responses, and they seemed to queue theseresponses when presented with multiple tasks concurrently.  Bottleneck? What bottleneck?  But David Meyer, a psychologist at the University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, doesn't buy the bottleneck idea. He thinks dual-taskinterference is just evidence of a strategy used by the brain to prioritisemultiple activities. Meyer is known as something of an optimist by his has written papers with titles like "Virtually perfect time-sharing indual-task performance: Uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck"(Psychological Science, vol 12, p101). His experiments have shown that withenough practice -at least 2000 tries -some people can execute two taskssimultaneously as competently as if they were doing them one after the suggests that there is a central cognitive processor that coordinates allthis and, what's more, he thinks it uses discretion: sometimes it chooses todelay one task while completing another.  Even with practice, not all people manage to achieve thisharmonious time-share, however. Meyer argues that individual differences comedown to variations in the character of the processor -some brains are just more"cautious", some more "daring". And despite urban legend,there are no noticeable  differences between men and women. So, according to him,it's not a central bottleneck that causes dual-task interference, but rather"adaptive executive control", which "schedules task processesappropriately to obey instructions about their relative priorities and serialorder".  Marois agrees that practice can sometimes eraseinterference effects. He has found that with just 1 hour of practice each dayfor two weeks, volunteers show a huge improvement at managing both his tasks atonce. Where he disagrees with Meyer is in what the brain is doing to achievethis. Marois speculates that practice might give us the chance to find lesscongested circuits to execute a task -rather like finding trusty back streetsto avoid heavy traffic on main roads -effectively making our response to thetask subconscious. After all, there are plenty of examples of subconsciousmultitasking that most of us routinely manage: walking and talking, eating andreading, watching TV and folding the laundry.  But while some dual tasks benefit from practice, otherssimply do not. "Certain kinds of tasks are really hard to do two atonce," says Pierre Jolicoeur at the University of Montreal, Canada, whoalso studies multitasking. Dual tasks involving a visual stimulus andskeletal-motor response (which he dubs "in the eye and out the hand")and an auditory stimulus with a verbal response ("in the ear and out themouth") do seem to be amenable to practice, he says. Jolicoeur has foundthat with enough training such tasks can be performed as well together asapart. He speculates that the brain connections that they use may be somehowspecial, because we learn to speak by hearing and learn to move by looking. Butpair visual input with a verbal response, or sound to motor, and there's nodramatic improvement. "It looks like no amount of practice will allow youto combine these," he says.  For research purposes, these experiments have to be keptsimple. Real-world multitasking poses much greater challenges. Even the upbeatMeyer is sceptical about how a lot of us live our lives. Instant-messaging andtrying to do your homework? "It can't be done," he says. Conducting ajob interview while answering emails? "There's no way you wind up being asgood." Needless to say, there appear to be no researchers in the area ofmultitasking who believe that you can safely drive a car and carry on a phoneconversation. In fact, last year David Strayer at the University of Utah inSalt Lake City reported that people using cellphones drive no better thandrunks (Human Factors, vol 48, p 381). In another study, Strayer found thatusing a hands-free kit did not improve a driver's response time. He concludedthat what distracts a driver so badly is the very act of talking to someone whoisn't present in the car and therefore is unaware of the hazards facing thedriver.  “No researchers believe it's safe to drive a car andcarry on a phone conversation”  It probably comes as no surprise that, generallyspeaking, we get worse at multitasking as we age. According to Art Kramer atthe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who studies how ageing affectsour cognitive abilities, we peak in our 20s. Though the decline is slow throughour 30s and on into our 50s, it is there; and after 55, it becomes moreprecipitous. In one study, he and his colleagues had both young and oldparticipants do a simulated driving task while carrying on a conversation. Hefound that while young drivers tended to miss background changes, older driversfailed to notice things that were highly relevant. Likewise, older subjects hadmore trouble paying attention to the more important parts of a scene than youngdrivers.  It's not all bad news for over-55s, though. Kramer alsofound that older people can benefit from practice. Not only did they learn toperform better, brain scans showed that underlying that improvement was achange in the way their brains become active.  Whileit's clear that practice can often make a difference, especially as we age, thebasic facts remain sobering. "We have this impression of an almightycomplex brain," says Marois, "and yet we have very humbling andcrippling limits." For most of our history, we probably never needed to domore than one thing at a time, he says, and so we haven't evolved to be ableto. Perhaps we will in future, though. We might yet look back one day on peoplelike Debbie and Alun as ancestors of a new breed of true multitaskers.  以上信息希望能帮助您在留学申请的道路上少走弯路。如果您还有更多问题或需要深入探讨,不要犹豫,您可以在我们的留学官方网站上找到更丰富的考试资讯、留学指导和一对一专家咨询服务。我们的团队始终站在您的角度,为您的留学梦想全力以赴。祝您申请顺利!https://liuxue.87dh.com/


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   雅思双十一考试的听力考试的真题是怎样的呢?需要大家进行回顾,来一起看看吧。今天和小钟老师来一起看看2023年11月11日雅思听力考试真题及答案。  2023年11月11日雅思听力考试真题  Section 1  主题:房屋修缮  参考答案:  1-9填空  1. Keyworth  2. fan  3. shower  4. gate  5. lock  6. storm  7. plastic  8. 答案待补充  9. May 8  10. 多选  AG  Section 2  主题:露营营地  参考答案:  11. cooking equipment  12. clothes  13. buy water  14. tent  15. park  16. nature  17. 答案待补充  18. boat  19. improve skills  20. show  Section 3  主题:公共服务  参考答案:  (答案待补充)  Section 4  主题:未来科技  参考答案:  31. fire  32. intelligent  33. varied  34. women  35. quality of life  36. gene  37. physical changes  38. particular disease  39. park / forests  40. planet  雅思听力备考  1.提高听力技能  雅思听力部分的目的是测试你的听力技能。不要只依靠雅思的听力练习题来提高分数,这是不够的。它们会帮助你熟悉考试,但对提高听力技能没有太大帮助。  多做各种听力练习,多听一般性的听力材料(电台报道、电视节目、文献节目等),然后再做雅思听力练习测试,效果会更好。  2.积累话题词汇  Section 3几乎都是关于教育的,例如,学生和导师讨论作业。因此一定要多积累一些与各个话题相关的词汇,这会帮你更好的理解这一部分。  3.注意词类  跳过这些问题,然后思考每个空格用哪种类型的词。它是名词、动词、副词还是形容词?名词用N,动词用V表示。这可以帮助你在听的时候把注意力集中在具体的单词形式上。确保句子在语法上是准确的,并且使用了正确的单词形式。  4.了解“对话”的情况  在每个部分之前,你会听到一个简短的介绍:“Now, you will hear a dialogue between…”或“you will hear a lecture on…”这些信息没有写在试卷上,所以要留意它们。  注意说话者是谁,他们为什么说话以及他们在哪里。这将帮助你理解剩下的录音内容。  5.找出关键词  在考试过程中,录音只会播放一次。在录音开始之前,考生将有时间阅读说明和问题。当阅读问题时,在关键词下画线。  在听力中找关键词是很重要的。想想其他可以替代它们的词,特别是在选择题中,因为考生可能在录音中听不到这些词。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   上周完成了11月的最后一次雅思考试,大家考得怎么样呢?下面就由小钟老师来为大家介绍2023年11月30日雅思写作考试真题答案。  一、考题解析  小作文:动态线图  大作文:In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  二、名师点评  1.简要评价:  本次考试Task1是动态线图,绝对的高频考题,重中之重,整体难度适中。Task 2 动物类话题,属于非常低频的话题,如果完全没有准备过的同学,可能会缺乏相关的话题词汇。本题是很老的作文题旧题,目前查到最早2023年4月考过,一字未改。在朗阁的教材“高分范文”中可以找到原题。  2. 整体分析:  Task 1:  动态图关注变化趋势对比以及起终点的对比关系。  注意点:1.注意时态;2.注意同义替换;3. 注意给出关键性数据;4.注意线段之间趋势的对比  补充:描述变化的相关表达:  The period … witnessed an upward trend from… in…  A similar trend was found in… from…to数据…  A diverse trend was found in… from… to….  There was a/an 趋势名词 in… of 数据  …saw a/an 趋势名词,increasing/ decreasing from 数据 to 数据  Task 2: 动物类话题  题目翻译:现在,以动物为食或者使用动物制品,如衣服、药品,不再很有必要。在何种程度上,你同意还是不同意呢?  思路提示:  建议反对题干观点。很明显题干观点反对方更好写,考生更容易想到合适的论点,充分的论证。可以从食品的必要性,和动物制品的重要性分开论述,注意“动物制品”尽量以题干提及的“衣服和药品”为重点对象,增加扣题度,不要更换其他例子。如果担心字数不足,可以加入一个让步段。  Body1:就目前的形势而言,食用动物应该是正当合理的,因为meat一直都是人们diet其中的一部分,无论在东方还是西方国家,动物为人类提供了很多营养成分nutrient,如蛋白质,钙,维他命protein calcium vitamins 等。研究表明,包含了肉类、牛奶和蔬菜的均衡饮食balanced diet才有利于身体健康be beneficial to people’s health。在某些地区,比如山区或者是草原mountainous area and prairie,动物是人们食物的重要来源important source of food,如果不打猎hunt animals或者不饲养牛羊raise cattle and sheep,人们会挨饿starve,无法生存survive。这些牛羊的皮毛自然可以用来制作人们的衣服。如果完全不适用动物肉类,那么久需要重新改变我们的食品结构,食物供应,这几乎是完全不可行的infeasible.  Body2:关于动物用于药品,也是为了人类的利益for the interest of human being,有些药物成分ingredient来自于动物,而且目前没有可以替代的原料alternative raw materials,或者替代产品达不到相同的效果achieve the same effect,所以仍然有必要使用动物来制药produce medicines;pharmaceutical industry;有人站在保护动物的立场上from the perspective of animal protectionists提出不食用动物或者不使用动物制品,这是不现实的unrealistic。我们必须承认人类比动物更加高级human beings are superior to animals,应该首先考虑人类的需求。我们反对杀害濒危动物或者野生动物rare and wild animals,但是不反对食用和利用普通的动物。  三、考试预测  1.小作文:重点关注静态图(柱图、饼图),适当关注流程图)。  2.大作文:媒体广告类、科技影响类、政府类,社会热点话题类仍然是关注的重点。  3.重点浏览2023-2023年的写作机经,可借助《高分范文书》第7和第8版经典旧题来复习话题思路,同时参考考官范文来复习结构和语言。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   考完2023年6月23日的雅思的同学,对答案了没有呢?大家可以看看这次的雅思真题解析,把握一下自己的成绩,下面就和小钟老师一起来看看2023年6月23雅思写作真题解析。  Task 1  题型地图题  题目  参考范文原创范文  The maps illustrate the layout of a campus and its development. Overall, the green area in the campus will be diminished, which will be replaced by more teaching buildings and parking lots in the future.  From the first map, it can be clearly seen that there is only one car park on north-east, taking up only sixth of the area. Due south of the car park are two teaching buildings – Genetics Building and Biology Building respectively from north to south. And the rest of the campus is occupied by green land areas, which make up approximately two-thirds of the whole area.  However, in the plan for the campus’s development, there will only be a small area used for green land, and it is located in middle of the campus. Besides, the old parking lot will be remained in the previous location and converted for student car park only, while a new parking lot will be added in the south-west corner of the campus. Similarly, the old Genetics Building will be remained at the same location whereas a new Genetics Building is to be established in the north-west corner. A new Chemistry Building will be constructed near the new Genetics Building.  Task 2  话题分类社会类  题目More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?  参考范文原创范文  It is true that famous brands, including clothes, perfume, and cars, are always attractive. As people’s preference of these brands grows, so does the unease about this trend’s influence.  There are several reasons resulting in this tendency. Firstly, it is without doubts that with the development of economy, more modern people in most countries are able to afford famous brands. Secondly, famous brands usually mean higher quality and longer service life, leading to an improved live standard. Besides the practical benefits, what the famous brands bring to their buyers probably is social status. After all, with shockingly high endorsement fee and other marketing expenses, nearly all famous brands keep out the mass in the lower-class group, so it seems that only people coming from a higher social ladder can afford a luxury car or bag.  Therefore, this misconception or vanity –the possession of a product with a famous brand stands for a higher social status –impulses some people to decide to purchase them, even though they know such decision can cost their three-month’s wage. Though they are aware of the economic burden of paying for famous brands, the admire from others and satisfaction lure them to continuously lead to a pleasure-seeking lifestyle. In a society where the majority of people are materialistic, it can be easily predicted that some valuable inner qualities, such as frugality and diligence may be despised, which will do a great disservice to the development of economy from a longer term.  In conclusion, there are mixed reasons why more people choose to buy famous brands, including pragmatism and materialism. Though this trend may reflect an improving economic advancement, it will bring more adverse impacts to a society.  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!