
university of toronto calendar,加拿大职业教育学院

admin admin 发表于2023-12-07 09:01:59 浏览7 评论0




加拿大的大学水平甚高,著名的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)、麦吉尔大学(Mc Gill University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)和戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)等都是世界一流的高等学府。
海外学生可自行写信给大学索取入学指南,包括 Application Form 和 Calendar 等。近年加拿大政府不断削减大学的津贴,各大学遂增收学费较高的海外生,以弥补不足的经费,所以都很乐意寄发有关资料。
连续几年位居榜首的麦吉尔大学(去年才被多伦多大学取代),虽然是加拿大首屈一指的名牌大学,但并非每个学系都如想象中出色;另一方面,排名较后的大学,亦非那么不济,例如与麦吉尔大学同位于蒙特列尔的康戈迪亚大学(Concordia University),就以电脑科学、商科和艺术学系闻名,水平甚至比麦吉尔大学有过之而无不及。学生应更实际地考虑大学的个别学系与自己的兴趣.
此外,有些学生或家长选择学校时,以经济因素作考虑,希望报读学费较便宜的大学。如果是这样,可首先尝试文尼吐巴(Manitoba)、沙斯喀彻温(Saskatchwan)和阿尔伯塔(Alberta)等中部省份。其次是加东四省:新斯科舍(Nova Scotia)、纽芬兰(Newfoundland)、太子岛(Prince Edward Island)和新不伦瑞克(New Brunswick)。至于魁北克(Quebec)、卑诗(British Columbia)、安大略(Ontario)三省,海外生的学费很高,家长的负担不轻。
学生选定要报读的学校与学系后,便可填写申请表,并把报名费和申请表一同寄出,之后,应尽快请有关机构或人士直接寄出大学所需的文件,如成绩单(Offcial Transcript)、推荐信、托福分数(TOEFL Score)等。
另外,安大略省采用联合招生的办法,全省16所大学都通过“安省大学申请中心”(Ontario Universities Application Centre,简称OUAC)统一招收海外生,这些大学包括:布罗克大学(Brock University)、卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)、基辅大学(University of Guelph)、湖首大学(Lakehead University)、萨德伯里大学(Laurentian University of Sudbury)、麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)、渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)、女皇大学(Queen’s University)、维雅逊理工大学(Ryerson Ploytechnic University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、特伦特大学(Trent University)、滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)、罗理尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University)、温莎大学(University of Windsor)、约克大学(York University)。


1 多伦多大学(Toronto)
2 女皇大学(Queen’s)
3 麦吉尔大学(McGill)
4 英属哥伦比亚大学(British Columbia)
5 麦玛斯特大学(McMaster)
6 亚伯达大学(Alberta)
7 戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie)
8 蒙特利尔大学(Montreal)*
9 西安大略大学(Western Ontario)
10 拉娃大学(Laval)*
11 渥太华大学(Ottawa)
12 沙斯客辙温大学(Saskatchewan)
13 卡加里大学(Calgary)
14 士勃克大学(Sherbrooke)*
1 西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser)
2 基辅大学(Guelph)
3 维多利亚大学(Victoria)
4 滑铁卢大学(Waterloo)
5 约克大学(York)
6 纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial)
7 卡尔顿大学(Carleton)
8 温莎大学(Windsor)
9 新宾士域大学(New Brunswick)
10 瑞基纳大学(Regina)
11 康哥迪亚大学(Concorida)
1 奥里森山大学(Mount Allison)
2 阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)
3 特伦特大学(Trent)
4 圣西维尔大学(St.Francis xavier)
5 罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier)
6 主教大学(Bishop’s)
7 温尼伯格大学(Winnipeg)
8 莱斯桥大学(Lethbridge)
9 圣托马斯大学(St.Thomas)
10 孟顿大学(Moncton)*
11 圣玛丽大学(Saint Mary’s)
12 圣云仙山大学(Mount Saint Vincent)
13 布罗克大学(Brock)
[[i] 本帖最后由 PigHead5 于 2006-4-11 14:33 编辑 [/i]]
2006-4-11 14:13 PigHead5
[color=Red]在加拿大怎样选择与申请学校 [/color]
加拿大的大学水平甚高,著名的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)、麦吉尔大学(Mc Gill University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)和戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)等都是世界一流的高等学府。
海外学生可自行写信给大学索取入学指南,包括Application Form和Calendar等。近年加拿大政府不断削减大学的津贴,各大学遂增收学费较高的海外生,以弥补不足的经费,所以都很乐意寄发有关资料。
多数学生选择大学时,首先考虑名气,有时过份信什么“大学排名榜”或“名校龙虎榜”之类。加拿大本土一直都没有大学排名的玩意,自1991年起,Maclean杂志才开始作每年一次的全加大学排名。可惜,一般读者只着眼于大学的名次,很少细心研究排名的方法,如评分标准、调查方法和结果分析等。其实Maclean杂志采用的“研究方法”漏洞甚多,每年都有大学抗议排名结果,而Maclean每年也都调整它的研究方法,但依然未能尽善尽美。在1993年,更有几间名校,如文尼吐巴大学(University of Manitoba)扬言退出排名,可见这类排名很难做到绝对的客观和合理。
连续几年位居榜首的麦吉尔大学(去年才被多伦多大学取代),虽然是加拿大首屈一指的名牌大学,但并非每个学系都如想象中出色;另一方面,排名较后的大学,亦非那么不济,例如与麦吉尔大学同位于蒙特列尔的康戈迪亚大学(Concordia University),就以电脑科学、商科和艺术学系闻名,水平甚至比麦吉尔大学有过之而无不及。所以,排名榜只宜作参考,不宜过信,学生应更实际地考虑大学的个别学系与自己的兴趣.
此外,有些学生或家长选择学校时,以经济因素作考虑,希望报读学费较便宜的大学。如果是这样,可首先尝试文尼吐巴(Manitoba)、沙斯喀彻温(Saskatchwan)和阿尔伯塔(Alberta)等中部省份。其次是加东四省:新斯科舍(Nova Scotia)、纽芬兰(Newfoundland)、太子岛(Prince Edward Island)和新不伦瑞克(New Brunswick)。至于魁北克(Quebec)、卑诗(British Columbia)、安大略(Ontario)三省,海外生的学费很高,家长的负担不轻。
学生选定要报读的学校与学系后,便可填写申请表,并把报名费和申请表一同寄出,之后,应尽快请有关机构或人士直接寄出大学所需的文件,如成绩副本(Offcial Transcript)、推荐信、托福分数(TOEFL Score)等。
另外,安大略省采用联合招生的办法,全省16所大学都通过“安省大学申请中心”(Ontario Universities Application Centre,简称OUAC)统一招收海外生,这些大学包括:布罗克大学(Brock University)、卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)、基辅大学(University of Guelph)、湖首大学(Lakehead University)、萨德伯里大学(Laurentian University of Sudbury)、麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)、渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)、女皇大学(Queen’s University)、维雅逊理工大学(Ryerson Ploytechnic University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、特伦特大学(Trent University)、滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)、罗理尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University)、温莎大学(University of Windsor)、约克大学(York University)。
选择加拿大学校注意事项 [/color]
第二,加拿大不同地区,特别南北之间气温相差甚大,在五大湖区附近最低气温在0度 —10度之间,因此中国南方去的学生较好适应。
2006-4-11 14:19 PigHead5
上课所需要的英语水平 [/color]
口试第二部分,考官给我一张卡片,上面有一些“Wedding Party”资料,由我来提问。接着,Alex又问我准备去哪个国家留学、选什么专业;现在很多人选择读MBA,你如何看待这个问题等。整场面试,我尽量做到“考官问一句,我回答十句”———口试评分重点是“流利程度及连贯性”,其次是词汇和语法,发音则是最次要的,所以不用顾及发音,大胆开口说!另外,我不太用深奥的字眼回答问题,因为英国人更喜欢用常用词表达看法。




IELTS雅思是International English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试制度的简称。如果你准备进入以英语为主导教学语言国家的高等教育机构就读,你必须通过雅思考试。目前,雅思也用于测试准备去英语国家(主要是英联邦国家)定居的人士的英语水平。

2006-4-11 14:20 PigHead5
[color=Red]加拿大语言学校学习申请手续及须知 [/color]
[[i] 本帖最后由 PigHead5 于 2006-4-11 14:21 编辑 [/i]]
2006-4-11 14:24 PigHead5
在加拿大怎样选择与申请学校 [/color]
加拿大的大学水平甚高,著名的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)、麦吉尔大学(Mc Gill University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)和戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)等都是世界一流的高等学府。
海外学生可自行写信给大学索取入学指南,包括Application Form和Calendar等。近年加拿大政府不断削减大学的津贴,各大学遂增收学费较高的海外生,以弥补不足的经费,所以都很乐意寄发有关资料。
多数学生选择大学时,首先考虑名气,有时过份信什么“大学排名榜”或“名校龙虎榜”之类。加拿大本土一直都没有大学排名的玩意,自1991年起,Maclean杂志才开始作每年一次的全加大学排名。可惜,一般读者只着眼于大学的名次,很少细心研究排名的方法,如评分标准、调查方法和结果分析等。其实Maclean杂志采用的“研究方法”漏洞甚多,每年都有大学抗议排名结果,而Maclean每年也都调整它的研究方法,但依然未能尽善尽美。在1993年,更有几间名校,如文尼吐巴大学(University of Manitoba)扬言退出排名,可见这类排名很难做到绝对的客观和合理。
连续几年位居榜首的麦吉尔大学(去年才被多伦多大学取代),虽然是加拿大首屈一指的名牌大学,但并非每个学系都如想象中出色;另一方面,排名较后的大学,亦非那么不济,例如与麦吉尔大学同位于蒙特列尔的康戈迪亚大学(Concordia University),就以电脑科学、商科和艺术学系闻名,水平甚至比麦吉尔大学有过之而无不及。所以,排名榜只宜作参考,不宜过信,学生应更实际地考虑大学的个别学系与自己的兴趣.
直接申请美国大学本科(适合对象:成绩优异的高中学生)选择这种美国大学申请方法的学生必须参加各种标准化考试,主要包括SAT、TOEFL。部分美国大学针对无标准化考试成绩的学生,提供免SAT、TOEFL或IELTS的有条件录取;学校发出两份录取通知书:一份是该校语言中心的录取书,另一份是该校本科有条件录取书,因此又称"双录取"。这里的"有条件"指的就是学生入学后,须先进入语言中心学习,语言通过后,无需另外申请可直接入读本科。条件式入学为学生提供了一条申请美国大学的便捷通道,同时也能申请到众多奖学金。与直接申请相比,选择此途径的学生可以先到美国,在美语氛围下学习语言。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

OUAC 的申请流程是什么?

加拿大的大学水平甚高,著名的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)、麦吉尔大学(Mc Gill University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)和戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)等都是世界一流的高等学府。 海外学生可自行写信给大学索取入学指南,包括Application Form和Calendar等。近年加拿大政府不断削减大学的津贴,各大学遂增收学费较高的海外生,以弥补不足的经费,所以都很乐意寄发有关资料。
多数学生选择大学时,首先考虑名气,有时过份信什么"大学排名榜"或"名校龙虎榜"之类。其实这类排名很难做到绝对的客观和合理。比如过去连续几年位居榜首的麦吉尔大学,虽然是加拿大首屈一指的名牌大学,但并非每个学系都如想象中出色;另一方面,排名较后的大学,亦非那么不济,例如与麦吉尔大学同位于蒙特列尔的康戈迪亚大学(Concordia University),就以电脑科学、商科和艺术学系闻名,水平甚至比麦吉尔大学有过之而无不及。所以,排名榜只宜作参考,不宜过信,学生应更实际地考虑大学的个别学系与自己的兴趣。
此外,有些学生或家长选择学校时,以经济因素作考虑,希望报读学费较便宜的大学。如果是这样,可首先尝试文尼吐巴(Manitoba)、沙斯喀彻温(Saskatchwan)和阿尔伯塔(Alberta)等中部省份。其次是加东四省:新斯科舍(Nova Scotia)、纽芬兰(Newfoundland)、太子岛(Prince Edward Island)和新不伦瑞克(New Brunswick)。至于魁北克(Quebec)、卑诗(British Columbia)、安大略(Ontario)三省,海外生的学费很高,家长的负担不轻。
学生选定要报读的学校与学系后,便可填写申请表,并把报名费和申请表一同寄出,之后,应尽快请有关机构或人士直接寄出大学所需的文件,如成绩副本(Offcial Transcript)、推荐信、托福分数(TOEFL Score)等。
另外,安大略省采用联合招生的办法,全省16所大学都通过"安省大学申请中心"(Ontario Universities Application Centre,简称OUAC)统一招收海外生,这些大学包括:布罗克大学(Brock University)、卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)、基辅大学(University of Guelph)、湖首大学(Lakehead University)、萨德伯里大学(Laurentian University of Sudbury)、麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)、渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)、女皇大学(Queen's University)、维雅逊理工大学(Ryerson Ploytechnic University)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、特伦特大学(Trent University)、滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)、罗理尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University)、温莎大学(University of Windsor)、约克大学(York University)。
2、点进All other undergraduate applicants (OUAC 105) 这个就是给留学生申请用的了。
3、 选择右边的105F Online Application这是为国际学生申请用
currently reside outside of Canada AND
are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident AND
are not currently attending an Ontario secondary school (in Ontario or abroad) in a day program.
4、 然后是注册和登陆
5、 进入之后请看左边,点Select Programs 就是选学校了
6 、点Prepare Your Application
7、 Program Choices是把你选择的学校加到申请列表当中
8、 Order Choices,OUAC设置了申请递交的顺序,OK之后继续。
9、 然后会告诉你一共要给他们多少钱,完事后拉到最下..---->Proceed to Personal Information
10、 Personal Information中的Canadian Social Insurance Number 不填。
11、 然后点Proceed to Address Information然后就还是确认.点Proceed to Institutions Attended自己以前读过的学校。
12、 add institution
如果你以前的学校不在学校列表里面(列表里面都是大学),就需要自己填写学校的名称和地址。如果自己读过的学校的地址不知道,这时就建议大家去自己学校的主页的底部找找看。Highest Year Level Achieved。高中毕业就填12,或者不填也可以。program studied,选高中课程。diploma/degree type 选高中毕业证Chinese High School Diploma。diploma/degree status 选expected或者近义词。
13、 确认后continue......然后又是一个确认画面,一直确认和continue到下面这里,这个大家不用选。
14 、最后这个就是最后一次总确认了,大家最好把这一页存下来,因为不仅对申请其他大学有用(比如以前学校的地址就不用再找一次了),而且有的大学需要你把这一页打印下来,与你的资料一起寄到学校里面去。所以这一页是一定要存的。
15、 这个OUAC Reference Number,会在你完成的相应步骤后,由OUAC寄到你的邮箱里面,以后你可以通过这个号码去LOGIN的,对你已经提交的内容比如大学专业的选择,家庭地址等进行修改。
16、交完费后就没OUAC什么事了,OUAC收到申请和申请费后,会给你一封确认信。并把你的申请转到各个学校,之后学校会给你学生号码,你可以用此号码到他们系统上登陆察看你要寄送的材料了。你开始要把成绩单及其它申请材料(最好写个cover letter,列出所寄材料的清单)寄到学校。学校的admission office收到OUAC和你的材料后,就开始评估你的申请。
17、 通常学校会给你发邮件和信件,上面会有你需要提交的成绩和截止日期,其中会包括雅思。然后你至少要提前两个月去考雅思,雅思报名的时候,上面会有选择让你填成绩寄到哪个学校去,即使你忘了也可以在雅思的网站上申请让他们再发一次。
18、 提交申请之后,有的大学会给你一个临时的学号,给你网址,让你去上面填写你的兴趣爱好,课外活动以及预期的成绩、reference letter什么什么的,如果你的老师能给你写非常权威非常好的推荐信,准备了也没坏处。


[加拿大] 多伦多大学
University of Toronto 总体印像: 建校年代:1827年 所在省州:安大略省 所在城市:Toronto 学生人数:44219人 官方网址:http://www.utoronto.ca/中国教育部是否认证:获得认证申请准则: Application GuidelinesAll application materials must be forwarded to our office by your home university or funding agency. You will be considered "nominated" until a final decision about your admission has been made by the University of Toronto.
If you have any questions about the University of Toronto (including questions about housing, academic programs, marking, etc.) please contact the Centre for International Experience. You should not contact any other U of T office, instructor or department directly.
In most cases, the new schedule of course offerings for your desired Academic Faculty will not have been published by the time you must submit your exchange application. Therefore, please use the current year's Academic Calendar and Timetable as a rough guide when indicating your course requests on the application form. The official course enrolment process takes place after exchange students are admitted. At that time you will have a chance to select courses based on the actual schedule of course offerings for the upcoming year.
Special Instructions for Faculty of Music and School of Graduate Studies:
There are special exchange application guidelines for the Faculty of Music and the School of Graduate Studies. Please contact the Exchange Officer for Inbound Students, if you are interested in either of those options.
参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/6608.html


  这两个数字直接反映大学的规模。很多规模较小的大学只有一幢建筑物,资源缺乏,别说没有大幅草坪供人坐卧,就连图书馆的座位也少得可怜,其他设施,如学生中心、运动场等多在大学范围以外,或者根本就没有。此外,小型大学开办的课程亦有限,能提供给学生的选科甚少,有时,名义上是同一个学位,如Bachelor of Commerce,大型大学的学生会多读几科较特别的科目。虽然小型大学的条件不足,发展大受制肘,但也有其优点:
  若学院中有研究院(Graduate Studies),即表示该大学具在开办硕士和博士课程的水平与资源;海外生截止申请日期只适用于秋季的普通学士课程;部分专业课程 (Professional Program),例如医科、法律等,有些大学只收取本土或移民入读,有些则有限度地收取外国学生;研究院课程和特别的学系,则以大学生的 Calendar为准。


  1、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)
  2、英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)
  位于温哥华市的英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia),因为华人太多而被戏称为University of Billions Chinese。除了自身名气吸引中国学子以外,UBC还非常重视与中国的学术合作和中国文化,学校与武汉大学建立了全方位的合作关系,还与福建农林大学举办生态学、园艺等多个专业的合作办学项目。
  3、滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)
  另一所华人比例排得上前三的加拿大学校就是滑铁卢大学了,滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),简称UW,是一所以研究为主的中等大小的公立大学,位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢。学校里的华人真的特别多,也因此在加拿大本地有一个外号叫做“yellow university”,意思就是中国人非常多。


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/ BC省三所主要大学每所都有各自的过人之处,本文从多方面进行分析与对比,希望能给大家带来帮助。1. 学院的种类SFU (Simon Fraser University)共有8个学院,包括本科与研究生院:Faculty of Applied SciencesFaculty of Arts and Social SciencesBeedie School of Busi【想了解更多精选的海外学校和热门专业吗?点击这里 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 探索更多可能,小钟老师随时欢迎您的询问!】nessFaculty of Communication, Art and TechnologyFaculty of EducationFaculty of Science官网:http://www.sfu.ca/academic/index.htmlUVic (University of Victoria)有11个学院:Peter B. Gustavson School of BusinessDivision of Continuing StudiesFaculty of EducationFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of Fine ArtsFaculty of Human and Social DevelopmentFacultyof HumanitiesFaculty of LawDivision of Medical SciencesFaculty of ScienceFaculty of Social Sciences研究生并没有分学院,只有各department.官网:http://www.uvic.com/academic/index.htmlUBC (University of British Columbia)共有25个学院,此处仅列举了与其他两个大学不同的学院 (UBC分为两个校区,这里列举的是温哥华校区的faculties,若想多了解,可点击官网地址):Faculty of Creative and Critical StudiesFaculty of DentistryFaculty of ForestryFaculty of Land and Food SystemsFaculty of ManagementSchool of JournalismSchool of KinesiologySchool of MusicSchool of NursingSchool of Rehabilitation SciencesSchool of Social WorkUBC Vantage College官网:http://www.ubc.ca/academic/fac_schools.html2. 学院及专业对比(1)农学院 Agricultural Sciences只有 UBC 设立。(2)艺术院 Fine Arts 只有 UVic 设立艺术院,并开设广泛的艺术课程。UBC 有个音乐系学校(School of Music)和两个音乐剧院。SFU 有个现代艺术系(Contemporary Arts)。BC省第一所 音乐系学校在 UVic 建立,UVic 与 UBC 都开设戏剧系(Theatre),电影研究系 (Film)和写作系(Writing),但只有 UVic 开设美术系(Visual Arts)和艺术史系(History in Art),并有一栋美术楼,一个音乐剧院和三个戏剧院,每年有频繁的戏剧表演、交响乐演出、画展和雕塑展,艺术氛围最为浓厚。(3)文学院 Arts 在BC省只有 SFU 开设刑事学(Criminology),全国只有4所大学开设刑事学系(SFU, Montréal, Toronto, Ottawa)。只有 SFU 开设媒体通讯(Communication),认知科学(Cognitive Science)和出版业硕士(Master of Publishing)。三所大学都开设人类学(Anthropology),但只有 UBC 拥有人类学博物馆。只有 UBC 开设新闻专业(Journalism)。只有 UVic 开设公共行政管理(Public Administration)和 MPA 公共行政管理硕士课程。(4)商学院 Business 三所大学都开设商业本科课程和 MBA 商业管理硕士课程,但具体的programs有些许不同SFU Business:Accounting 财务/会计,Finance 金融,International Business 国际商务,Management and Organization Studies 管理与组织,Management Information Systems 信息系统管理,Management Science 管理科学,Marketing 市场营销UVic Business:Entrepreneurship 企业策划,International Business 国际商务,Hospitality/Services Management 酒店与服务,General Business 通用商业UBC Business:Accounting 财务/会计,Commerce and Economics 商业与经济,Finance 金融,General Business Management 通用商业,Human Resources Management 人力资源,International Business 国际商务,Management Information Systems 信息系统管理,Marketing 市场营销,Real Estate 房地产/物业,Transportation and Logistics 物流(5)师范学院 EducationBC 省师范学院(Provincial Normal School)于1901年成立,之后经过分拆,于1956年和1963年分别并入 UBC 和 UVic,成为这两所大学的 Faculty of Education,SFU的师范学院在1965年建校时单独成立。(6)工程与应用科学院 Engineering & Applied SciencesSFU 有 UBC 所没有的系统工程(System Engineering)。UVic 有 SFU 所没有的机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)。UBC 有 UVic 所没有的土木工程(Civil Engineering)。在BC省只有 UVic 颁发软件工程的学士学位(Bachelor of Software Engineering)。只有 UBC 设置 矿业工程(Mining Engineering),金属与材料工程(Metals and Materials Engineering)。(7)三所大学都开设电子与计算机工程(Electrical and Computer Engineering)和计算机科学(Computer Science)。只有 SFU 开设互动艺术与科技(Communication, Art & Technology)和物理工程(Engineering Physics)。(8)森林学院 Forestry 只有 UBC 设立。(http://www.forestry.ubc.ca)(9)健康与医药学院 Health & Medicals在BC省只有 UBC 设立医学院,药学院和牙医学院,UBC 提供省内最全面的医药课程。只有 UVic 和 UBC 开设护理专业(Nursing)和颁发注册护士学位(Registered Nurse)。UVic 开设加拿大唯一的健康信息科学专业学校(School of Health Information Science)。人类第一个 SARS (非典)病毒基因排序是在 UVic 生化与微生物系和 UBC 疾病控制中心的协助下于2003年5月1日完成的。(10)法学院 Law 在BC省只有 UVic 和 UBC 设立法学院,培养律师,法官,及其他政法人才。加拿大最强的法学院在 UVic,八年内七年蝉联第一,使得全国没有第二个法学院可以和 UVic的法学院并论。2003年加拿大的法学院排名是 1. Victoria. 2. Alberta. 3. Toronto.(11)科学院 Science 在BC省只有 UVic 和 UBC 拥有天文望远镜和天文台,并开设天文学与天体物理学(Physics and Astronomy)。只有 UBC 开设植物学(Botany)。UVic 拥有加拿大第一所和规模最大的地球与海洋科学专业学校(School of Earth and Ocean Sciences),全国只有4所大学开设海洋专业(UVic, UBC, Memorial, Dalhousie),在 2007 年 UVic 将建成世界最大的光纤海底观测站,在太平洋深处延伸 3000 公里。只有 SFU 开设保险精算科学(Actuarial Science),有害物管理(Pest Management),管理与系统科学(Management and Systems Science),节肢昆虫学(Quaternary Studies)。三所大学都有环保专业(Environmental Studies),其中 SFU 开设的最全面,包括资源与环境管理(Resource and Environmental Management),环境科学(Environmental Science),环境毒理学(Environmental Toxicology)。3. 带薪实习 Co-op EducationUVic 的 Co-op Education 的规模和完善程度在加拿大排第三位,比 SFU 和 UBC 大得多。在全国只有 Ontario 省的 University of Waterloo 和 Québec 省的Université de Sherbrooke 有更大规模的 Co-op Education。(网址:http://mycoop.coop.uvic.ca/students.php)三所大学的实习都给国际学生开发,学生的平均薪水基本一样,以下是各学校关于实习的链接:SFUhttp://www.sfu.ca/coop/kines/students/salary.htmlhttp://www.sfu.ca/coop/science/employers/salary.htmlhttp://www.sfu.ca/coop/arts/employers/hiring.htmlhttp://www.sfu.ca/coop/bus-coop/employers/about.htmlUVichttp://www.coop.engr.uvic.ca/engrweb/survey.htmlhttp://www.coop.uvic.ca/buscoop/about.htmlhttp://mycoop.coop.uvic.ca/students.phpUBChttp://www.coop.apsc.ubc.ca/employers/newsalary.phphttp://www.sciencecoop.ubc.ca/info/salaries.htmlhttp://www.sauder.ubc.ca/ccc/underg...p_education.cfm4. 体育设施 Sport FacilitiesUBC 有最大的泳池,一个50m室内和一个55y室外的。UVic 有一个25m室内和一个25m室外泳池。SFU 有一个25m室内泳池。只有 UVic 有两个400跑道环绕的足球场,一个天然草地,一个人工草地,彻夜通明。UBC 和 SFU 各有一个天然草地的400跑道足球场。SFU 将在2010年前为冬奥会建造一个室内滑冰场。只有 UBC 和 UVic 有冰球馆。UVic 有6个室内篮球场,UBC 与 SFU 各有4个室内篮球场。加拿大西部最大的健身房在 UVic,有182000平方尺(1690平方米,相当于比4个篮球场还大)。三所大学内都有独立的电影院。5. 本科学费 Tuition for Undergraduates国外大学的学费一般按学生所修的学分来计算,而由于每所学校的学分制度不同,每个课的学费也不相同。UVic 每门课一般算作 1.5 个 credit,SFU 和UBC 每门课一般算作 3 个 credit。加拿大的大学一般都要上完 40 门课才能拿到学士学位。对国际学生而言,三所大学每门课至少都在 $1400 加元以上。各校的学费详情请参照以下网址:SFU: http://www.reg.sfu.ca/calendar/U%20Fees.htmlUVic: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2003/GI/TaOtF/FfUnP.htmlUBC: http://students.ubc.ca/calendar/ind...tree=5,66,620,0希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。留学的道路充满了无限可能,但选择和准备的过程可能也充满挑战。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 。在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。我们的专业团队会全程陪伴您,助您圆梦海外学府。祝您留学申请顺利!


Departments of Education Across Canada
Alberta: Alberta Education
Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development
British Columbia: Ministry of Education
Ministry of Advanced Education
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy
New Brunswick:
Department of Education
Department of Training and Employment Development
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Department of Education
Nova Scotia:
Department of Education and Culture
Department of Education
Northwest Territories:
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Prince Edward Island:
Department of Education
Ministère de l'éducation
Saskatchewan Education
Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training
Yukon Education
1. 文理学院
2. 私立职业学院
3. 大学
1. 简介与导航
How many colleges are there? 多少个大学
There are 24 colleges of applied arts and technology in Ontario. These colleges receive public funding from the Ontario government. Many colleges have more than one campus location. That means students can take full-time and part-time courses at more than 100 locations across the province.
What kinds of programs do colleges offer? 学院的学历层次
? Certificate programs, which take 1 year or less 一年制(或以下)证书
? Diploma programs, which take 2 or 3 years 2-3年证书
? Apprenticeship and certification programs for skilled trades such as a carpenter, chef, or welder 学徒和认证(如木工,厨师,焊工)
? Programs that lead to a bachelor degree. 学士学位
? Programs offered with universities that can give you a degree and a diploma. 可转学分课程
How can I choose the right program? 如何选择学什么
Here are 3 good places to start:
1. Ask for a college calendar
Every college has a course calendar. It tells you what programs the school offers. You may get a calendar from:
o The admissions office of any Ontario college
o Your local public library or high school
o Most college websites.
2. Search for programs on the web
The Program Locator lets you to pick the subjects you are interested in. Then, it shows you all of the colleges in Ontario that offer that kind of program.
3. Get help at your school
If you are a high school student, remember that your guidance office can help you choose and apply for college programs.
How can I contact Ontario colleges? 大学网站
You will find contact information on this website for Ontario Colleges.
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, Ontario K2G 1V8
Telephone: (613) 727-4723 or 1-800-565-4723
Admissions: (613) 727-0002
Fax: (613) 727-7754
Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology
1400 Barrydowne Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8
Telephone: (705) 566-8101 or 1-800-461-7145
Admissions: (705) 566-8101 ext. 7300
Fax: (705) 524-7334
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology
100 College Drive
PO Box 5001
North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K9
Telephone: (705) 474-7600
Admissions: (705) 474-7600 ext. 5123
Fax: (705) 494-7462
Centennial College
PO Box 631, Station A
Toronto, Ontario M1K 5E9
Telephone: (416) 289-5000 or 1-800-268-4419
Admissions: (416) 289-5300
Fax: (416) 694-2664
Collège Boréal
21, boulevard LaSalle
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 6B1
Telephone: (705) 560-6673 or 1-800-361-6673
Admissions: (705) 560-6673 ext. 1090
Fax: (705) 560-7641
Conestoga College Institute of Technology
and Advanced Learning
299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4
Telephone: (519) 748-5220
Admissions: (519) 748-5220 ext. 3656
Fax: (519) 895-1097
Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology
1450 Nakina Drive
PO Box 398, Station F
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 4W1
Telephone: (807) 475-6110
Admissions: (807) 475-6213
Fax: (807) 623-4512
Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 385, 2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7
Telephone: (905) 721-2000
Admissions: (905) 721-3033
Fax: (905) 721-3113
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard
P.O. Box 7005
London, Ontario N5Y 5R6
Telephone: (519) 452-4277
Fax: (519) 452-4420
Fleming College
599 Brealey Drive
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B1
Telephone: (705) 749-5530
Fax: (705) 749-5507
George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 1015, Station B
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2T9
Telephone: (416) 415-2000
Fax: (416) 415-4993
Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
One Georgian Drive
Barrie, Ontario L4M 3X9
Telephone: (705) 728-1951
Admissions: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1698
Fax: (705) 722-5118
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
205 Humber College Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5L7
Telephone: (416) 675-6622
Admissions: (416) 675-5000
Fax: (416) 675-6386
La Cité collégiale
801, promenade de l'Aviation
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4R3
Telephone: (613) 742-2483 or 1-800-267-2483
Fax: (613) 742-2481
Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology
1457 London Road
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K4
Telephone: (519) 542-7751
Admissions: (519) 542-7751 ext. 2400
Fax: (519) 542-7982
Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 4200 Wallbridge/Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9
Telephone: (613) 969-1913 or
Admissions: (613) 969-1913 ext. 2204
Fax: (613) 962-0937
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 2034, Fennell Avenue & West 5th
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2
Telephone: (905) 575-1212
Admissions: (905) 575-2000
Fax: (905) 575-2392
Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology
300 Woodlawn Road
Welland, Ontario L3C 7L3
Telephone: (905) 735-2211
Admissions: (905) 735-2211 ext. 7619
Fax: (905) 736-6000
Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 3211
Timmins, Ontario P4N 8R6
Telephone: (705) 235-3211
Admissions: (705) 235-3211 ext. 7222
Fax: (705) 235-7279
St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology
2000 Talbot Road West
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S4
Telephone: (519) 966-1656
Admissions: (519) 972-2759
Fax: (519) 972-3811
St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology
100 Portsmouth
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5A6
Telephone: (613) 544-5400
Fax: (613) 545-3923
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 60, 443 Northern Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5L3
Telephone: (705) 759-6774
Admissions: 1-800-461-2260
Fax: (705) 759-3273
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
1750 Finch Avenue East
North York, Ontario M2J 2X5
Telephone: (416) 491-5050
Admissions: (416) 491-5050 ext. 2800
Fax: (416) 491-9187
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
1430 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1
Telephone: (905) 845-9430
Admissions: (905) 845-9430
Fax: (905) 815-4048
In addition, Collège d'Alfred, Kemptville College, and Ridgetown College offer postsecondary programs in agricultural technologies. The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences offers programs to train health care professionals.
Private Career Colleges (PCC)
Thinking about a private career college education? This is a great place to start.
What is a private career college?
A private career college is a school that prepares students for a specific job, or gives them specific skills, such as computer skills. There are more than 500 private career colleges in Ontario.
What kinds of programs do they offer?
Private career colleges offer certificate and diploma programs in many fields such as:
? Business
? Health services
? Human services
? Applied arts
? Information technology
? Electronics
? Services
? Trades
Who are these programs suited to?
Private career colleges often appeal to people who:
? Need specific job skills to join the work force
? Have academic qualifications and want to add to their practical skills to become more competitive in the job market.
How are programs offered?
Private career colleges often work with small groups of students rather than large classes, and offer: 小班
? Flexible learning schedules 学习时间灵活
? Enrolment at many different times during the year 入学时间灵活
? Compressed programs that deliver training over a short time. 学制短
Where can I find a private career college?
You can search for a private career college on this website.
Who runs private career colleges?
Unlike public universities and colleges of applied arts and technology, which receive funding from the government, career colleges are private organizations. Some operate for a profit, as a business. Others are non-profit organizations.
Are there special standards for private career colleges?
Yes. Private career colleges operating in Ontario must be registered, and have their programs approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The act that governs private career colleges is called the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This act ensures that private career colleges meet certain standards for the programs they offer, as well as advertising, refund policies, and instructor qualifications. You can also learn, in the Information for students section of this website, about new standards which are being developed for private career colleges in Ontario.
About Ontario Universities
How many universities are there?
Ontario has 19 publicly funded universities. These universities, as well as the Ontario College of Art & Design, receive funding from the Ontario government. You can learn about Ontario's publicly funded universities on this website. You will also find a list of other educational institutions that can grant degrees in Ontario.
What kinds of programs do universities offer?
? Undergraduate programs leading to a bachelor degree 学士学位
? Graduate programs leading to master's and doctorate degrees 硕士博士
? Continuing Education programs and certificates, including distance and part-time programs 继续教育课程和证书,远程课程,业余课程
? Programs offered by colleges and universities, in a special partnership, that let students earn a university degree and a college diploma at the same time. 合作课程,可同时授予学位和大学证书
How can I choose the right program?
You can learn about university programs by visiting eINFO, a complete online guide to Ontario universities for secondary school students. On this website, you can find information about university programs and admission requirements, as well as first-year scholarships. You can search by degree, program of study, or university.
What other information is available?
You can learn about specific course content in the course calendars produced by each university. A course calendar tells you what programs the school offers. You may get a calendar from:
? The admissions office of any Ontario university
? Your local public library or high school
? Most public university websites.
You can also get the latest issue of INFO magazine online. It provides information about scholarships, residence, campus tours, and many other topics.
If you are a high school student, remember that your guidance office can help you choose and apply for university programs.
How can I contact Ontario universities?
You will find contact information on this website for public universities and other degree-granting institutions.
How do I apply to university?
You can apply to Ontario universities online at the Ontario Universities' Application Centre.
Getting Financial Assistance
How Will You Pay For Your Education?
A college or university education is a big investment. If you want to attend college or university, but need financial help, you have a number of options.
1. Ask your college or university
The college or university you plan to attend may offer grants, loans and scholarships. You'll often find these listed in the course calendars of colleges and universities.
Find information on the Ontario Student Assistance Program, check the status of your OSAP application, or even apply online at the OSAP website:
2. Apply for an OSAP grant or loan
Students from lower- and middle-income families in Ontario may qualify for grants and loans from the government. These are offered through the Ontario Student Assistance Program, often called OSAP.
What's the difference between OSAP grants and loans?
Some students may get OSAP grants, which do not need to be repaid. Students may also get loans to help pay for their education. You must start repaying your OSAP loans 6 months after you graduate, leave school, or stop being a full-time student.
Getting a loan from OSAP, or any other lender, is a big decision. Be sure you understand the total amount you are borrowing, and how and when you must repay the loan.
Learn more: Visit the Ontario Student Assistance Program website.
如果你要申请加拿大的college,可以找我,我可以免费为你递交申请,一般我替人申请的都是加拿大当地最大的公立学院,比如seneca college或者百年理工.


国外著名大学网址- -

美国哈佛大学 http://www.harvard.edu/
美国斯坦福大学 http://www.stanford.edu/
美国康奈尔大学 http://www.cornell.edu/
美国国防大学 http://www.ndu.edu/
美国金门大学 http://www.ggu.edu/
美过文化大学 http://www.acu.org.tw/
美国布朗大学 http://www.brown.edu/
美国百林顿大学 http://www.barrington-chinese.net/
美国阿肯色大学 http://www.uark.edu/depts/agronomy/index.html
美国哥伦比亚大学 http://www.yosemite.cc.ca.us/columbia
美国国际技术大学 http://www.itu.edu/
美国克莱姆林大学 http://www.eng.clemson.edu/bio
美国西肯塔基大学 http://www.wku.edu/
美国印地安纳大学 http://www.indiana.edu/
美国加州旧金山大学 http://www.ucsf.edu/
美国新罕布什尔大学 http://www.dist-ed.nhc.edu/
美国夏威夷太平洋大学 http://new.net.tw/hpu
剑桥大学(Camridge University) http://www.cam.ac.uk/
牛津大学(Oxford Universuty) http://www.ox.ac.uk/
科罗拉多矿业学校 http://gn.mines.colorado.edu/
多伦多大学 http://www.utoronto.ca/
澳大利亚国立大学 http://www.anu.edu.au/
悉尼大学 http://www.usyd.edu.au/
昆士兰大学 http://www.uq.edu.au/
墨尔本大学 http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
悉尼工业大学 http://www.sydneyit.nsw.edu.au/
北方领土大学 http://www.ntu.edu.au/
昆士兰科技大学 http://www.qut.edu.au/
墨尔本皇家工业大学 http://www.rmit.edu.au/



如果你学个certificate or diploma也好找工作,费用也低。还好录取。
加拿大的学历层次比中国多。研究生也有没学位的graduate certificate
随便上个大学网站,你会发现有个continuing education,里面的专业很多的。
如我喜欢的 social work, speech pathology
Departments of Education Across Canada
Alberta: Alberta Education
Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development
British Columbia: Ministry of Education
Ministry of Advanced Education
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy
New Brunswick:
Department of Education
Department of Training and Employment Development
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Department of Education
Nova Scotia:
Department of Education and Culture
Department of Education
Northwest Territories:
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Prince Edward Island:
Department of Education
Ministère de l'éducation
Saskatchewan Education
Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training
Yukon Education
1. 文理学院
2. 私立职业学院
3. 大学
1. 简介与导航
How many colleges are there? 多少个大学
There are 24 colleges of applied arts and technology in Ontario. These colleges receive public funding from the Ontario government. Many colleges have more than one campus location. That means students can take full-time and part-time courses at more than 100 locations across the province.
What kinds of programs do colleges offer? 学院的学历层次
? Certificate programs, which take 1 year or less 一年制(或以下)证书
? Diploma programs, which take 2 or 3 years 2-3年证书
? Apprenticeship and certification programs for skilled trades such as a carpenter, chef, or welder 学徒和认证(如木工,厨师,焊工)
? Programs that lead to a bachelor degree. 学士学位
? Programs offered with universities that can give you a degree and a diploma. 可转学分课程
How can I choose the right program? 如何选择学什么
Here are 3 good places to start:
1. Ask for a college calendar
Every college has a course calendar. It tells you what programs the school offers. You may get a calendar from:
o The admissions office of any Ontario college
o Your local public library or high school
o Most college websites.
2. Search for programs on the web
The Program Locator lets you to pick the subjects you are interested in. Then, it shows you all of the colleges in Ontario that offer that kind of program.
3. Get help at your school
If you are a high school student, remember that your guidance office can help you choose and apply for college programs.
How can I contact Ontario colleges? 大学网站
You will find contact information on this website for Ontario Colleges.
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, Ontario K2G 1V8
Telephone: (613) 727-4723 or 1-800-565-4723
Admissions: (613) 727-0002
Fax: (613) 727-7754
Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology
1400 Barrydowne Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8
Telephone: (705) 566-8101 or 1-800-461-7145
Admissions: (705) 566-8101 ext. 7300
Fax: (705) 524-7334
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology
100 College Drive
PO Box 5001
North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K9
Telephone: (705) 474-7600
Admissions: (705) 474-7600 ext. 5123
Fax: (705) 494-7462
Centennial College
PO Box 631, Station A
Toronto, Ontario M1K 5E9
Telephone: (416) 289-5000 or 1-800-268-4419
Admissions: (416) 289-5300
Fax: (416) 694-2664
Collège Boréal
21, boulevard LaSalle
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 6B1
Telephone: (705) 560-6673 or 1-800-361-6673
Admissions: (705) 560-6673 ext. 1090
Fax: (705) 560-7641
Conestoga College Institute of Technology
and Advanced Learning
299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4
Telephone: (519) 748-5220
Admissions: (519) 748-5220 ext. 3656
Fax: (519) 895-1097
Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology
1450 Nakina Drive
PO Box 398, Station F
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 4W1
Telephone: (807) 475-6110
Admissions: (807) 475-6213
Fax: (807) 623-4512
Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 385, 2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L7
Telephone: (905) 721-2000
Admissions: (905) 721-3033
Fax: (905) 721-3113
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard
P.O. Box 7005
London, Ontario N5Y 5R6
Telephone: (519) 452-4277
Fax: (519) 452-4420
Fleming College
599 Brealey Drive
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B1
Telephone: (705) 749-5530
Fax: (705) 749-5507
George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 1015, Station B
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2T9
Telephone: (416) 415-2000
Fax: (416) 415-4993
Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
One Georgian Drive
Barrie, Ontario L4M 3X9
Telephone: (705) 728-1951
Admissions: (705) 728-1968 ext. 1698
Fax: (705) 722-5118
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
205 Humber College Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5L7
Telephone: (416) 675-6622
Admissions: (416) 675-5000
Fax: (416) 675-6386
La Cité collégiale
801, promenade de l'Aviation
Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4R3
Telephone: (613) 742-2483 or 1-800-267-2483
Fax: (613) 742-2481
Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology
1457 London Road
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K4
Telephone: (519) 542-7751
Admissions: (519) 542-7751 ext. 2400
Fax: (519) 542-7982
Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 4200 Wallbridge/Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9
Telephone: (613) 969-1913 or
Admissions: (613) 969-1913 ext. 2204
Fax: (613) 962-0937
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 2034, Fennell Avenue & West 5th
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2
Telephone: (905) 575-1212
Admissions: (905) 575-2000
Fax: (905) 575-2392
Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology
300 Woodlawn Road
Welland, Ontario L3C 7L3
Telephone: (905) 735-2211
Admissions: (905) 735-2211 ext. 7619
Fax: (905) 736-6000
Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 3211
Timmins, Ontario P4N 8R6
Telephone: (705) 235-3211
Admissions: (705) 235-3211 ext. 7222
Fax: (705) 235-7279
St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology
2000 Talbot Road West
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S4
Telephone: (519) 966-1656
Admissions: (519) 972-2759
Fax: (519) 972-3811
St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology
100 Portsmouth
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5A6
Telephone: (613) 544-5400
Fax: (613) 545-3923
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
PO Box 60, 443 Northern Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5L3
Telephone: (705) 759-6774
Admissions: 1-800-461-2260
Fax: (705) 759-3273
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
1750 Finch Avenue East
North York, Ontario M2J 2X5
Telephone: (416) 491-5050
Admissions: (416) 491-5050 ext. 2800
Fax: (416) 491-9187
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
1430 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1
Telephone: (905) 845-9430
Admissions: (905) 845-9430
Fax: (905) 815-4048
In addition, Collège d'Alfred, Kemptville College, and Ridgetown College offer postsecondary programs in agricultural technologies. The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences offers programs to train health care professionals.
Private Career Colleges (PCC)
Thinking about a private career college education? This is a great place to start.
What is a private career college?
A private career college is a school that prepares students for a specific job, or gives them specific skills, such as computer skills. There are more than 500 private career colleges in Ontario.
What kinds of programs do they offer?
Private career colleges offer certificate and diploma programs in many fields such as:
? Business
? Health services
? Human services
? Applied arts
? Information technology
? Electronics
? Services
? Trades
Who are these programs suited to?
Private career colleges often appeal to people who:
? Need specific job skills to join the work force
? Have academic qualifications and want to add to their practical skills to become more competitive in the job market.
How are programs offered?
Private career colleges often work with small groups of students rather than large classes, and offer: 小班
? Flexible learning schedules 学习时间灵活
? Enrolment at many different times during the year 入学时间灵活
? Compressed programs that deliver training over a short time. 学制短
Where can I find a private career college?
You can search for a private career college on this website.
Who runs private career colleges?
Unlike public universities and colleges of applied arts and technology, which receive funding from the government, career colleges are private organizations. Some operate for a profit, as a business. Others are non-profit organizations.
Are there special standards for private career colleges?
Yes. Private career colleges operating in Ontario must be registered, and have their programs approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The act that governs private career colleges is called the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This act ensures that private career colleges meet certain standards for the programs they offer, as well as advertising, refund policies, and instructor qualifications. You can also learn, in the Information for students section of this website, about new standards which are being developed for private career colleges in Ontario.
About Ontario Universities
How many universities are there?
Ontario has 19 publicly funded universities. These universities, as well as the Ontario College of Art & Design, receive funding from the Ontario government. You can learn about Ontario's publicly funded universities on this website. You will also find a list of other educational institutions that can grant degrees in Ontario.
What kinds of programs do universities offer?
? Undergraduate programs leading to a bachelor degree 学士学位
? Graduate programs leading to master's and doctorate degrees 硕士博士
? Continuing Education programs and certificates, including distance and part-time programs 继续教育课程和证书,远程课程,业余课程
? Programs offered by colleges and universities, in a special partnership, that let students earn a university degree and a college diploma at the same time. 合作课程,可同时授予学位和大学证书
How can I choose the right program?
You can learn about university programs by visiting eINFO, a complete online guide to Ontario universities for secondary school students. On this website, you can find information about university programs and admission requirements, as well as first-year scholarships. You can search by degree, program of study, or university.
What other information is available?
You can learn about specific course content in the course calendars produced by each university. A course calendar tells you what programs the school offers. You may get a calendar from:
? The admissions office of any Ontario university
? Your local public library or high school
? Most public university websites.
You can also get the latest issue of INFO magazine online. It provides information about scholarships, residence, campus tours, and many other topics.
If you are a high school student, remember that your guidance office can help you choose and apply for university programs.
How can I contact Ontario universities?
You will find contact information on this website for public universities and other degree-granting institutions.
How do I apply to university?
You can apply to Ontario universities online at the Ontario Universities' Application Centre.
Getting Financial Assistance
How Will You Pay For Your Education?
A college or university education is a big investment. If you want to attend college or university, but need financial help, you have a number of options.
1. Ask your college or university
The college or university you plan to attend may offer grants, loans and scholarships. You'll often find these listed in the course calendars of colleges and universities.
Find information on the Ontario Student Assistance Program, check the status of your OSAP application, or even apply online at the OSAP website:
2. Apply for an OSAP grant or loan
Students from lower- and middle-income families in Ontario may qualify for grants and loans from the government. These are offered through the Ontario Student Assistance Program, often called OSAP.
What's the difference between OSAP grants and loans?
Some students may get OSAP grants, which do not need to be repaid. Students may also get loans to help pay for their education. You must start repaying your OSAP loans 6 months after you graduate, leave school, or stop being a full-time student.
Getting a loan from OSAP, or any other lender, is a big decision. Be sure you understand the total amount you are borrowing, and how and when you must repay the loan.
Learn more: Visit the Ontario Student Assistance Program website.


高一的英语作文 篇1   The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 20xx are awarded to the city of Beijing.
  The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 20xx host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC session as president. The attraction of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the IOC's heart.
  Beijing defeated four other bidding cities, including Toronto and Paris, to secure the country's first-ever Olympics. Osaka was the first city to go out, and it only took one more round for Beijing to win the Olympic race.
  The announcement, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing. IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games.
  Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games, said the 71-year-old South Korean. The result wasn't a surprise to me.
  With the motto New Beijing, Great Olympics, Beijing promises to host a Green Olympics, a Hi-tech Olympics and the People's Olympics.
  The 3,000-year-old city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new, vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms.
  Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities. A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it. The IOC's own surveys found support even higher. The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure. There are plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world.
高一的英语作文 篇2   At noon on Saturday at home I play gyro. Huang bo wen for a while come to my house to play, just come in, mum asked "who are you?" I said, "he is a yellow. He lived in 25, three units, on the fourth floor, 405. He was in grade six. He is my best friend. Have food we eat together, had a book together, have we play together, playing a holiday is not I find him, is he looking for me." Mother said, "oh, go and play!" Then he and I play with the gyro.
  I have too many words to say to you, my friend, but even if there is a thousand words to tell you how much I miss you? Of course not. Our destiny will not be the same, will we meet again in the long road? Maybe not, but in my mind, I can't forget everything about you, I believe, and you too.
  Dear friend, I sincerely wish you happiness.
高一的英语作文 篇3   我曾认识的一个人A Person I knew
  Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back——she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes。The nose——not her best feature——was long but not ugly。She had a regular set of white teeth and was full—lipped。
  Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion;she wasnt very tall or slim,and she walked with slightly—rounded shoulders。When I knew her,she must have been in her early thirties,about thirty—fifth even—and she even had one or two tell—tale wrinkles round the mouth。
高一的英语作文 篇4   The winter hoilday is too short , and now , it has lasted for nearly a week . When I looked at the calendar , I wondered why happy time passed so fast , that I can't feel it pass .
  I can't deny that I like the long-time-hoilday , but now , I feel a little bored . I stayed at home day and night this week . The only time I went out of the door is to take out the trash . My parents are very busy and they go to work every day . But I didn't hope they have a rest , because even if they stay at home . They just watch TV and keep telling me:Go to study!Hurry up!This is the only way to get a good life!So now , I am staying at home , trying to study . But I now deeply that I can't .
  I am afraid , starting to be afraid of the life in the future , what will it look?Which is the life that I like?I don't need much money , I just want to find a life which can make me relax and happy . Anyway , for this ideal , I'd like to cost everything of my life .
  We all need to relax , in this noisy city , if we don't give so much pressure to ourselves ,the life will be easier .
高一的英语作文 篇5   假设你拥有一个名叫Allen的机器人,请根据以下内容,以My Own Android为题,简要介绍你的这位机器人朋友。
  1. 制造于20xx年1月,身高1.5米;
  2. 具备人工智能: 可以聊天、下棋(play chess)、玩游戏;
  3. 几乎会做一切家务,尤其在陪护年迈的.爷爷方面令人满意;
  4. 希望能够根据需要随时升级(update)。 My Own AndroidI have an android named Allen, which was made in January, 20xx. He is about 1.5 metres in height and has artificial intelligence. This means he can talk with everyone. Sometimes we play chess or play games. Allen can do almost all the housework, such as cleaning the house and cooking the dinner, but the best thing Allen can do is that when no one is at home, he can take care of my grandpa, who is quite old now. My grandpa is satisfied with Allen’s service.
  Of course, if Allen can be updated when necessary, I think, that’s much better.
高一的英语作文 篇6   good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. it’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. my name is xing heng and i’m in my eighteen years old. i come fromxiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. i strongly suggest you visiting there and i can be your guide if it’s convenient.
  after three years’ hard work, i am so excited that i am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,sichuanuniversityand be one of you. i am outgoing and i have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but i am only good at basketball. i hope we can always play together in the next four years. computer science and technology is my favorite subject and i am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. i am glad to be a classmate of you and i hope we can study and make progress together in the future. i greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years.
高一的英语作文 篇7   We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.the majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation.Very few students,that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.What’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.Thirty percent of the students, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesn’t make any difference whether they go to college or not.
  In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.