

admin admin 发表于2023-12-06 12:02:56 浏览8 评论0




您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   很多需要完成托福考试的学生,都会通过阅读一些考试的真题来确定考试的形式以及出题的习惯。那么对于刚刚完成的6月19日的托福考试,就有很多学生想要看它的真题了。那么小钟老师今天就给大家带来托福6月19日阅读考试的真题吧。  2023年6月19日托福阅读真题:  1.厄尔尼诺现象  tat selection, ancient discoveries or inventions in roman  3.南美一个小国家的可可豆香蕉出口带来的boom  4.动物的生物钟节律  5.欧洲中世纪的town的特点-木星的卫星欧罗巴上的冰层下的海洋,而且因为木星引力导致的地热而可能存在生命的推测。  托福阅读考试复习的方法:  第1点:托福词汇基础要扎实。托福阅读有一个很大的特色就是有专门考察单词的题型,也就是托福阅读词汇题。从文章中抽出一个单词,让考生选择与这个单词词义最接近最符合的。这些词汇是没有一个大纲让考生去背的,只有靠考生平时自己大量的托福阅读词汇积累,尤其是一些学术学科的词汇。  第2点: 托福阅读试题基本语法知识要了解。托福阅读考试是一项比较全面的考察学生英语能力的内容,所以从词汇开始,一直到句子已经篇章都有对应的考题类型去考察。但是要理解句子的含义,光是词汇认识也不一定能完全搞清楚,有的时候需要通过语法知识去分析。这种语法在很多题型中有所体现。  第3点:逻辑关系词要牢记在心。托福阅读试题英语句子的理解很多时候是要去理解其逻辑关系的,常见的逻辑关系有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as…),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also,furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等等。  第4点:快速阅读能力要加强。托福阅读考试每篇的时间是规定为20分钟,除了看托福阅读文章长篇的文章外,还有11或13道题目的内容,所以时间是非常紧张的,因此在托福阅读的时候速度就很关键。考生要改掉一些阅读的坏习惯,例如逐字阅读,出声阅读,或者指着阅读等,这样的习惯只会拖慢阅读的速度。所以快速托福阅读能力在考试中是非常重要的,读的时候要以意群来看。  第5点:注重归纳的能力培养。托福阅读最后一大题都是以全文意思的归纳为基础才能完成的,尤其是summary,考察的就是考生对文章的整体把握。因此考生在平时练习的时候一定要注意对文章段落的归纳,能够在较短的时间内把文章段落的中心大意读出来,然后进行总结,最后选择出最能代表文章中心含义的内容。  托福阅读评分流程:  托福阅读满分为30分,但是大家都知道这是调整过后的分数,称为Scaled Score;在调整之前的分数被称为原始分Raw Score;原始分数是45分。ETS对托福阅读的评分流程  1.首先根据卷面评分得出考生的原始分数。根据托福阅读评分标准,阅读一共有3篇文章,每篇有12-14道题,如果有加试的话,从所有考题中选3篇阅读题目计分。回答正确之后的总分数就是托福阅读的总分(原始分数)。除了托福阅读的观点题和归类题以外,每道题分值1分。重要观点题的分值可能是2分。归类题为3或4分。托福阅读分数范围为0-30分。  2.其次,再根据统计学的方法,调整原始分,可能调高,也可能调低;  3.将调整后的“原始分”根据事先制定的换算标准进行换算,得到最终分数。  为什么托福阅读评分标准如此复杂:  将托福阅读评分标准与国内相比的话,国内考试的评分更加简单。国内大部分考试的满分都是 100 分,即使不是 100 分,其评分机制也非常简单和直观,考生的最终得分就是卷面评分;而相比之下,托福之类的全球性英语能力考试,它们的评分标准需要经过一系列分数转化和统计,更加复杂,但是却更加公正和客观。为什么这么说?因为每次考试的难易程度肯定不一样,如果某次考试比较难,那么整体分数肯定下降反之亦然;长久下去必然破坏考试的公正性和有效性;所以经过复杂的统计学远离进行分数转换,可以更加公正。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!

托福考试时间多长 托福试卷结构是怎样的




您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/   托福线下9月4日的考试如今已经完成,对于这次考试有许多学生在关注,小编也不例外。那么在9月4日的托福考试里会考哪些题目呢?就与小钟老师来看看其中的写作考试真题吧。  一、9月4日托福写作真题回忆  综合写作:  阅读:一种墨西哥的生物在原生栖息地要灭绝了  1.人类扩张导致的栖息地丧失  2.外来鱼类太多了  3.农药导致水污染  听力反驳:  1.墨西哥人口增长相比以前缓慢了很多,有余力做一些生态友好的工程  2.政府可以给渔民钱让他们主动去捕,在河道里放网之类的东西,不让这个外来鱼吃这个生物  3.农民用这些肥料,水质下降,不能灌溉和收获作物,所以他们使用传统的不污染水资源的肥料  独立写作  Some teachers believe that it is good for students to use digital devices (such as computers, smart phones or tablets) to do their schoolwork at school. Other teachers believe that students shouldn't be allowed to use digital devices at school. Which opinion do you support and why?  二、托福写作高分技巧  1.简化内容,确保文章符合逻辑  内容简单化是考生在构思新托福作文时应遵循的原则,考生不论是在练习时还是在考场上都应当牢记这一点。ETS出托福作文试题时特别注意选择一些弹性不是很大的题目,因为托福考试作为一种语言测试方式,其重点在于测试考生英语语言水平,考生在构思时只要保证自己的内容符合逻辑,能够言之有理、言之成理、切题即可,然后把更多的注意力放在如何追求语言的得体性上。  2.结构模式化 ,强化写作练习  托福高分作文的第二大策略是结构模式化,这也是最核心的一条策略。通览以往的托福作文考题,细心的考生不难发现,托福作文考题不仅题目弹性很小,而且题型相结稳定,这就为考生在短期内提高作文分数创造了一个条件,使考生完全可以在考前针对考试中可能出现的题型按照固定的结构模式进行训练。新托福作文考题从语言形式上可大致分为三个类型,第一种为二选一,即题目给出两种观点,问考生倾向于哪一种观点,但近两年这类题目转向隐蔽化,考生要学会“拨云见日”,将隐蔽的题目转化成熟悉的题型。  3.包装语言,练习句法结构  做到内容简单化和结构模式化,考生就已经向托福高分作文的目标迈进了一大步,如果考生还能在语言的细节上下一些功夫,托福作文的分数就会更上一层楼,这也就是我们接下来要谈的第三大策略:语言要包装。托福高分作文明确要求句子要做到多样化,所以最好不要全盘使用简单句,这样会降低文章的层次、复杂句和简单句应在文章中交叉出现,而对一些描述性的例证以及临时想起的内容可以使用简单句。  三、托福写作练习方法  1.积累优秀词汇、句型和文章结构  开始练习independentwriting时,同学们往往会遇到不知如何下手的问题。因此,在练习的初期,可以先阅读一些新托福写作的范文、相关书籍;精读里面的文章,注意作者的文章结构和展开方式,同时积累例子和细节。这样,我们对于独立写作的套路就有了基本的了解。另外在关注文章的展开方式时,我们同样可以学习范文里的句式结构和高深的词汇。并不是鼓励大家抄袭,而是真正地掌握较高级的句子结构和较复杂的词汇,这些都会给我们的作文加分。  2.针对不同话题思考自己的观点  经过了范文学习的过程,就可以开始针对不同话题的文章思考自己的观点,列出提纲,寻找supportingdetails。这样,在做好了充分的准备后,就可以有准备地开始真正的练笔阶段。特别要说明的是,如果同学们没有好的模拟写作小软件,建议使用windows自带的写字板,切忌使用MicrosoftWord等具有纠错功能的软件进行模拟写作。在练笔的**初阶段可以不计时间,但熟悉了写作的流程后一定要每次写作都计时,模拟真实的考试环境。  3.培养听力和复述能力  Integratedwriting部分是听力和写作的结合,不需要大家发表个人观点,因此考察的是听力能力和复述的能力。在听力前的三分钟要认真阅读题目中的文字,文字中会有3个支持文字观点的论据,听力则会针对这三个观点逐个展开。对于听力部分,同样提醒大家要多做笔记,记住细节,在作文展开中体现出来。因为综合写作的模式比较固定,因此可以提前准备好模版和固定的句式。注意,一篇**的综合写作一定有变化多样的句式,这个在我们准备模版的时候一定要体现出来。  希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 这篇托福阅读模拟试题的主要内容是美国总统制度的发展,该话题也是热门话题,很值得大家去了解。美国现在总统制度的发展经历了一个从无到有的时期,也经历了很坎坷和漫长的时期。The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837. During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. "The President is the direct representative of the American people," he lectured the Senate when it opposed him. "He was elected by the people, and is responsible to them." With this declaration, Jackson redefined the character of the presidential office and its relationship to the people.During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually come together to form the Whig party. Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by the market, banks, and commerce. The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflict between "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedy aristocrats. This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. The Democrats wanted the rewards of the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. They wanted the wealth that the market offered without the competitive, changing society; the complex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.Whigs, on the other hand, were more comfortable with the market. For them, commerce and economic development were agents of civilization. Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict in society between farmers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on the other. Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national income and expanding opportunity. The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.Whigs and Democrats differed not only in their attitudes toward the market but also about how active the central government should be in people's lives. Despite Andrew Jackson's inclination to be a strong President, Democrats as a rule believed in limited government. Government's role in the economy was to promote competition by destroying monopolies' and special privileges. In keeping with this philosophy of limited government, Democrats also rejected the idea that moral beliefs were the proper sphere of government action. Religion and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarian legislation.The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively. They believed that it should be used to protect individual rights and public liberty, and that it had a special role where individual effort was ineffective. By regulating the economy and competition, the government could ensure equal opportunity. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy. In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country. They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid to education.In some ways the social makeup of the two parties was similar. To be competitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largest group in society, and workers. Neither party could win an election by appealing exclusively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs, however, enjoyed disproportionate strength among the business and commercial classes. Whigs appealed to planters who needed credit to finance their cotton and rice trade in the world market, to farmers who were eager to sell their surpluses, and to workers who wished to improve themselves. Democrats attracted farmers isolated from the market or uncomfortable with it, workers alienated from the emerging industrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wanted to break monopolies and open the economy to newcomers like themselves. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.Paragraph 1: The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837. During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. "The President is the direct representative of the American people," he lectured the Senate when it opposed him. "He was elected by the people, and is responsible to them." With this declaration, Jackson redefined the character of the presidential office and its relationship to the people.1. The word immeasurably in the passage is closest in meaning to○Frequently ○Greatly ○Rapidly ○Reportedly2. According to paragraph 1, the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?○The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate.○The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis.○It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States.○It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President.Paragraph 2: During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually come together to form the Whig party. Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by the market, banks, and commerce. The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflict between "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedy aristocrats. This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. The Democrats wanted the rewards of the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. They wanted the wealth that the market offered without the competitive, changing society; the complex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.3. The author mentions bankers and investors in the passage as an example of which of the following?○The Democratic Party's main source of support○The people that Democrats claimed were unfairly becoming rich○The people most interested in a return to a simple agrarian republic○One of the groups in favor of Andrew Jackson's presidencyParagraph 3: Whigs, on the other hand, were more comfortable with the market. For them, commerce and economic development were agents of civilization. Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict in society between farmers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on the other. Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national income and expanding opportunity. The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.4. According to paragraph 3, Whigs believed that commerce and economic development would have which of the following effects on society?○They would promote the advancement of society as a whole.○They would cause disagreements between Whigs and Democrats○They would supply new positions for Whig Party members.○They would prevent conflict between farmers and workers.5. According to paragraph 3, which of the following describes the Whig Party's view of the role of government?○To regulate the continuing conflict between farmers and businesspeople○To restrict the changes brought about by the market○To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit○To reduce the emphasis on economic developmentParagraph 4: Whigs and Democrats differed not only in their attitudes toward the market but also about how active the central government should be in people's lives. Despite Andrew Jackson's inclination to be a strong President, Democrats as a rule believed in limited government. Government's role in the economy was to promote competition by destroying monopolies' and special privileges. In keeping with this philosophy of limited government, Democrats also rejected the idea that moral beliefs were the proper sphere of government action. Religion and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarian legislation.6. The word inclination in the passage is closest in meaning to○Argument ○Tendency ○Example ○Warning7. According to paragraph 4, a Democrat would be most likely to support government action in which of the following areas?○Creating a state religion ○Supporting humanitarian legislation ○Destroying monopolies ○Recommending particular moral beliefsParagraph 5: The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively. They believed that it should be used to protect individual rights and public liberty, and that it had a special role where individual effort was ineffective. By regulating the economy and competition, the government could ensure equal opportunity. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy. In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country. They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid to education.8. The word concept in the passage is closest in meaning to○Power ○Reality ○Difficulty ○Idea9. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about variations in political beliefs within the Whig Party?○They were focused on issues of public liberty.○They caused some members to leave the Whig party.○They were unimportant to most Whigs.○They reflected regional interests.Paragraph 6: In some ways the social makeup of the two parties was similar. To be competitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largest group in society, and workers. Neither party could win an election by appealing exclusively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs, however, enjoyed disproportionate strength among the business and commercial classes. Whigs appealed to planters who needed credit to finance their cotton and rice trade in the world market, to farmers who were eager to sell their surpluses, and to workers who wished to improve themselves. Democrats attracted farmers isolated from the market or uncomfortable with it, workers alienated from the emerging industrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wanted to break monopolies and open the economy to newcomers like themselves. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.10. According to paragraph 6, the Democrats were supported by all of the following groups EXCEPT○workers unhappy with the new industrial system○planters involved in international trade○rising entrepreneurs○individuals seeking to open the economy to newcomers11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○Whigs were able to attract support only in the wealthiest parts of the economy because Democrats dominated in other areas.○Whig and Democratic areas of influence were naturally split between urban and rural areas, respectively.○The semisubsistence farming areas dominated by Democrats became increasingly isolated by the Whigs' control of the market economy.○The Democrats' power was greatest in poorer areas while the Whigs were strongest in those areas where the market was already fully operating.Paragraph 2: During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually come together to form the Whig party. █Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by the market, banks, and commerce. █The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflict between "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedy aristocrats. █This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. █The Democrats wanted the rewards of the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. They wanted the wealth that the market offered without the competitive, changing society; the complex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.12. Look at the four squares II that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.This new party argued against the policies of Jackson and his party in a number of important areas, beginning with the economy.Where would the sentence best fit?13. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The political system of the United States in the mid-nineteenth century was strongly influenced by the social and economic circumstances of the time.Answer Choices1. The Democratic and Whig Parties developed in response to the needs of competing economic and political constituencies.2. During Andrew Jackson's two terms as President, he served as leader of both the Democratic and Whig Parties.3. The Democratic Party primarily represented the interests of the market, banks, and commerce.4. In contrast to the Democrats, the Whigs favored government aid for education.5. A fundamental difference between Whigs and Democrats involved the importance of the market in society.6. The role of government in the lives of the people was an important political distinction between the two parties.希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。留学的道路充满了无限可能,但选择和准备的过程可能也充满挑战。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 。在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。我们的专业团队会全程陪伴您,助您圆梦海外学府。祝您留学申请顺利!


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。https://liuxue.87dh.com/   很多的学生在备考托福的时候,都会去看之前的考试真题,这对于自己的备考是很有用处的。现在3月14号的考试已经结束,如果需要在近期去完成托福考试的学生,就来小钟老师看看这次考试的阅读与写作部分的真题解析吧。  阅读部分:  1. 印象派  2. 巨石阵  3. Huntergathering  4. wasps&orchid  5. 印象派  6. rap  词汇题  profoundly  appropriate  写作部分:  综合写作  是否鼓励学生们上课讨论?  阅读说了造成虎鲸decline的三个原因:  1. 污染形成的PCB堆积 inhibiting reproduce,因为这类虎鲸吃salmon  2. 观赏鲸鱼的船越来越多,引擎的声音让他们不能echolocation  3. bacteria infection  听力中一一反驳  独立写作  【三选一】政府应该给钱资助哪些人?  -有孩子的年轻家庭  -没工作的人  -没工作的70岁以上的老人  怎么在作文获取高分:  1、简化内容,确保文章符合逻辑  内容简单化是考生在构思新托福作文时应遵循的原则,考生不论是在练习时还是在考场上都应当牢记这一点。ETS出托福作文试题时特别注意选择一些弹性不是很大的题目,因为托福考试作为一种语言测试方式,其重点在于测试考生英语语言水平,考生在构思时只要保证自己的内容符合逻辑,能够言之有理、言之成理、切题即可,然后把更多的注意力放在如何追求语言的得体性上。  在考场上,考生在构思内容上所花的时间不应超过5分钟,在认真读题并将其理解透彻以后,考生可以在试卷题目下方的空白处列一个简短的提纲,用中文即可,以此作为写作过程中内容的提示,在提笔开始写作的过程中就可将重点放在保证语言的流畅得体上,不会因为内容而中断思路。  2、结构模式化 ,强化写作练习  托福高分作文的第二大策略是结构模式化,这也是最核心的一条策略。通览以往的托福作文考题,细心的考生不难发现,托福作文考题不仅题目弹性很小,而且题型相结稳定,这就为考生在短期内提高作文分数创造了一个条件,使考生完全可以在考前针对考试中可能出现的题型按照固定的结构模式进行训练。新托福作文考题从语言形式上可大致分为三个类型,第一种为二选一,即题目给出两种观点,问考生倾向于哪一种观点,但近两年这类题目转向隐蔽化,考生要学会“拨云见日”,将隐蔽的题目转化成熟悉的题型。  3、包装语言,练习句法结构  做到内容简单化和结构模式化,考生就已经向托福高分作文的目标迈进了一大步,如果考生还能在语言的细节上下一些功夫,托福作文的分数就会更上一层楼,这也就是我们接下来要谈的第三大策略:语言要包装。托福高分作文明确要求句子要做到多样化,所以最好不要全盘使用简单句,这样会降低文章的层次、复杂句和简单句应在文章中交叉出现,而对一些描述性的例证以及临时想起的内容可以使用简单句。  在引用名人名言时考生也要特别注意:中国人习惯用别人说的话来证明自己的观点,而西方人引用名人名言通常都是为了进行批判性分析,这也是东西方文化上的一大差异,建议考生心意一不要使用名人名言,而应当用自己的逻辑去说服对方。在对所用表达法把握很大的情况下,考生不妨在作文中写一些地道的英语习语。  以上信息希望能帮助您在留学申请的道路上少走弯路。如果您还有更多问题或需要深入探讨,不要犹豫,您可以在我们的留学官方网站上找到更丰富的考试资讯、留学指导和一对一专家咨询服务。我们的团队始终站在您的角度,为您的留学梦想全力以赴。祝您申请顺利!https://liuxue.87dh.com/


新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口试(Speaking)、写作(Writing)。每部分满分30分,整个试题满分120分。 听力部分包含两个对话和四段演讲(包括教室对话在内)。每个对话涉及2个或2个以上的说话者,每个对话对应5道试题;每段演讲对应6道试题。听力部分共包括34道试题。每道试题是1至2分,共34至36分。听力部分的时间大约是20分钟。每个对话是2至3分钟,每个演讲是4至6分钟。考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记帮助答题。听力水平无疑是新托福成功与否的关键,除阅读外,无论哪一部分都离不开“听”。对于中国考生来说,听力却正是薄弱环节。中国考生提高听力的其中一条有效途径是“听写法”,即把相关听力材料拿来精听,并把听到的内容逐句写下来。也有专门用来练习新托福听写的软件,如新托福听写王软件。“听写法”提高听力的一个缺点是,刚开始练习时可能比较费时。 新托福考试的口语部分共有6题,总时间约为15分钟。第1题和第2题为独立回答题,准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。问题会被朗读出来,同时会出现在屏幕上。第3题和第4题要求考生先阅读一段文字,然后再听一段与阅读文字在内容上相关的听力材料,最后考生按照要求回答相关问题。通常一道题是情景题,另一道是学术题,阅读材料只含一个自然段,共45秒钟的阅读时间。听力材料可能是对话,也可能是演讲,其长度大约为1分半钟,考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记来帮助答题。考生有30秒的准备时间,60秒的回答问题时间。第5题和第6题以考试中的听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。考生有20秒的准备时间,60秒的时间回答问题。每个回答的得分是0至4分。参加有针对性的考前模拟对真实环境和发挥都有一定的效果,像易格英语美国外教新托福一对一辅导。 1、诠释新考试成绩的书面指导2、 针对4项语言能力(听说读写)分别进行评分,每项能力的成绩为1 – 25分3、综合成绩4、针对每项语言能力的成绩段说明,指出相对每个成绩段的英语熟练程度5、托福机考成绩对照,帮助成绩使用单位与现行托福考试成绩要求进行比较6、 考生将收到包括分析反馈在内的成绩单 六分:文章切题,阐说充分,文章有说服力;段落组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有很强的逻辑性;段落内句与句连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活,娴熟;用词确切,得体。文章中有个别语法拼写错误,但不影响内容表达。五分:文章切题,阐说基本充分,在某些细节上有缺陷。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,逻辑性强;句间连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活;用词基本得体。文章中有少量用词不当和语法拼写错误。四分:文章切题,阐说尚可,展开不够。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有逻辑性;句间连接基本顺畅;有部分句法错误;用词一般,有时不得体。词性区分和拼写等有若干错误。三分:文章切题,段落组织基本合理,有逻辑性,但只存在于语义层次上,语言表达上未能体现;句子框架结构基本成立,但有许多语法错误,句间联系不顺畅,往往是不善于使用逻辑连词,显得幼稚,生硬。词汇方面拼写错误多,常有用词不得体现象。二分:文章切题。阐说没有展开,只限于三言两语地回答问题;没有段落组织,很乱,长度很短,只有一段;句子排列有一定的逻辑关系,能看出各句基本框架,但结构或语法错误较多;用词不得体,拼写错误多。一分:文章各方面都有严重错误,句子不像句子。总体印象是根本没有写作能力,英语水平太低,够不上二分标准,只能打最低分。 正确题目个数 得分 正确题目个数 得分 正确题目个数 得分 正确题目个数 得分 10 3 21 8 32 18 45 30 9 2 20 8 31 17 44 29 8 2 19 7 30 16 43 29 7 1 18 7 29 16 42 28 6 1 17 6 28 15 41 27 5 0 16 6 27 14 40 26 4 0 15 5 26 13 39 25 3 0 14 5 25 12 38 24 2 0 13 4 24 11 37 23 1 0 12 4 23 10 36 22 33 19 11 3 22 9 35 21             34 20


为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来老托福阅读100篇passage 33试题及答案,希望大家喜欢!
老托福阅读100篇passage 33试题及答案
Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.
Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question What will I do after graduation? A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.
A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) A tool to assist in making complex decisions.
(B) A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions
(C) Research on how people make decisions
(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making
2. The word essential in line 7 is closest in meaning to
(A) introductory
(B) changeable
(C) beneficial
(D) fundamental
3. The word pertinent in line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) relevant
(B) preceding
(C) insightful
(D) responsive
4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?
(A) Listing the consequences of each solution
(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution
(C) Deciding which consequences are most important
(D) Writing down all possible solutions
5. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that
(A) has the fewest variables to consider
(B) uses the most decision worksheets
(C) has the most points assigned to it
(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people
6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of
(A) describing a process
(B) classifying types of worksheets
(C) providing historical background
(D) explaining a theory
7. The author states that On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at
once (lines 17-18) to explain that
(A) most decisions involve seven steps
(B) human mental capacity has limitations
(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions
(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice
8. The word succinct in line 24 is closest in meaning to
(A) creative
(B) satisfactory
(C) personal
(D) concise
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) Proponents (line 5)
(B) Optimal (line 5)
(C) Variables (line 17)
(D) Long-range goals (line 25)
10. The word it in line 24 refers to
(A) worksheet
(B) problem
(C) distinction
(D) decision
11. The word revise in line 26 is closest in meaning to
(A) ask
(B) explain
(C) change
(D) predict
定位词的称呼有很多,如关键词,主旨词,功能词,中心词等等。这些只是个名称罢了,含义都是一致的:一个可以根据题干回原文定位,并能够找到出处的词,这个题干中的词就是定位词 or key word。
如, 95年英国剑桥委员会British Council给出的唯一样题 文章 的题目是:The Spectacular Eruption of Mount St.Helens
下面有一道选择题是“ According to the text the eruption of Mount St.Helens and other volcanoes has influenced our climate by…”
拿这道题为例,如果大家把Mount St.Helens 作为关键词回原文进行定位,那你会郁闷致死,全文主要讲的就是圣海伦斯火山的喷发,原文有N多个Mount St.Helens,所以即使这个词属于大写的专有名词,但他违背了细节性,是概括性的词汇,也不能作为定位词来寻找答案。
Sequoia 美洲杉 ---特殊怪,很好定位,也经常作为考点。
sodium 【化学】钠---特殊难,大家只要知道是一种化学元素足矣。
Simultaneous 同时的---特殊长,这种词本身的特点决定应作为定位词。
“What are the dates of the TWO major eruptions before 1980?”
那么像1980 3185$ 69%这些词因为长相原因,段落全是英文,突然跑出来几个数字,十分显眼,也就很好回原文找到他们。
在特殊符号里或者旁边的词,最好通过符号回原文进行定位,如“paper conversation”,(three cubic miles) 这些词本身并没有什么特别,但放在符号里面,就可以根据符号回原文进行寻找。
总之,在国外考试的阅读中,无论是阅读文章,还是回答后面的10几道题目,定位词的寻找,都是一种有效的应试策略,更是学术文章的阅读的重要 方法 。
平时注意单词量的积累,力求达到可以随时随地记忆单词的境界。其实我们在记忆单词的时候也可以适当地使用一些策略,那就是在我们可以把自己的侧重点放在动词和形容词的记忆上。考试过后,你就会发现这个策略的事半功倍了。此外,对于自己不认识的单词,我们应该主动回原文找 同义词 ,或找相关的提示信息。
(3)根据 经验 ,在考试中,整篇文章的最后一句出题较多,所以应该仔细阅读这个重要的 句子 。


Extinction Episodes of the Past
【1】It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity. Since the Cambrian period, biodiversity has generally risen, but there have been some notable exceptions. Biodiversity collapsed dramatically during at least five periods because of mass extinctions around the globe. The five major mass extinctions receive most of the attention, but they are only one end of a spectrum of extinction events. Collectively, more species went extinct during smaller events that were less dramatic but more frequent. The best known of the five major extinction events, the one that saw the demise of the dinosaurs, is the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.
【2】Starting about 280 million years ago, reptiles were the dominant large animals in terrestrial environments. In popular language this was the era “when dinosaurs ruled Earth,” when a wide variety of reptile species occupying many ecological niches. However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish, evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales, that we know today. Paleontologists label this point in Earth’s history as the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period, often abbreviated as the K-T boundary. This time was also marked by changes in many other types of organisms. Overall, about 38 percent of the families of marine animals were lost, with percentages much higher in some groups Ammonoid mollusks went from being very diverse and abundant to being extinct. An extremely abundant set of planktonic marine animals called foraminifera largely disappeared, although they rebounded later. Among plants, the K-T boundary saw a sharp but brief rise in the abundance of primitive vascular plants such as ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and conifers and other gymnosperms. The number of flowering plants (angiosperms) was reduced at this time, but they then began to increase dramatically.
【3】What caused these changes? For many years scientists assumed that a cooling of the climate was responsible, with dinosaurs being particularly vulnerable because, like modern reptiles, they were ectothermic (dependent on environmental heat, or cold-blooded). It is now widely believed that at least some species of dinosaurs had a metabolic rate high enough for them to be endotherms (animals that maintain a relatively consistent body temperature by generating heat internally). Nevertheless, climatic explanations for the K-T extinction are not really challenged by the ideas that dinosaurs may have been endothermic, because even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate.
【4】Explanations for the K-T extinction were revolutionized in 1980 when a group of physical scientists led by Luis Alvarez proposed that 65 million years ago Earth was stuck by a 10-kilometer-wide meteorite traveling at 90,000 kilometers per hour. They believed that this impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels. Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions. Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. At locations around the globe, geologists had found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago. Iridium is an element that is usually uncommon near Earth’s surface, but it is abundant in some meteorites. Therefore, Alvarez and his colleagues concludedthat it was likely that the iridium in sedimentary rocks deposited at the K-T boundary had originated in a giant meteorite or asteroid. Most scientist came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.
1.The word "proliferation" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to
2.Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about life on Earth before the Cambrian period?
A.Biodiversity levels were steady, as indicated by the fossil record.
B.Levels of biodiversity could not be tracked.
C.The most dramatic extinction episode occurred.
D.Few microscopic species existed.
3.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A.The dominance of dinosaurs came to an end 65 million years ago, at which time mammals began to flourish and diversify.
B.Because no group of species can remain dominant forever, mammals became the dominant group when dinosaurs became extinct.
C.After being the dominant group for more than 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end 65 million years ago.
D.The diverse group of mammals that we know today, including bats and whales, evolved from small terrestrial forms that had been dominated by dinosaurs.
4.According to paragraph 2, why are dinosaurs popularly said to have "ruled Earth" during the Cretaceous period?
A.Dinosaurs were the only species of reptile that existed during the whole of the Cretaceous period.
B.Dinosaurs won the battle for food resources over mammals during the Cretaceous period.
C.Dinosaurs survived extinction during the Cretaceous period, whereas many other animal species did not.
D.Dinosaurs were the physically and ecologically dominant animals during the Cretaceous period.
5.According to paragraph 2, which of the following species initially increased in number at the K-T boundary?
D.Ammonoid mollusks.
6.Why does the author note that "even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate"(paragraph 3)?
A.To argue that there was a significant climate at the time that endothermic dinosaurs became extinct.
B.To argue that climate change caused some dinosaurs to evolve as endotherms.
C.To support the view that at least some of the dinosaurs that became extinct were endotherms.
D.To defend climate change as possible explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs.
7.The word "generated"(paragraph 4) in the passage is closest in meaning to
8.The word "extensive"(paragraph 4) in the passage is closest in meaning to
9.According to paragraph 4, all of the following contributed to the massive extinctions of the K-T period EXCEPT:
A.tidal waves.
C.insufficient solar radiation.
10.According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements explains the importance of the discovery of high levels of iridium rocks?
A.It provided evidence that overexposure to solar radiation led to the K-T extinction.
B.It showed that more than one cataclysmic event was responsible for the K-T extinction.
C.It suggested that the cause of the K-T extinction may have been a meteorite striking Earth.
D.It provided evidence that the K-T extinction occurred 65 million years ago.
11.According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the Yucatan Peninsula?
A.The circular formation there was caused by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago.
B.Sedimentary rocks from that area have the lowest iridium concentration of any rocks on Earth.
C.There is evidence that a huge tidal wave occurred there 65 million years ago.
D.Evidence found there challenged the meteorite impact theory.
12.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the meteorite theory?
A.The data originally presented as evidence for the theory were eventually rejected.
B.Many scientists did not accept it when it was first proposed.
C.It has not been widely accepted as an explanation for the K-T extinction.
D.Alvarez subsequently revised it after a circular formation was found in the Yucatan Peninsula.
13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? This focused on the chemical composition of ancient rocks.
Explanations for the K-T extinction were revolutionized in 1980 when a group of physical scientists led by Luis Alvarez proposed that 65 million years ago Earth was stuck by a 10-kilometer-wide meteorite traveling at 90,000 kilometers per hour. They believed that this impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels. Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions. ■【A】Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. ■【B】At locations around the globe, geologists had found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago. ■【C】Iridium is an element that is usually uncommon near Earth's surface, but it is abundant in some meteorites. ■【D】Therefore, Alvarez and his colleagues concluded that it was likely that the iridium in sedimentary rocks deposited at the K-T boundary had originated in a giant meteorite or asteroid. Most scientist came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.
14. Prose Summary
The K-T extinction 65 million years ago is the best known of the five major extinction episodes since the Cambrian period.
A.Collectively, the five major extinction episodes resulted in the elimination of a larger number of species than did all the minor extinction events.
B.The K-T extinction eliminated the dinosaurs and ammonoid mollusks but was followed by the diversification of mammals and gymnospermous plants.
C.An extreme cooling of the climate could not have caused the K-T extinction of dinosaurs, because, while most dinosaurs depended on environmental heat, some did not.
D.The K-T extinction of the dinosaurs is the only mass extinction that has been explained by the impact of a meteorite.
E.In 1980 Luis Alvarez proposed that the K-T extinction was caused by ecological disasters brought about by the impact of a meteorite striking Earth.
F.A high concentration of iridium in sedimentary rocks at the K-T boundary and a large impact crater in the Yucatan Peninsula from 65 million years ago strongly support Alvarez' hypothesis.
托福阅读TPO33 阅读答案
2.推断题:定位句It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity.主要意思是直到寒武纪才能够监测生物多样性。言外之意就是在寒武纪之前就不能监测生物多样性,对应B选项。
3.解析 句子 简化题:该长句其实是2个长句的并列;主要分成2个意思:第一是没有任何一种生物能永远地统治,第二是恐龙灭亡之后,哺乳动物开始发展统治,且两层意思之间可以构成因果关系。所以只有B选项满足所有条件。
4.解析细节题:定位句Starting about 280 million years ago, reptiles were the dominant large animals in terrestrial environments. In popular language this was the era "when dinosaurs ruled Earth," when a wide variety of reptile species occupying many ecological niches.对应D选项。
5.解析细节题:定位句Paleontologists label this point in Earth's history as the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period,often abbreviated as the K-T boundary. This time was also marked by changes in many other types of organisms. Overall, about 38 percent of the families of marine animals were lost, with percentages much higher in some groups
Ammonoid mollusks went from being very diverse and abundant to being extinct.题干中的范围限定initially,因此只可能是Ammonoid mollusk.选D。
6.解析修辞目的题:题干中的even甚至,表示程度的递进。定位句Nevertheless, climatic explanations for the L-T extinction are not really challenged by the ideas that dinosaurs may have been endothermic。即后半句的原因解释了气候理论为什么不被反驳。
9.解析否定细节题:定位句 Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions.对应A选项,B选项。定位句 They believed that its impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels.意思是这种冲击产生了大量的厚尘云,遮蔽了天空和阳光。对应C选项。而D选项,iridium是有关灭绝的证据,但并非构成灭绝的原因。
10.解析细节题:定位句Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. At locations around the globe, geologists have found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago.意思是说小行星撞击理论一开始主要的证据就 是在地球的岩石中发现了大量的iridium (铱)。因此其重要性就是说明该撞击理论是物种大灭绝的原因。
11.解析细节题:定位句Most scientists came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.意思是说在Yucatan Peninsula背岸的大坑是陨石撞击的结果。对应A选项。
12.解析推断题:定位句 Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. 一开始仅依赖于单一证据的理论,暗示了证据还不够充分。定位句 Most scientists came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation,180 kilometers in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.在环形坑证据出现之后大多数的科学家才开始接受小 行星撞击理论,就是说一开始大多数科学家对该理论是持有怀疑态度的。即答案就是B。
13.解析句子插入题:给出的句子中出现了this的指代提示,表示前面的内容可能 与石头的化学组成无关,而该句的下一句应该与化学组成有关。因此只有 第二个方框满足条件。在第二个方框之后才出现了对于iridium的讨论。
14.The K-T extinction eliminated the dinosaurs and ammonoid mollusks but was followed by the diversification of mammals and gymnospermous plants.正确。对应第二段段落大意,没有永生的统治者,恐龙之后现在是哺乳动物和植物的天下。
In 1980 Luis Alvarez proposed that the K-T extinction was caused by ecological disasters brought about by the impact of a meteorite striking Earth.正确。对应第四段主旨:小行星撞击地球假说。
A high concentration of iridium in sedimentary rocks at the K-T boundary and a large impact crater in the Yucatan Peninsula from 65 million years ago strongly support Alvarez, hypothesis.正确。对应第四段解释小行星撞击地球假说的重要证据。一个证据是Iridium在 地球岩石中的大量出现,另一个证据是巨大环形坑的发现。

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TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO20(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Fossil Preservation。
【1】When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are. Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high. However, the chances of escaping complete destruction are vastly improved if the organism happens to have a mineralized skeleton and dies in a place where it can be quickly buried by sediment. Both of these conditions are often found on the ocean floors, where shelled invertebrates (organisms without spines) flourish and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles. Although most fossils are found in marine sedimentary rocks, they also are found in terrestrial deposits left by streams and lakes. On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash.
【2】The term "fossil" often implies petrifaction, literally a transformation into stone. After the death of an organism, the soft tissue is ordinarily consumed by scavengers and bacteria. The empty shell of a snail or clam may be left behind, and if it is sufficiently durable and resistant to dissolution, it may remain basically unchanged for a long period of time. Indeed, unaltered shells of marine invertebrates are known from deposits over 100 million years old. In many marine creatures, however, the skeleton is composed of a mineral variety of calcium carbonate called aragonite. Although aragonite has the same composition as the more familiar mineral known as calcite, it has a different crystal form, is relatively unstable, and in time changes to the more stable calcite.
【3】Many other processes may alter the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation. Water containing dissolved silica, calcium carbonate, or iron may circulate through the enclosing sediment and be deposited in cavities such as marrow cavities and canals in bone once occupied by blood vessels and nerves. In such cases, the original composition of the bone or shell remains, but the fossil is made harder and more durable. This addition of a chemically precipitated substance into pore spaces is termed "permineralization."
【4】Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition. This process is termed " replacement" because solutions have dissolved the original material and replaced it with an equal volume of the new substance. Replacement can be a marvelously precise process, so that details of shell ornamentation, tree rings in wood, and delicate structures in bone are accurately preserved.
【5】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette.
【6】Although it is certainly true that the possession of hard parts enhances the prospect of preservation, organisms having soft tissues and organs are also occasionally preserved. Insects and even small invertebrates have been found preserved in the hardened resins of conifers and certain other trees. X-ray examination of thin slabs of rock sometimes reveals the ghostly outlines of tentacles, digestive tracts, and visual organs of a variety of marine creatures. Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps.
【7】The probability that actual remains of soft tissue will be preserved is improved if the organism dies in an environment of rapid deposition and oxygen deprivation. Under such conditions, the destructive effects of bacteria are diminished. The Middle Eocene Messel Shale (from about 48 million years ago) of Germany accumulated in such an environment. The shale was deposited in an oxygen-deficient lake where lethal gases sometimes bubbled up and killed animals. Their remains accumulated on the floor of the lake and were then covered by clay and silt. Among the superbly preserved Messel fossils are insects with iridescent exoskeletons (hard outer coverings), frogs with skin and blood vessels intact, and even entire small mammals with preserved fur and soft tissue.
1.The word "agencies" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to
2.In paragraph 1, what is the author's purpose in providing examples of how organisms are destroyed?
A.To emphasize how surprising it is that so many fossils exist.
B.To introduce a new geologic theory of fossil preservation.
C.To explain why the fossil record until now has remained incomplete.
D.To compare how fossils form on land and in water.
3.The word "terrestrial" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to
4.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 2)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A.When snail or clam shells are left behind, they must be empty in order to remain durable and resist dissolution.
B.Although snail and clam shells are durable and resist dissolving, over time they slowly begin to change.
C.Although the soft parts of snails or clams dissolve quickly, their hard shells resist dissolution for a long time.
D.Empty snail or clam shells that are strong enough not to dissolve may stay in their original state for a long time.
5.Why does the author mention "aragonite" in the passage (paragraph 2)?
A.To emphasize that some fossils remain unaltered for millions of years.
B.To contrast fossil formation in organisms with soft tissue and in organisms with hard shells.
C.To explain that some marine organisms must undergo chemical changes in order to fossilize.
D.To explain why fossil shells are more likely to survive than are fossil skeletons.
6.The word "enhance" in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to
7.Which of the following best explains the process of permineralization mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.Water containing calcium carbonate circulates through a shell and deposits sediment.
B.Liquid containing chemicals hardens an already existing fossil structure.
C.Water passes through sediment surrounding a fossil and removes its chemical content.
D.A chemical substance enters a fossil and changes its shape.
8.The word "precise" in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to
9.Paragraph 5 suggests which of the following about the carbonization process?
A.It is completed soon after an organism dies.
B.It does not occur in hard-shell organisms.
C.It sometimes allows soft-tissued organisms to be preserved with all their parts.
D.It is a more precise process of preservation than is replacement.
10.The word "prospect" in the passage (paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to
11.According to paragraph 7, how do environments containing oxygen affect fossil preservation?
A.They increase the probability that soft-tissued organisms will become fossils.
B.They lead to more bacteria production.
C.They slow the rate at which clay and silt are deposited.
D.They reduce the chance that animal remains will be preserved.
12.According to paragraph 7, all of the following assist in fossil preservation EXCEPT
A.the presence of calcite in an organism's skeleton.
B.the presence of large open areas along an ocean floor.
C.the deposition of a fossil in sticky substances such as sap or tar.
D.the rapid burial of an organism under layers of silt.
13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to insert the sentence in the passage. But the evidence of past organic life is not limited to petrifaction. ■【A】Another type of fossilization, known as carbonization, occurs when soft tissues are preserved as thin films of carbon. ■【B】Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents. ■【C】The carbon often remains behind as a blackened silhouette.■【D】
14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. The remains of ancient life are amazingly well preserved in the form of fossils.
A.Environmental characteristics like those present on ocean floors increase the likelihood that plant and animal fossils will occur.
B.Fossils are more likely to be preserved in shale deposits than in deposits of clay and silt.
C.The shells of organisms can be preserved by processes of chemical precipitation or mineral exchange.
D.Freezing enables the soft parts of organisms to survive longer than the hard parts.
E.Comparatively few fossils are found in the terrestrial deposits of streams and lakes.
F.Thin films of carbon may remain as an indication of soft tissue or actual tissue may be preserved if exposure to bacteria is limited.
托福 阅读答案
4.原句的结构是并列加条件,所以正确答案是D。A的must be empty原文没说;B和C的关系都错误;D说的是shell会被剩下,如果足够耐腐蚀,就能保存一段时间。
5.修辞目的题,先看例子所在 句子 ,说很多海洋生物的骨骼包含calcite,没有答案,往前看,前一句说一亿年前的沉积物中能发现骨骼不变的海生无脊椎动物,与A靠谱,但A本身不是一个观点,所以A不对;B和D完全没说,不对;强调的中心在例子所在句的下一句,说arogonite的晶体形状不同,相对不那么稳定,会变成更稳定的形式,所以答案是C,想稳定的话必须再变。
7.以permineralization做关键词定位至最后一句。说将chemically precipitate的物质加入precipitate的过程叫做permineralization,this指代前文,所以往前看,前面说血管和神经占据的空隙会被充填,骨头和壳体会留下来,变得更坚固,所以答案是B,变得更坚硬。A的包含calcium不全面,而且原文的变硬也没说;C的remove chemical content和D的change shape都没说。
8.precise精确的,所以C 的exact正确。原文说replacement是一个非常什么样的过程,壳体的纹饰,树轮和骨架上的微细结构都被记录下来,B快和D可信完全不靠谱,细微结构被记录下来不见得复杂,所以complex也不对。
9.此段较短,完全可以快速扫完,当然用排除法也比较好。A错,原文说生命死后要经过若干过程才会carbonization,所以A的soon明显错;B正确,原文明确指出carbonization发生在柔软组织中,当然也就不会发生在硬壳动物身上;C的all their parts和D的比较原文都没说,都错。
10.prospect展望,前景,勘探,所以C 的possibility正确。原句说尽管有硬壳提高了保存下来的什么,但软体动物也能偶尔被保存下来。根据让步推出硬壳动物应该是容易保存下来,但跟保存下来的完整性和种类都无关,所以variety和completion都不对,speed完全不沾边。
12.EXCEPT题,排除法,由于考全文,应该关注各段开头。A的skeleton和calcite做关键词定位至第六段首句,正确,不选;B的ocean floor在原文中虽然有出现,但open areas没有,所以B错,选;C的sap or tar做关键词定位至第六段最后一句,正确,不选;D的rapid burial和layer of silt做关键词定位至第七段第一句,正确,不选。
13.如果找名词过渡,最容易找到的当属petrification,但遗憾的是,整段中既没有petrification,也没有 同义词 替换,这段段首已经开始说carbonization,也就是说petrification应该是上一段或者下一段说的,也就是A或者D正确,但待插入句说不仅限于,也就是前面已经说过petrification了,所以A对D错。
14.Environmental选项对应原文首段第三句,A正确。Fossils选项的比较原文没说,B不选。The shells选项对应原文第三段最后一句和第四段开头句,C正确。Freezing选项在原文第六段结尾捎带提了一下,但没说比较,D不选。Comparatively选项与原文第一段倒数第二句说反,E不选。The films选项对应原文第五段和第七段开头,F正确。
【1】如果想想生物在死之后被完全摧毁的种.种方式,能够这样频繁出现化石是一件很令人惊讶的事。食腐动物和细菌的破坏、化学性腐烂、腐蚀以及 其它 地质因素都会非常不利于保存。不过,如果生物体碰巧具有矿化的骨骼并且死于可以迅速被沉积物掩埋的地方,摆脱被完全摧毁的几率便会大大增加。海底通常就具有上述的两方面条件,这里生活着很多带壳的无脊椎动物(没有脊椎的动物),不断累积的似雨的沉积颗粒会把它们掩埋起来。虽然多数的化石是在海洋沉积岩中发现的,但是在溪流和湖泊留下的陆相沉积物中也发现过。有时,浸入焦油和流沙、陷入冰或熔岩流或被急速降落的火山灰吞噬的动植物得以保存下来。 【2】术语“化石”常常意味着石化,字面意思就是变成了石头。生物体死后,软组织一般会被食腐动物和细菌吃掉。可能会留下蜗牛或蛤蜊空壳,如果空壳足够坚固并且能抵御分解,就有可能在很长一段时间内基本上保持原样。事实上,我们现在所知的在沉积物中发现的海洋无脊椎动物保存良好的壳已超过了1亿年之久。不过,很多海洋生物的骨骼是由称为霰石的各式碳酸钙矿物质组成的。虽然霰石与我们更为熟悉的矿物方解石具有同样的组成,但是它的晶型不同,相对不稳定,最终会变成更稳定的方解石。 【3】很多其他过程也许会改变哈喇壳或蜗牛壳并且增加它被保存下来的几率。 含有溶解的二氧化硅、碳酸钙或铁的水可能会在封闭的沉积物中流动,并沉积到诸如骨髓腔和骨头管道内,这些骨头管道曾经由血管和神经占据。这种情况下,骨和壳的原始组成没有改变,但是形成的化石更坚硬并且更持久。这种在孔隙中填充化学沉积物的过程就叫做“完全矿化”。 【4】石化还可能同时涉及死亡的动植物的原有物质与不同组成的矿物质的交换作用。该过程叫做“置换作用”,因为溶液溶解了原始物质并将其置换成为等体积的新物质。置换是一个让人难以置信的精确过程,贝壳装饰的细节、树木的年轮以及骨骼的精细结构都被精准地保存下来。 【5】另一种类型的石化,称为“碳化”,当软组织以碳薄膜的形式保存时会发生碳化。树叶和软体动物例如水母或蠕虫的组织可能会堆积起来,被掩埋并被压实,然后其中的挥发性成分会消失。碳通常以一种黑色轮廓的形式被保留下来。 【6】虽然拥有坚硬的部分的确会增加保存的可能性,但是具有软组织和器官的生物偶尔也会被保存下来。在针叶树以及某些其它的树种的凝固树脂中就发现了昆虫甚至是很小的无脊椎动物。对岩石薄片的X射线检查有时会发现可怕的触角轮廓、消化道和很多种海洋生物的视觉器官。冻土或石油渗漏时渗出的焦油中保存了包括皮肤、毛发和冰河时代猛犸象的内脏在内的软组织。 【7】如果生物体死于一个快速沉积和缺氧的环境,会有助于软组织残骸的保存。在这种条件下,细菌的破坏性影响会降低。德国始新世中期的麦塞尔页岩(来自4800万年前)就是在这种环境下积累起来的。该页岩在一个缺氧的湖泊里沉积,那里时有致命的气体冒出并杀死动物。动物的残骸在湖底聚集,然后被粘土和淤泥所覆盖。在保存完好的麦塞尔化石中有带闪亮外骨骼(硬质外部覆盖物)的昆虫,皮肤和血管完好无损的青蛙,甚至是毛皮和软组织都完整保存的小型哺乳动物。

托福阅读TPO20(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Fossil Preservation相关 文章 :


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