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   留学申请书(Application for Admittance)中须写明下列几点:
  (1) 写明申请学校和所学专业;
  (2) 提供申请人的个人资历;
  (3) 索取申请学校相关的申请表等。

  Dear Sir,
  I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.
  I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.
  Sincerely yours,
  Wang Feng
  Dear Sir,
  I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.
  My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.
  I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.
  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
  Sincerely yours,
  Li Ming


国外大学的课程设置更加灵活,学生可以根据自己的 兴趣 爱好 来选择喜欢的课程,所以很多人换选择 出国 留学 。下面就是我给大家带来的简单大学 留学 申请书 英文格式版本,希望能帮助到大家!

Dear _,
Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual, hence why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. I have a broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law or business orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind my choice is the complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoy the way business so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since taking the subject at A-Level my interest has grown and matured and I am able to view many businesses analytically and make suggestions regarding possible improvements. Law is an area which has interested me from an early age. I enjoy extensive reading and recognise that this is essential in studying law. I consider myself to be well suited to a career in law as I pay much attention to detail and take pleasure in undergoing work which raises social issues in today's society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence and present persuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have has aided me in observing the actions of others and how their opinions and memories are influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much confidence which I believe I posses and can use to my advantage in order to gain recognition in this competitive field of work.
My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have held in differentiating working environments. My experience working for Royal Worchester & Spode in the Debenhams' department store has been the most influential. The up-market company requires a confidant disposition from a Sales Advisor such as myself and a proficient memory in order to ensure product knowledge is to an optimum standard. I was also given the responsibility to train a new employee which displays the high degree of trust my employers have for me.
My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position of form captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrations in College. Responsibilities such as these have helped me to mature and take my positions seriously so that I am respected by staff. My position of English Prefect in Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge of aiding the entire English department. My interest in the Italian language has also led me to have an article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women on Italian Television published in 'L'Italiano' newspaper, to which I was very content to have my views expressed.
During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian classes where I was presented with 'The Student of the Year Award' due to my excellent standard of work. The class required me to organise my time efficiently so that other schoolwork did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of these classes and of my Italian parents I now speak the language fluently
Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to use this interest to do charity work for RNIB where I raised GBP250 and abseiled 120ft down Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Team and competed in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I was awarded several trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump and javelin.
Yours sincerely,
(1)个人信息(Personal Information)
(2)住宿合同/协议(Housing Contract)
(4)饮食计划(Meal Plan)
(7)住宿定金(Housing Deposit)
宿舍的 规章制度 绝对不要去轻易违反。如禁烟区就不能吸烟,一旦被发现,就是警告处分。
当你还在飞机上时,一般空乘人员会发I-94出入境卡和海关申报单。 I-94出入境卡是美国移民局专用的表格,又称出入境记录卡,它包括两部分,一是入境记录,二是离境记录。如果你不了解如何填写这种表格,一定要请司乘人员帮忙,不要自己随便的填写。对于海关申报单有的在出境前填,有的在飞机上才填,这个视出境情况而异。此外,在漫长的飞行旅途中,要注意好休息,以便能在下机时保持旺盛的精力,因为下机还需要办理一些的手续,因此旺盛的精力也是避免自己犯错的好 方法 。
这四项检查可能由一名官员也可能由多名官员进行检查。当你抵达入境口岸时,请前往抵港旅客出口处,到了入境检查室,按照入境签证的不同,排队等候检查。持非移民签证者的学生应在外籍旅客入境区域的Nonresidents队伍里排队,而持移民签证或绿卡者要排在Citizens/Residents的行列。当轮到你受检时,请将护照、SEVIS I-20或DS-2019表、I-94出入境离境记录卡和海关申报单一并交给移民官进行检查。
此外,按照惯例,移民局官员会询问你一些基本的问题,比如在美的住所、访美的目的、打算在美国停留的时间以及携带多少的金额等等。 回答这些提问时,你一定要说明你是学生以及你就读的学校的名称和地址。随后移民局官员会要求你在一个扫瞄装置上留下指纹并当场拍摄一张照片,并在I-20或IAP-66及I-94上盖章,I-94卡是证明你合法入境美国的证件,必须要妥善保管。

简单大学留学申请书英文格式相关 文章 :
★ 国外大学留学申请书英文范文
★ 学期英文留学申请书五篇格式
★ 简洁本科留学申请书范文(完整版)
★ 英文版出国留学申请书范例
★ 留学申请文书英文范文
★ 学生英文留学申请书模板五篇
★ 个人英文留学申请书5篇
★ 简洁本科留学申请书【完整版】
★ 大学生出国留学申请书五篇范文格式
★ 最新留学申请书格式范文4篇


  ·Research Interests:…………
  专业 学院 学校
  Awards / Scholarships and etc.
  ·Research Experiences:
  时间 地点 参与身份(主要完成人还是跟人合作……)
  ·Activities Experiences:
  时间 地点
  ·Academic Skills:…………
  ·Self Evaluation:…………
  -Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template
  Date and country of birth:
  Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable)
  Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable)
  Address and Contact information:
  List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:
  Name of university
  Dates of study
  Degree level
  Degree major and minors
  Area of research
  Title of thesis
  Work experience
  List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:
  Name of company, organization or institutions
  Job titles
  Dates of jobs
  Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research
  Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment
  Awards and patents
  Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work- Please list these.
  Do you hold any patents- List name, patent number and year registered.
  List of publications
  List here all your publications you have published in China and overseas.
  Include the title of the published article, the date it was published and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc it was published in.
  Other outside interests/experience List here any clubs you belong to, any memberships you hold, your interests and hobbies
  Other skills
  For example computer skills, languages you speak, driver''s license or other permits, etc
  Have you ever traveled overseas- List countries, purpose and dates of travel
  Statement of Intent
  For students and exchange scholars:
  Proposed Study
  Give a brief but detailed description of proposed area of study, including research methods and applications of the research
  State supervisor''s/professor''s name and his/her area of expertise
  State institution and department where this research is to be done
  For business-related travel:
  Proposed schedule


  Name of Local Contact : _____________________________
  Controller of Immigration Singapore
  Address : ________________________________________ ________________________________________
  Telephone No. : ___________________________________
  Date : __________________________________________
  Dear Sir
  The applicant for the visa, ________________________ (name of applicant), of ______________ (country), holder of passport / travel document no. ____________ is coming to Singapore from _________________ (country of embarkation) for the purpose of ______________________ (e.g., holiday, transit, business, meeting, exhibition, visiting friends & relatives, employment, education; for others, please specify). The applicant is my ___________________ (e.g., father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, business partner; for others, please specify).
  Yours faithfully
  Only for application where Local Contact is an individual:
  Signature of Local Contact
  NRIC (Pink / Blue) No. _______________________
  Name of Local Contact -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Only for application where Local Contact is a company __________________________________
  Signature of person acting on behalf of the company / firm ________________________________ _________________________
  Name, NRIC No and Designation / Capacity
  Official Stamp & Unique Entity
  Number (UEN) of company / firm
新加坡留学推荐: 新加坡留学公立大学A水准考试很重要 高考分数高低决定新加坡留学的难易 留学新加坡政府大学常见问题需知


  Dear Sir/Madam;
  To Whom It May Concern:
  “It is a pleasure to recommend to you (name), a former student of mine at (name of university).”
  “I an very happy to have this opportunity to recommend (name), who is presently applying for admission to your graduate (or undergraduate) program in (name of program).”
  “I understand that (name) is applying for admissions to your graduate (undergraduate) school, and has requested that I write this letter of recommendation for her/him.”
  “In my capacity as professor at xxxx University, I have known xxx for three years, as both his/her advisor and professor.”
  (三)第二段:这段可以提供最实质的内容。譬如,如果推荐者是教授, 解释学生在他门下所修的课程。
  “(name) took two of my courses during the 1984-85 academic year, as follows; “xxxxx” and “xxxxx”.”
  “(Name) was enrolled in three of classes from September 1984 to June 1986 “xxx” and “xxx”.”
  “In my class (es), (name) did excellent work. She always listened attentively, participated activitely in class, and handed in very good written assignment.
  “In particular, his/her research paper on (topic) was of exceptionally high quality, and showed that s/he fully understands and has a strong background in his/her field.”
  “When (name) held the position of (job title) in this company she was one s/he was one of my best employees. His/her job responsibilities included (describe them), and s/he carried out his/her duties with exceptional skill and professionalism.”
  “S/he not only did his/her own work, but also helped other employees, and made many valuable contributions to the efficient running to our firm.”
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  · 推荐人与申请人的关系。
  · 推荐人是在什么环境下认识申请人,以及相识多久。
  · 申请人希望申请的哪一个学期和科系。
  · 推荐人对申请人资格评估。
  · 推荐人初识申请人时,对他有何特别的印象。
  · 举例证实推荐人对于申请人的评估结果。
  · 对于申请人个人特质的评估。如:沟通能力、成熟度、抱负、领导能力、团队工作能力,以及正直等),或是有哪些需要改进的地方。
  · 推荐人对于申请人的整体评估。
  · 评估申请人完成学业以后,未来在个人和专业上的发展。
  · 申请人会为这个科系及团体带来什么贡献。


  responsibilities & achievements:
  event team manager of innovation society responsible for organizing the societys XX-XX social programme ; managed team to meet strict deadline and goal,managed events with in budget and preparatioin,recruited membership through freshers fair,iaise with students union and departments across the college.
  volunteer of the young volunteer in guangzhou,
  organised to visit the children in orphanage who has speaking difficulties and mental handicap and soci activities with elderly and people who have hansens disease and moving
  difficulties;responsible for planning routes,appointment booking,scheduling activities.
  technical skills my degree course is both technic ally demanding and rewarding,involving high levels of training in numeracy computing and engineering skills. my third year project, flowsheeting,was to design a chemical plant to meet specific requirements,which involved considerations of a whole range of issues,such as separation processes economic potential and environmental considerations .i have dealt with huge quantity of data and have managed to turn them into meaningful information in the project. the project also provides me a considerable experience of using professional software to solve problems.
  comunication skills:
  through all academic projects, i have developed strong communication skills and enjoyed working with people with diverse backgrounds. in additon,i am a good listener in a team and i am able to coordinate all the arguments to produce constructive decision. in my spare time,i have taken a part-time job in the student union shop in imperial collge london and my interpersonal skills are further improved.
  organisational skills
  currently as a fourth year undergraduate student, i have a demanding schedule of elective lectures coursework job huntinng and part -time job. under such tremendous pressure, i am well-organized and manage to excel in all the different tasks. in addition, i love travelling in europe and all the previous trip were planned properly by myself.
  information technology
  i am a frequent user of two operation systems,microsoft windows and mac os. during my academic years, i have been extensively trained to perform technical modeling and data analysis with professional softwares such as maple, matlab and aspen. moreover , i am very familiar with the commercial software package microsoft office and i am proficient in using the advanced model drawing software , solid works.
  language skills
  i am fluent in english and i am a native speaker of chinese, including mandarin,cantonese and taiwanese. in addition, i have mastered junior-level japanese in both conversation as well as writing, and i am currently taking courses to improve it.
  2. 性别。
  4. 国籍。
  6. 现在工作单位及详细通信地址。
  10.外语水平。注明参加TOEFL、GRE等考试时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种 并说明熟练程度。
  11. 参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以上的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任职务可予以注明:荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,要注明获奖名称、颁奖时间和颁奖单位。
  12. 拟申请的大学和导师的姓名。可根据申请者查询到的资料予以注明,需注意按照每个单位、每位导师给一份简历的原则,即在同一份简历中不必注明全部想要联系的单位或导师。
  13. 拟进行的研究方向和希望从事研究的题目。国外院校的专业面一般较宽,要根据国外情况,力求专业面与其一致;研究课题可根据自己的研究兴趣和需要,同时也要尽量考虑对方的条件。简历最好打印。上述项目如遇缺项可不必撰写,只需将下一项内容提前即可。简历的字迹要求工整、清楚。既不要言过其实,又必须充分反映自己的实际水平。
  1. 控制篇幅
  2. 扬长避短
  3. 凸显个性化
  4. 简历层次分明




  09/2003—07/2007 xxxxx of Fine Arts, China
  Specialty:The Chinese Ink Wash Figure Painting
  Middle School affiliated to xxxxx of Fine Arts, Beijing 09/2000—07/2003 Senior high school
  Personal Skills
  Calligraphy, Seal Cutting, Print Woodcarving, Print Stone Carving, Sculpture
  Personal Works
  2006 The works of Ink Wash Sketch named “Girls Series” was selected for the exhibition of the 4th in May Art Cover Works in xxx of Fine Arts
  07/2005 Awarded the only golden prize of China in the brushwork contest of “Silk Road of the New Century” held by xxxxxxGroup
  2005 Went to Anhui Province for Sketch, and the works of “Hong Village Series” was collected by Chinese Painting Department
  2004 The works of “going to the Countryside for Sketch” was selected for the exhibition of Teaching Excellent Works in the end of year in China Central Academy of Fine Arts
  2001 The color sketch of “Still Life” portraying Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts was left in school for collection
  The works of “Still Life” was also collected into the book of “Classical Works Collection of Teachers and Students for 50 Anniversary of Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts” which was published in 2004
  Teaching Experience
  Tutored the art students more than 50 prepared for College Entrance Examination during the vocation, and now these students have been accepted by all kinds of art academies and comprehensive university
  Activity Experience
  2004 Was elected as the Chairman of the second Student Union in Chinese Painting Department
  12/2003 Organized the students of Chinese Painting Department to participate in performance activity for celebrating the New Year in China Central xxof Fine Arts
  2003 Was elected as the Organization Department Secretary of Student Union of Chinese Painting Department in China xcademy of Fine Arts was elected as the Monitor and Commissary in charge of sports in class
  2003 Was elected as the Proprietor of Diligently Studying Society in China Central xx of Fine Arts
  Honor experience
  2005 Awarded the third scholarship in xxx of Fine Arts
  2004 Awarded the honor of the excellent student leader in social work in xxx of Fine Arts
  Photograph, Going to the Countryside for Multi-Culture Collaborative Learning Project (exercitation in 31 places all over the country
  To obtain a LLM program
  09/2003-06/2007 Shenzhen University, China
  Major: Law
  Bachelor of Law
  GPA: 2.7/4.0
  Internship experience
  xxxx Procuratorate
  Resonbility:Responsibility: a juror and participating in the adjudication many times
  xxxxLaw Firm 2004/1—2004/2
  Position; law Assistant
  Resonbility:mainly reading the documents of civil cases, giving the suggestions,
  helping the lawyer to do some Legal Writing, and participated the cournt with the
  lawyer to tale note.
  xxxx Law Firm 2004/7—2004/9
  Position:law Assistant
  Resonbility:1 mainly asistant the lawyer to so something, includidng registering,
  permorming, andpatticipating to draf out and auditing the contract.
  2 every day managing, communicating with court activily and
  correspond well with the party.
  xxxx People’s Procuratorate, Anticorruption Bureau, No. 2 Reconnaissance Section 2005.7—2005.9
  Resonbility:Checking the bank accounts of the criminal suspicion, running after with
  criminal suspicion,checking the habitation of criminal suspicion, dealing with the law writing and cooperate with the nt to deal with the cases.
  xxx District People’s Procuratorate 2006.2—2006.4
  Responsibility: dealint with the documents of public prosecution, participating the interrogation, presenting in the court to support public prosecution, and managing the documents.
  Compliance Bureau xx Court 2006.7-2006.9
  Position: Court Clerk
  English Literacy


  Dear sir/madam:
  As a teacher in Department of accounting, Shangdong Business university, a leading university in China(需要根据实际情况改一下), I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your program.
  From September, 2010, Miss Zhang is my students in English class, She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.
  Upon ending of my English course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of globalization. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; Her careful essay comes from dozens of references. In that essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking. All of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about globalization and English culture, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it
  as model essay for granted.
  Besides, Miss Zhang takes part in many activities in spare time. Considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her thinking, she is very level-headed and full of innovation. Taking full advantage of her ability and creativity, she firmly focuse herself on her objective and ignore all distractions and successfully reache her goal. My appreciation of her talelent was thus confirmed. Miss Zhang is a very personable woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work.
  I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program. If you need any further information in your deliberation, please feel free to contact me。 sincerely
  Mr Liu
  To whom it may Concern,
  I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him.
  I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various
  professional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with his
  language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore
  Dear Colleagues:
  MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request.
  I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.
  During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional
  materials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. Working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. During her M.S. period, she had three papers published in international journals.
  Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.
  From: x x x x
  Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS
  University of Science and Technology
  Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China
  July 1, 1998
  Dear Sir or x x x:
  I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.
  Mr. Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my
  university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.
  He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of China's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the
  principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.
  In my experience with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.
  Yours sincerely
  x x x x
  Professor and Deputy Head
  Dear Admissions Committee,
  As Director of the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation at ABC University in
  BLANK, China, it is my sincere and distinct pleasure to recommend Ms. Xiao Xiao for your graduate program in BLANK.
  I have known Ms. Xiao since 2001, when she was one of eighty students who completed their undergraduate thesis projects in my BLANK laboratory. Ms. Juan’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped her become one of the most outstanding students in the entire group, making a strong, positive impression upon me. Ms. Xiao is a very driven woman and student who know what she wants to accomplish and does not falter in her chosen path. Her intellectual curiosity and desire to acquire new acknowledge continuously have led her to perform much study on her own outside the scope of her classes and research work; oftentimes, I witnessed her consulting scientific
  books and journals to help her discover how she could improve her knowledge and her work in the laboratory. Countless times, Ms. Xiao remained in the laboratory for more than twelve hours in a row to complete her work and make sure there were no errors. With such devotion and fortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me with her
  superior performance on her thesis paper. In terms of her character, Ms. Xiao is an amiable, courteous, and helpful young woman who has many friends amongst our laboratory personnel.
  Ms. Xiao is ready to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate study. Her academic performance, research work, and upstanding personal character have won her my highest recommendation, and I hope you give her application strong consideration. Thank you.
  State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation,
  ABC University


  I thought much before I began to write the PS. However, holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to say, too much to write. Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without any hesitations.
  It was not the desire for the life overseas, but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to study abroad. I was longing for the further study and embedded understanding of the essence of Information Science, tasting its charm. Pocketing this interest, I came into the department of Beijing Forestry University. Through several years’ study there, I gradually realized that the modern information society needed not only the professional talents in information science, but also the embedded researches in this field in order to use it into every enterprise. Meanwhile, it is certain that the information science is just the developing trend in the future, which could historically change the ever familiar life style. Therefore, in the process of learning, I can taste its interest and challenge, with which I can keep abreast with the latest technology. Furthermore, I think it was valuable for me to contribute my youth into the Information Science, the most prospective enterprise in the future.
  My ordinary score on my school report will tell you that I am not good at examinations. Those so-called “examination skills” are also strange to me. Instead, I emphasize the practical operations and the real needs of the society, expecting to learn the knowledge and technology that stands at the top of the period. Therefore, I got the latest knowledge mainly by reading large amount of English books and browsing the websites. Besides, I participated in many practical activities, in which I could use what I have learnt into practice.
  In my sophomore year, just as other schoolmates were submerging themselves into the fairy world of PC games, I began my part time working experience by working as a technician on the website of a small company. Just at that exciting time, I found that it was very difficult to use the theories I learnt on class into the practical work. Trapped in the gap between the school and society, I collected and summarized much practical professional files from a series of websites and learnt the HTML language and the CSS design by myself. From the first attempt in the society, I realized that I got much from difficulties rather than smooth work. On designing the information part of the website, I could not find the perfect combination between the files. However, as a hard-nosed boy, I was not defeated by the difficulties, but very excited towards them. By classifying and summarizing the files I found on the websites, I finally solved the problem.