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出国留学的好处 最好是英文版

出国留学的好处 最好是英文版 出国留学的好处: 接触到全新的想法和趋势,增加知识,拓宽视野 Being exposed to entirely new ideas and trends,they can enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. 在国外生活,更快地掌握外语 by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home. 减少对父母的依靠 A great gift a parent can give is to let a child spread his /her wings and be independent Reduce their dependence on their parents
出国留学的好处英文 Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference. Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon. E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你!
英语《出国留学的好处》, 出国留学的好处英语作文 Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference. Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.
英语作文出国留学的好处 Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. Firstly, they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good mand of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and experience different cultures, which may help to broaden their views. Every coin has o sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can’t allow them to pay all their attention to study. What’s more, they may feel very lonely. Through above *** ysis, we can see that the positive aspects oueigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study.
留学好处(英文版)~急! The Benefits of Study Abroad Personal Growth “Overall, I learned a lot more about myself in that one semester than I did in the three and a half years in my home school because of the unique space in which I learned, experienced, and spent exploring another culture,” says Carolyn Valtos (IES Adelaide, 1992). An overwhelming majority of respondents echoed Valtos’ feeling. When asked about personal growth, 97 percent said studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, 96 percent reported increased self-confidence, 89 percent said that it enabled them to tolerate ambiguity, and 95 percent stated that it has had a lasting impact on their world view. Findings also show that study abroad leads to long-lasting friendships with other U.S. students and still impacts current relationships. More than half the respondents are still in contact with U.S. friends met while studying abroad, and 73 percent said the experience continues to influence the decisions they make in their family life. Alexa Sand (IES Milan, 1989), who is still very close to U.S. friends she met abroad ten years ago, explains, “I think the shared experience of living fully immersed in another culture made these friendships particularly poignant and enduring.” Intercultural Development Study abroad educators often assert that one of the goals of study abroad is to train future global leaders to be more effective, respectful of other cultures and political and economic systems, and willing to take a stand for the world’s welfare, not just what benefits a specific country. The survey findings indicate that study abroad is sueeding in its mission. When questioned about intercultural development, 98 percent of respondents said that study abroad helped them to better understand their own cultural values and biases, and 82 percent replied that study abroad contributed to their developing a more sophisticated way of looking at the world. “ The experience of living and studying in another country was so eye-opening … [it] tested preconceptions and habits I wasn’t even aware were so ingrained in me,” says Cynthia Perras (IES Paris, 1981). It is significant to note that these intercultural benefits are not fleeting but continue to impact participants’ lives long after their time abroad. Almost all of the respondents (94 percent) reported that the experience continues to influence interactions with people from different cultures, and 23 percent still maintain contact with host-country friends. Niy percent said that the experience influenced them to seek out a greater diversity of friends, and 64 percent said that it also influenced them to explore other cultures. “It has been nearly ten years since I was a student in Vienna, but not a single day goes by where its impact is not felt in my life,” says Jason Thornberg (IES Vienna, 1994). “My time there fundamentally changed how I view the world and has given me the ability to view the world, and its issues, from several perspectives.” Education and Career Attainment “My semester [abroad] launched me into a personal and professional involvement with Spain that has already lasted 25 years. A political science lecture in Madrid about U.S. and Spanish involvement in an obscure war in Sahara … led to a graduate fellowship to Spain and North Africa, which led to work as a foreign correspondent based in Spain,” says Gary Abramson (IES Madrid, 1978). It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents gave academic and professional aounts similar to Abramson’s. When questioned about academic pursuits, 87 percent of respondents said that study abroad influenced subsequent educational experiences, 63 percent said that it influenced their decision to expand or change academic majors, and 64 percent reported that it influenced their decision to attend graduate school. Nearly half of all respondents have engaged in international work or volunteeri *** since studying abroad. “ An entire range of professional opportunities have opened up to me in recent years, partly due to the skills and internship experiences I gained,” adds Joydeep Sengupta (IES Madrid, 1998). Similar to Sengupta’s experience, three-quarters of respondents asserted that they acquired skill sets abroad that influenced their career path, and 62 percent said that studying abroad ignited an interest in a career direction pursued after the experience. Longer Stays Mean Greater Benefits Consistent with national study abroad statistics, the survey found that students are generally studying abroad for a shorter duration, with the number of full-year students declining dramatically. In the 1950s and 1960s, 72 percent of respondents studied for a full year, but only 20 percent of respondents did so in the 1990s. The number of students studying for less than 10 weeks tripled from the 1950s and 1960s to the 1990s. For many years, conventional wisdom in the study abroad field has been that “more is better”—the longer students study abroad, the more significant the academic and cultural development and personal growth benefits. Aording to survey results, the “more is better” idea holds true. However, results of the study also suggest that programs of at least six weeks in duration can also be enormously suessful in producing important academic, inter- and intra-personal, career, and intercultural development outes. These findings are significant considering the current national increase in students attending shorter programs. Students attending full-year, semester, and summer programs all report the following benefits: Enhancing the Study Abroad Experience Although all students benefit from the study abroad experience, there are a few choices that students can make that have the potential to increase their long-term language and career benefits. Continued language usage was greatest among respondents who lived in a homestay, with 42 percent saying they now use a language other than English on a regular basis. Students who lived in an apartment or a residence hall with local students reported results slightly lower than homestay participants (38 and 32 percent respectively). However, the results of those who lived in an apartment with other U.S. students lagged far behind the rest, with only 18 percent reporting that they use a foreign language on a regular basis. Importance of Internships For students who hope to gain the most career impact from study abroad, results indicate that they should choose an internship as part of their curriculum. Remarkably, 70 percent of intern respondents reported that study abroad ignited interest in a career direction pursued after the experience, pared to 60 percent of non-intern respondents. In addition, 83 percent said that it allowed them to acquire skill sets that influenced their career path, pared to 75 percent who did not intern. Although there is not always a significant statistical difference beeen students who attended local university classes and those who did not, it is important to mention that students who attended courses at the local university did experience greater long-term language benefits and were more likely to work or volunteer abroad than their counterparts. The biggest difference beeen the o groups is in the area of relationships. Of those who attended local university classes, 31 percent still maintain contact with host-country friends, pared to 16 percent of respondents who did not study at the local university. A Lifetime of Benefits Few other experiences in life have proven to such a positive and sustainable impact. With study abroad offering so many life-changing and enduring academic, career, intercultural, personal, and social benefits, students should carefully consider studying abroad when searching for a college and during their collegiate career. Students should question potential colleges about the study abroad programs they offer and find out how petitive the application process is and if grades and financial aid transfer. In addition, colleges, parents, and employers should encourage and enable students to study abroad. As Michael Preziosi (IES Madrid, 1978) says, “My wife and I feel so strongly about the value of this experience that we have told our o daughters that a semester abroad while at college is an absolute requirement for each of them. It is not an experience to be missed.”

出国留学的好处有什么 畅时留学 为您解答 出国对于自身的技能的提升都有帮助的哦 不过出国也是要做好很多的事情准备的呢 准备工作 1、对留学意向国家的政治、经济,文化背景和教育体制,学术水平进行较为全面的了解; 2、全面了解和掌握国外学校的情况,包括历史、学费、学制、专业、师资…
出国留学的好处?有人清楚吗? 出国留学的好处有很多哈: 1、了解外国的多元文化,增长见识,结交各国各地朋友 2、会改掉拖拉懒散,缺乏时间观念等陋习,道德素质也会有很大提高,至少不会再象某些中国人那样随地吐痰和乱闯马路,乱扔电池和白色垃圾等等 3、出国对个人毅力和独立生活的能力是一种极好的锻炼,能很好地培养吃苦的精神,也许出国这几年就能让你一辈子拥有这样的顽强品质  4、有张过硬的洋文凭和真正的本事,此生可衣食无忧 5、练就一门地道的外语,终身受益 6、或许还能赚回一笔美圆,欧元或英镑,能完成创业前的原始积累 7、如果移民了,就可以过上某种意义上的幸福生活 8、没准能成为外国公司驻中国的业务代表,领国外工资,在国内生活,想穷都难  9、短短几年的国外辛苦拼搏后,或许从此坐享稳定的高收入,这是国内很多人干一辈子都难以实现的 10、如果是男的,理应借此青春年华好好磨练磨练自己,然后再闯出一番大事业,那是何等的辉煌!如果是个女的,出国镀了金之后,身价自然提高了,从传统意义上讲,这也就注定了你的老公多半会较有品位,你很可能过上富裕的或高品位的生活 11、现在大学毕业工作难找,与其在国内考研不如到国外去镀金,从时间上讲都差不多,但含金量自然不可相提并论 12、留学还能领略国外的优美风光并开阔眼界,而且在国外生活工作几年之后你可能就有了国外那种先进的思想理念,将会对你的生活和工作产生较为深远的影响 希望这些能为你提供参考哦
从小送小孩出国留学的好处(英语辩论) First of all, a child can acquire the correct pronunciation and intonation of the language. This is difficult to get after one’s puberty. Secondly, the child can learn independent thinking. Independent thinking, the focus of the western education, is one of the most important quality for one’s future study, career and even his entire life. Finally, going abroad to study at an early age enables the child to mix himself into the social and cultural life of the target country which helps to form his own identity in the long run.
出国留学的好去处 出国留学有以下十大好去处:  1、“自由的足迹”(Freedom Trail),波士顿 了解美国的历史,要从波士顿开始,到了波士顿则由一条“自由之路”引领你寻找自由的足迹。在波士顿公园的旅客服务中心可以索要“自由之路”的免费地图,然后沿着一条红砖铺就的特色小路前行,就是著名的“自由之路”,这条约2.5英里的引导路线,沿途散落着16处反映美国殖民战争及独立革命历史的重要景点,都是免费的。 2、国际玫瑰实验花园,俄勒冈州波特兰 这个玫瑰实验花园自从1917年开始启用至今,玫瑰花园常年开放,不过最好的参观时间是每年的6到10月,也是玫瑰花开最美的季节。在园内参观是免费的,美国留学生们千万不要伸手去摘,否则将面临500美元的罚款。 3、“洛杉矶的卢浮宫‘——盖地艺术中心 盖蒂艺术中心,盖蒂艺术中心收藏了美国本土最为精美的名家手稿和老照片,是美国同类艺术品最大的收藏机构之一,被誉为“洛杉矶的卢浮宫”,免费开放。收藏的经典珍品有梵高名画《鸢尾花》、克劳德·莫奈(Claude Mo)的《日出》等。注意,盖蒂艺术中心在周一不开放,请安排其他时间参观。 4、华盛顿的“天安门广场”——国家广场(National Mall) 华盛顿的国家广场,是一片绵延2.5英里的绿色大草坪区域,也被称作“国家草坪”,在那里你可以探寻马丁·路德·金国家纪念园、美国国会大厦、著名的史密森城堡等众多代表美国精神的标志性景观。国家广场是美国密度最高的博物馆区,无论是世界级的博物馆还是历史名胜,都是可免费参观的。 5、林肯公园动物园,芝加哥 林肯公园动物园位于林肯公园的南面,建立于1868年,是美国最具悠久历史的免费公共动物园。想象下海狮、大猩猩、犀牛、北极熊等野生动物就生活在距离芝加哥市中心不远的地方,而且这个动物园在一年内的任一天都是免费开放的,这样就可以在美国留学生活中任意安排时间游览。 6、美国大烟山国家公园,北卡罗来纳州&田纳西州 美国大烟山国家公园(great Smoky Mountains National Park)是美国著名的国家公园之一,位于美国东部的阿帕拉其安山脉(Apalachian Mountains)南端的蓝色山脊上(Blue ridge),行政地理位置为北卡罗林那州西部与田纳西州南部交界处。已被联合国认定为国际生物圈保留地和世界自然遗产。 7、旧金山的象征——金门大桥 金门大桥于1937年建成开通,2012年正是金门大桥75周年纪念日。金门大桥全长约2.7千米,是世界上最大的单孔吊桥之一,被视为旧金山的象征。大桥有6个车道,平均每天有10万辆车的客流量,是世界上最繁忙的桥梁之一,桥的两侧设有约1.2km长的步行道,供行人和脚踏车通行,往返需要一个小时。进城的车辆需付过路费,徒步或脚踏车是免费的。 8、美国的第二大诞生地——费城国家独立公园 看一看美国的第二大诞生地——费城的国家独立历史公园,这里曾是美国进行独立革命的活动中心,当年的独立宣言和美国宪法就是在这里起草制订的,也是费城最有名气和最吸引人的地方。费城在美国历史上占有首屈一指的重要地位,现在也仍然是。除了国家宪法中心其它景点都是免费参观的。 9、杰克逊广场,新奥尔良 在杰克逊广场体验感受真实的新奥尔良,这个公共空间是艺术家的汇聚地,你可以欣赏到或购买当地艺术家的作品,或仅仅是驻足观看他们创作。在美国生活中,还可以发现新奥尔良市最有名的地标之一,圣路易大教堂,也是可以免费进入的。还有安德鲁·杰克逊(美国第七任总统)雕塑等,这个公园就是以他的名字命名的。 10、纽约“后花园”——中央公园 繁华的曼哈顿都市中心的一片清凉绿洲,中央公园给公众不仅带来了开放的空间、美丽的景致,还有和平与宁静的氛围。这里有50多座纪念碑或雕塑,这里有动物园、草莓园、美食区、剧院等等,你还可以在约130英亩的林地里远足,或在“绵羊草原”上享受野餐和日光浴。


what's the advantage of studying abroad?
what are the benefits of studying abroad?
What's the benefits for you to study abroad?
What are the benefits of study abroad?


In recent years, studying abroad has become a hot trend in China. Many parents prefer to send their children abroad to receive the further education.
Studying abroad has so many advantages. Firstly, we can see the world better and learn something about foreign countries. If we want to do something well, we’d better put ourselves in that environment. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology. Finally, we can use the foreign language in our daily life, so that we can master it so quickly. I think in this way can we enlarge our eyes and widen our minds.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Disadvantages woul be:
1. if you are a family-oriented person then you might feel homesickness and therefore you cannot study well
2. studying abroad is costly. however if you're rich it's your advantage.
3. you might get lost if don't have enough background on the country where you'll be studyin.
4.you'll experience how to be alone and many more....
advantages would be:
1. better opportunities...
2. new friends...
3. it would be fun...
4. it would enhance some of your skills...
My last advice is that if your planning to study abroad then just try because you don't know there might be something in there that you'll love...just think positive anyway it's for your future...
Education is something which is very important. Knowledge is essential in order to secure as good a employment position as possible. Studying abroad is a popular choice among students today, however is it the best? Studying abroad has both its advantages and disadvantages.
There are several advantages to studying abroad. Firstly, having more knowledge about different cultures. It is the best way to learn languages by talking with native speakers and also learning about traditions that are different where they are. It could improve the chance of obtaining better positions. Because foreign language skills and a knowledge of foreign traditions are important when working with foreigners.
Secondly, becoming more organized and self-confident. There are many good and bad things in every society. Living abroad is like learning what the big world is like. Also it gives a lot of experiences to improve abilities. Students learn to take good care of themselves and learn what they should do for a living in different situations.
On the other hand, one of the main disadvantages of studying abroad is living in a different place and culture. When students go to study abroad they are living somewhere very different and it is not east to do. They may come across many troubles e.g. different food, bad weather and no friends. Also when they come back to their countries they need to get used to the culture again. It can become a big problem if they can not, because they might not be able to work with others.
Another of the disadvantages of studying abroad is that more self-confident could become more self-destructive. Almost all students that study abroad are very confident because they have to take care of themselves. It is good to be independent but too much may become self destructive, because they will not hear the ideas of others and believe only what they think which might make working with people hard.
Studying abroad is a good opportunity to choose, but the advantages and disadvantages must first be weighted very carefully before deciding whether or not to go.
There are many advantages to studying abroad. Young people are easy to learn authentic English, especially in the pronunciation and intonation of spoken English; In the primary and secondary school stage, students have close contact with each other, which provides a good foundation for students studying abroad to integrate into American society and deeply understand American culture.
The growth experience of this period of life can not be experienced by middle school students in China. In foreign schools, positive traditional education is very beneficial to the cultivation of children's personality and sense of justice; Let children independently receive education abroad from childhood, can exercise their ability to live independently, also has certain benefits to the growth of children.
There are also some disadvantages in studying abroad. Middle school students can only go to private schools to study abroad. A few public schools only accept foreign short-term exchange students, and the maximum period of study is one year.
After the expiration of the legal permission, the long-term student visa can be legally converted. After many Chinese exchange students came to the United States, they successfully changed their visa in the United States and transferred to private schools.
The cost of private schools is relatively high. The total cost of a year ranges from $15000 to $40000. Families need to have a strong economic base.
Young children, whose world outlook has not been fully established, are not easy to grasp themselves under the adverse influence of the outside world, and their emotions are easy to fluctuate and sometimes go to extremes.


  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇1   In recent year,overseas studying is very popular. More and more people go abroad in order to studying.
  Different people have different idears on this phenomenon.Some people think that it is no neccersary,beacause they think that the knowledge in motherland is enough.However,other people approve of overseas studying.They think it is helpful to improve themselves in learning and working.
  In my opinion,it is beneficial.First,it provides many chances for people who want to make progress;second,it is a mind-exparding experience,people who went abroad can obtain the culture,customs and so on;third,facing with the vocational pressure nowdays.It is very important chances to overseas studying .
  So ,I think overseas studying is very important to everyone.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇2   There are some advantages and disadvantages in studying abroad. In my opinion, Im in favour of studying abroad. First of all, If we live with a local family, we will communicate with each other. In this way, we have more chances to practise speaking English. Besides, we can learn more aout Western culture and customs. Whats more, we will have a good job with diploma in the future. However, some people are against studying abroad. In their opinion, first, studying abroad is too expensive. In addition, Since its too far away and we arent familiar with the environment. We will feel lonely. Whats more, Since we re unfamiliar with Western culture and customs, we may be not used to the food, the way of communication and teaching methods and so on.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇3   The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experience that those who stay at home will never have.
  First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English will be as perfect as native speakers.
  Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values. This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light.
  Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful. A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty——difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone. Yet, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for one's future life and development of personality.
  Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experience desirable in one's personal life.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇4   Firstly,studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language.
  Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can come to truely understand the real difference.
  Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇5   Today more and more people want to apply for studying abroad as economy develops constantly. Because people think they can accept better education.
  However, there are still many controversies about the issue. Some people agree with the idea, because there is no doubt that you can go through more different things and know more different knowledge. It is also a good chance for them to learn foriegn language because they can have more time to communicate with foriegn people. But others think studying abroad will cost a lot unnecessarily and finally effect is also unknowable. It is more important for sudents to have a good attitude of studying but place.
  As is saying goes:" Every coin has two sides. "Whether to choose to study abroad depends on your own situation.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇6   Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from outside, we can best see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds.
  Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people. Thirdly we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly. But the most important thing in attending a foreign university is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and make use of the first-rate facilities available. For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.
  However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university. The most serious problem is the language barrier. Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not adequate knowledge of the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the instructors are saying. Besides, for lack of knowledge of the customs and way of life of the local people, they may run into trouble in dealing with various situations. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-tine jobs in order to help support themselves.
  Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇7   Nowadays, as the increase of people’s income and the far-reaching impact of economic globalization, many more parents send their children to study abroad. Some people have achieved in foreign countries while some put themselves into troubles. Therefore, is it good or bad for people to study abroad?
  In my opinion, if conditions permit, students can study abroad after graduation from university or college. Firstly, from primary school to senior school, students are restrained by schools, teachers and parents. Some students even can’t take care of themselves, so they will be in trouble after go abroad. Secondly, after four years’ college life in domestic, students are mature in mental and independent enough to deal with their own things well. They will meet fewer challenges overseas.
  From the discussion above, I approve of studying abroad after graduation from college. After all, the education in many countries is more advanced than China.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇8   Nowadays, studying abroad is very popular for Chinese students. With the development of economy, many families have the money to provide better education to their kids and they choose to send their children to receive foreign education. This is the trend and students must notice some problems to better adjust to the new environment.
  First, mastering the basic English is very necessary. A lot of students give up learning English and only treat it as the subject that is forced to learn. As the common language is English while studying abroad, the foreign universities have the language level test. So learning English well is the necessary way to receive foreign education.
  Second, it is of great importance to study something about the culture shock. When a student goes abroad, he will meet different culture. If he has prepared for this, he can solve the problems and better communicate with the local people. What’s more, he can also get used to the strange environment.
  It is better to make full preparation before students study abroad. If they are good at English and have some knowledge about the local culture, they will be strong to deal with problems.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇9   Is It Good to Send Students to Study Abroad?
  In recent year, as people’sliving quality increase, most families are tending to send their children tostudy abroad. This phenomenon has caused most people’s attention. Some argue that we should send children to foreign country to study because they think that other countries’ education is better than our traditional Chinese education. Some don’t think so because they believe that students should learn our traditional culture instead of going abroad. In my opinion, I think students should be sent to foreign country to receive sophisticated education. Reasons are listed as the following.
  Firstly, Students can learn more through foreign country’s education. As we all know, most students study justfor entering into a better university in our country. All they learn is how to pass exams and get high scores in school. On the contrary, the Western education pays attention to students’ practical ability which would be a more efficient way to learn rather than getting knowledge from books. To get more experience, students should be sent to abroad to study.
  Secondly, students would be more independent after study abroad. When students are sent to abroad, they must take care of themselves in all aspects, gradually, they would learn how to deal with things they confronted rather than turning to their parents as they may do in their own country.
  All in all, students should be sent to abroad to study so that they can attain more knowledge and also become more independently.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇10   In recent years, studying abroad has become a hot trend in China. Many parents prefer to send their children abroad to receive the further education.
  Studying abroad has so many advantages. Firstly, we can see the world better and learn something about foreign countries. If we want to do something well, we’d better put ourselves in that environment. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology. Finally, we can use the foreign language in our daily life, so that we can master it so quickly. I think in this way can we enlarge our eyes and widen our minds.
  出国留学的利弊高中英语作文 篇11   There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.
  Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, studying abroad also confronts one with a series of hardships. For one thing, learning a foreign language is far from an easy thing at the beginning for most people. For another, a completely new environment with different customs and habits may also be a barrier to overseas students, especially to the young. An added difficulty lies with finance: it can cost a lot to study abroad.
  From my point of view, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages. But it is a big decision to go abroad to study and one should take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new surrounding. Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.
  (Therefore, studying abroad should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both benefits and troubles. The best policy, as I see it, is to take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new surrounding. Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.)


Firstly studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language.
Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can come to truely understand the real difference.
Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.


Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language.
Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can come to truely understand the real difference.
Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.
The biggest reason why you should consider studying abroad is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad, you will experience a new country with incredible new features, customs and activities. Benefits of studying abroad include the opportunity to see the host country's new topography, natural wonders, museums and landmarks.
Firstly studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language.
Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can come to truely understand the real difference.
Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.


Attending school abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at
our own country from the outside, we can best see the strong points of our
nation, and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. Secondly, while
studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic
spots and making friends with the local people. Thirdly, we can use the foreign
language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be
improved quickly. But the most important thing in attending a foreign university
is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and
make use of the first-rate facilities available. For all these advantages, it is
really worthwhile to go abroad for further studies.


Many people want to go abroad. And there are many people abroad now.The advantage of going abroad includes a lot.First, it can open your view.You can learn a lot of new things.Making conversations with foreign people will improve your English too.So going abroad has a lot of advantages.
Every coin has two sides.Going abroad may do some harm to you.It must cost a lot.And if you can't speak English very well,you may feel lonely.Also ,you may miss your country,your parents .You need to work hard to make your parents be proud of you.You may feel stressful.
So going abroad also has a lot of disadvantages.
As far as I can see,I like going abroad.I can make new friends.Opening eyes will make my life better!