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English, the second most commonly spoken language worldwide, has become the primary medium of instruction in numerous universities abroad, attracting a growing number of international students. This article will introduce some English-speaking countries that offer affordable study abroad options.

1. Iceland

While the primary language of instruction in Icelandic universities may be Icelandic, English-speaking courses are available and affordable, mostly at the postgraduate level. The four public universities in Iceland do not charge tuition fees, and students only need to pay a registration fee of 75,000 Icelandic crowns (approximately 700 USD). If you choose to enroll in the spring semester, the registration fee is reduced to 55,000 crowns (about 500 USD). Non-EU/European Economic Area students are also required to pay an application fee of approximately 8,000 Icelandic crowns (about 70 USD). However, it should be noted that the cost of living in Iceland is high, with the University of Iceland suggesting that students set aside at least 119,300 crowns (about 1,100 USD) per month for living expenses. Unfortunately, the university rankings in Iceland do not fare well in recent QS World University Rankings.

2. Malaysia

If you're looking for a warmer climate to study English, Malaysia could be a good choice. All courses in private universities are taught in English, and most master's degrees in public universities are also taught in English (undergraduate programs are less common). Malaysia offers a combination of low tuition fees and low living costs. According to studyinmayamaia.com, tuition fees for most students in Kuala Lumpur are under 3,000 USD, and living expenses are around 5,000 USD per year. The top-ranked university in Malaysia is the University of Malaya (tied at 114th place).

3. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia offers high-quality education at a low cost, with no tuition fees at universities like King Saud University. There are many English-medium courses available, especially for master's programs and courses in engineering, science, and medicine. While the strict Islamic regulations, such as alcohol prohibition and gender segregation, may take some time to adapt to, the country's universities are highly ranked in QS regional rankings. The capital and largest city, Riyadh, is ranked as the third most affordable city for students in the latest QS Best Student Cities Index. However, living costs are high, and students are not allowed to work during their studies. The top-ranked university in Saudi Arabia is King Fahd Petroleum & Minerals University (tied at 173rd place).

4. Germany

Germany is a popular study abroad destination, with public universities offering free education to all students. In most states, tuition fees are free except for some universities in Baden-Wurttemberg where non-EU students still pay lower fees at about 3,000 Euros per year (approximately 3,500 USD). While other states may introduce tuition fees in the future, Germany still offers a relatively affordable option for studying abroad. Some master's programs may charge tuition fees, but all students are required to pay a mandatory semester contribution for administrative expenses that usually does not exceed 300 Euros (about 350 USD). Many Germans speak English but learning some basic German is still a good idea for employment prospects. For studying English in Germany, you may have many options for bachelor's programs as English-speaking courses are more common at the master's level. The top-ranked university in Germany is Munich Technical University (tied at 64th place).

5. France

If you want to study in France but don't want to spend time learning French, you'll be pleased to know that there are approximately 1200 English-language courses available at low costs. Tuition fees for bachelor's degrees start at 184 Euros per year (about 215 USD), while master's degrees and doctoral programs cost slightly more. French universities tend to add additional administrative fees to increase the overall cost of studying abroad but still remain lower than other destinations. The top-ranked university in France is Paris Normal School (ranked 43rd).

6. India

India has English as one of its official languages and is widely used for teaching at all universities. Tuition fees vary depending on whether the university is private or public but are generally lower than many other study abroad destinations. You can get a degree for around 3200 USD with some courses costing up to 7700 USD. The good news is that living costs in India are relatively low with a comfortable living budget of just 5000



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