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对于许多学生来说,选择留学英国是因其享有教育质量高、学历公认度广泛的优良声誉。当然,英国的留学费用是个重要考量因素。在金吉列,我们将尽全力为您呈现最实际、最详细的英国留学费用清单。学费部分,是英国留学的主要花费,因课程和学校不同而会有所差异。通常涵盖本科、硕士、博士及预科等各类课程。以理工科类别为例,本科课程学费约在10000-20000英镑之间,商科、法律类学科则在10000-25000英镑之间。预科课程学费通常在10000-15000英镑,研究生课程则在10000-20000英镑,专业性较强的MBA课程可能更高达30000英镑。接下来是生活费,这个部分视个人生活习惯、居住城市等众多因素而有所不同。以官方规定为依据,伦敦地区的生活费至少需要1015英镑/月,其他地区至少需要820英镑/月。它包括了房租、伙食、交通、学习资料以及其他个人开销等各个方面。相比学费,生活费是一个更加灵活的部分,有机会通过精打细算以节省开支。第三个部分是签证费用。申请英国学生签证(Tier 4)需要支付348英镑,并且每年需要支付健康服务费(NHS Surcharge),约为470英镑/年。如果需要选择快递或者面签的方式获取签证,可能还需要额外支付一些费用。最后一部分是保险费用。所有来英国的留学生必须购买全面的医疗保险,这部分费用大多在200-600英镑/年之间,具体数额取决于不同保险公司和保险计划。总结起来,英国留学总体费用并非一笔小数目,但也并非单一无变化。金吉列教育已经帮助无数的学生成功抵达英国进行学习,我们明白每个学生的需求都是独特的。因此,在金吉列,我们会为您提供个性化的咨询和指导,包括寻找合适的学校和课程,了解学费付款方式,寻找奖学金机会,以及理解和管理生活费等方面。我们的目标是帮助每一个学生找到最符合自己需求的英国留学方案,让您的留学之旅更加顺利,更具成效。点击了解各国留学信息
1. 学费:英国大学的学费因学科、院校和学历等因素而不同,相较于其他国家留学,英国大学的学费较高。通常本科学费为每年9000-25000英镑不等,硕士学费则为每年10000-30000英镑不等,博士学费要稍低一些。
2. 生活费:在英国生活的费用视城市不同而异。伦敦因为是全球金融中心与人口密集城市,生活成本比其他英国城市高出不少。通常一个月的生活费用需要在800-1500英镑之间,具体费用因个人消费水平而异。
3. 住宿费:留学生一般居住在学校宿舍或者是私人公寓里,导致费用存在差异。根据学校的位置、房型和组合大厦物业管理费用,在英国留学住宿的费用约为每周80-200英镑。


   UK education: Value for money
  Before you begin your course, think carefully about the costs and how you will finance your studies.
  The cost of courses in the UK compares favourably with other major education destinations. The rate of international undergraduate student satisfaction with the cost of living in the UK is also higher than that of other top countries for studying abroad (UK HE International Unit, December 2015).
  In higher education, UK courses are generally shorter than in other countries. Most full-time undergraduate courses take three years to complete, while full-time postgraduate courses take one year or more (for more information see Higher education courses and qualifications). This helps to keep tuition fees and living expenses down.
  Further education courses vary in length. You may have the option of doing a foundation course and deciding later whether you want to carry on studying and ‘top up’ to a full degree. This means you can take a break from your studies to return home, or alternate between periods of work and study. Find out more in Further education and Shorter undergraduate courses.
  This section will outline what you can expect to pay for higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate) and further education courses in the UK. For information about boarding school fees, please see: Boarding schools – Costs and scholarships.
  Fees vary greatly for English language courses, so it’s best to contact the individual institutions. Click here to search for contact information.
   Course fees
  Tuition fees for UK higher education and further education courses vary, depending on:
  Whether you are from the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA), or another country
  Where in the UK you are studying (there are different rules for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)
  Your study level.
  Undergraduate students from the EU/EEA pay ‘home fees’ – the same fees as UK students pay. These are the maximum tuition fees (many institutions charge less):
  In England and Wales, up to £9,000 per year
  In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 per year
  In Scotland, tuition is free.
  If you’re from another country outside the EU/EEA, tuition fees range from £3,500 a year to about £18,000 per year, depending on the course and the institution.
  For all postgraduate students, tuition fees vary by course provider.
  You may also be eligible for home fees if you fall into one of a number of categories, including if you have refugee status, or if your college or university is able to make you a special case. Click here for more information.
  Please contact your chosen institution to ask about provisions for exceptional circumstances. Use thesearch tool to find your institution's contact details.
  Please also visit the UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs) website for more information.
   Visas: Fees and financial conditions
  If you need a visa to study in the UK, you’ll need to factor in this cost too. Check the Gov.uk website to find out if you need a visa.
  The cost of your visa will depend on your nationality, the type of visa you’re getting and the course you’re studying. Please see Student visas for more information.
  To apply for a visa, you may need to provide proof that you can afford to cover your course fees and living costs while you’re in the UK. This is called ‘maintenance funds (requirements)’ by the UK government. This can be:
  Personal bank or building society statements
  A building society passbook
  A letter from your bank, or a regulated financial institution, confirming your funds
  A letter from a regulated financial institution confirming that you have a loan that is provided by the national government, the state or regional government or a government-sponsored student loan company, or that is part of an academic or educational loans scheme.
  Any loan from another source, such as a personal bank loan, would need to be shown as funds held in your name (or a parent's name) using one of the other forms of evidence listed above. Some other forms of identification might be possible – please see this page on the UKCISA website for more details.
  If you are applying for a visa to come to the UK for more than six months on or after 6 April 2015, you will need to pay an additional NHS health surcharge of £150 per year. This includes students applying from within the UK or from outside the UK.
  For further details, including how this may affect any family members travelling with you, please see the UKCISA website.
  See the Gov.uk website for full official details.
  When comparing tuition costs, look at what is included – and what is not included – in each fee. For example, some institutions may charge you extra for books, study materials, examinations, etc. You should be able to find out what the course fees cover on each course provider’s website, but if not, don’t hesitate to ask them.
  When budgeting, think about additional costs for:
  Travel to the UK
  Day-to-day living costs
  Travel and sightseeing in the UK
  Health and travel insurance.
  See Budgeting and Learning to live on a student budget for our advice about managing your finances while you’re studying in the UK.
  If you plan to get a part-time job to earn money while you're studying, see Working alongside your studies: What you need to know. The number of hours you can work depends on your visa status and study level.
   Student support and student loans
  Students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland may be able to apply for financial support from the UK government, and in some cases from the government in your home country. This can include a low-interest loan that you only need to pay back once you start earning a certain amount of money, after you graduate. The loan may cover some living costs as well as tuition fees.
  The level and type of support on offer depends on whether you study in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland, and also on your personal and family circumstances. In exceptional circumstances, non-EU/EEA students can also apply for funding. Find out more about who qualifies for financial support inUKCISA's Student Support section.
  Some medical courses – such as nursing or midwifery – are only available to students who qualify for an NHS bursary. Find out more here.
  If you think you qualify for student support, you usually have to apply within nine months of the start of the academic year – so make sure you leave enough time to prepare!
   Scholarships and other support
  There are a number of scholarship options and financial support schemes for international students in the UK. Demand can be high, but it is worth taking a look at what is available.
  Scholarships are offered by a number of providers including:
  UK institutions
  Awards and scholarship programmes
  Companies/entrepreneurship schemes.
对英国留学的费用,伦敦地区和非伦敦地区是两个概念,一般而言,留学的开销主要分为学费和生活费。根据英国内政部发布的数据:2021年英国伦敦留学生每月生活费不低于1334英镑/月,折合人民币为1.2万元左右,但值得注意的是,内政部给出的费用,是赴英留学生生活费的基本标准,具体情况还需具体分析。根据LSE发布的数据,学生每月的生活费预算约为1100~1300英镑,包括住宿、水电、旅行和社交。一年下来,就是13200~15600英镑(约合11.7~13.8万人民币)。伦敦地区留学生生活费约为1000~1800英镑镑/月左右,一年下来就是12000~3300英镑(约合10.5~30万人民币),伦敦一年的留学成本在40~65万人民币之间,取平均数是46万,建议各位同学行前准备50万左右比较合适。非伦敦地区的花费相对就要下降很多,房租的价格差异也很大。便宜的house可能只要100镑/周,贵的一室一厅可能要200-300磅/周。一个月的伙食费大概在300-400镑左右,一年的伙食费大概3-4万人民币。在非伦敦地区留学一年的花费整体在人民币35-45万左右。英国留学是一个先到先得,早规划、早申请、早录取的过程,同学们决定去了英国一定更要赶早不赶晚。更多英国留学费用问题可以了解网址:https://www.liuxue315.cn/zhuanti-feiyong.shtml?ozs=uk-tf 里面包含了英国的高中,本科,硕士,研究生以及博士留学读书的更多费用细节问题,同时网站内也有关于英国留学中介的问题。可以按照院校或是专业查询具体的费用花销问题,查询如下图: