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  一. Listening Part ( 10 分 )

  I get up at 6:30 every morning. I ______a piece of bread, two eggs and _______milk for breakfast. I ____ to school by bike. I like to _______ English . After class I ______ a football or_______. I ______ the bike to go home . I do my homework, ______books and have dinner . After dinner , I ______ with my dog . I _______ in the bed at 21:00 .
  二. Read and classify ( 20分 )
  ( bus black sock mango purple grape shirt pineapple T-shirt coconut plane bread sausage pear jacket ship green train sandwich white )
  1:transportation :
  2:fruit :
  3:cothes :
  4:food : 5. colour :
  _________________ _________________
  三. Read and choose (10分)
  1 .What’s your name ?
  A . I’m Betty B . I’m ten C . I’m OK
  2. what’s this ?
  A . It’s blue B. It’s four C . It’s a radio
  3 . What colour do you like ?
  A . I like apples B . I like pink C .I like cats
  4 .How many ducks are there ?
  A .There are five ducks B .There are some ducks
  C . There are any ducks
  5 .Have you got any fish ?
  A . Yes, she’s got some fish B .No, I haven’t
  C .No, I have
  四、Read and match (10分)
  1.How do you go to Beijin
  2.Where do you want to go ?
  3.Who wants to be a helicopter?
  4.Where are you going ?
  5.Do you come here by ship or by train ?


考试时间:90分钟 满分:120分
  Name(姓名): Score(得分):_________
  (一 ) 听力部分(20分)
  一、 听音判断,将你所听到的单词的序号填在题前括号内。(10分)
  1. ( ) A. beach B. pea C. bean
  2. ( ) A.watch   B. wash  C. watches
  3. ( ) A. kite B. ride C. read
  4. ( ) A. please   B. plane C. play
  5. ( ) A. woman B. women C. man
  6. ( ) A. lamp B. lemon C. lemonade
  7. ( ) A. shirt  B. sock C. skirt
  8. ( ) A. basketball B. baseball C. badminton
  9. ( ) A. talk   B. tell  C. take
  10. ( ) A. wall    B. water   C. what
  1. ( ) A. I’m eight.   B. I’m a boy.   C. I’m singing.
  2. ( ) A. I like playing. B. I like playing basketball. C. I like mangoes.
  3. ( ) A. She’s sleeping. B. He’s sleeping. C. The pen is yellow.
  4. ( ) A. There are four. B. There is a pen. C. They are green.
  5. ( ) A. Thank you! B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I can.
  eat (现在分词) write(现在分词) tall(反义词)
  peach(复数) potato(复数)         
  1.      2.      3.      4.      5.      
  6.     7.      8.      9.      10.          
  五. 选择填空。(20分)
  ( )1. Look! She is milk.
  A. drink B. drinking C. drinks
  ( )2. I like table tennis.
  A. play B. playing C. go
  ( )3. Your pen is red, mine is green.
  A. and B. to C. but
  ( )4. —How old is your father? —
  A. a boy B. She’s 35. C. He’s 35.
  ( )5. I a beautiful girl.
  A. is B. are C. am
  ( )6. —How many are there? —There are three.
  A. girl B. book C. boys
  ( )7. Do you like ?
  A. swim B. swiming C. swimming
  ( )8. Today is Day, Ben gets up very early.
  A. Children’s B. Children C. children’s
  ( )9. I sing, but I can’t .
  A. can, sing B. can, dancing C. can, dance
  ( )10. I four pencils.
  A. am B. have C. has
  ( )11. —Happy birthday, Peter! —
  A. Thank you! B. Happy birthday! C. That’s OK.
  ( )12. —Do you like black? —Yes, .
  A. I am B. I do C. I don’t
  ( )13. —What is she ? —She is reading a book.
  A. do B. doing c. does
  ( )14. Dad! They my friends!
  A. is B. am C. are
  ( )15. It’s a nice day, it?
  A. Yes B. No C. isn’t
  ( )16. —Can I ask you a question? —
  A. Tha’s OK. B. Yes, please! C. I’m sorry.
  ( )17. What books do you like ?
  A. read B. reads C. reading
  ( )18. —How do you turtle? —T-u-r-t-l-e.
  A. draw B. write C. spell
  ( )19. What beautiful cake!
  A. an B. the C. a
  ( )20. —Who’s your favorite person? —
  A. Dog B. My mother C. Colour
   1.—What w you like? —I would like a burger.
   2. —How are you? —I’m fine, thank y !
   3. She is my best f .
   4. —What’s your favorite s ? —I like playing badminton.
   5. There i a teacher in the classroom.
   1. friend, your, who’s, best
   2. they, kicking, a ball, are
   3. what, Li Tong, is, doing
   4. do, you, what colour, like
   5. can, she, fly, kite, a
  Ⅰ Ⅱ
   ( )1. What’s your name? A. Yes, I can.
   ( )2. What can you see? B. It’s green.
   ( )3. Can you swim? C. My name is Tom.
   ( )4. Do they like bananas? D. He is 13.
   ( )5. How old is Peter? E. Yes, they do.
   ( )6. Which colour do you like best? F. May is playing tennis.
   ( )7. Who is playing tennis? G. The girls are dancing.
   ( )8. What colour is the tree? H. I often watch TV.
   ( )9. What are the girls doing? I. I like purple best.
   ( )10. What do you often do on Children’s Day? J. I can see a bird.
  This is a picture of Jim’s bedroom. It is not a nice room but it’s big. A football is under his chair. His desk is behind the door and it’s brown. We can see some books on the desk. His math books are in his school bag. The bag is on the wall.
  ( ) 1. Where is his football? It’ .
  A. under the chair B. on the chair C. behind the door
  ( ) 2. Whose bedroom is this? It’s .
  A. Jim’s B. Tom’s C. Tim’s
  ( ) 3. What colour is his desk? It’s .
  A. white B. yellow C. brown
  ( ) 4. Where are the math books? They’re .
  A. under the picture B. in the classroom C. in the school bag
  ( ) 5. Which one is TRUE(正确的)? .
  A. Jim’s bedroom is small.
  B. Jim’s bedroom is big.
  C. Jim’s bedroom is nice.
  Hello! I’m Mary. I’m eleven years old. My last name is Grace. I’m an English (英国) student. I have a Chinese (中国) teacher. Her name is Jiang Hong. Her telephone is 218-9176. My phone number is 766-3725. I like yellow, but I don’t like blue.
  ( ) 1. How old is Mary?
  A. 11 B. 12 C. 13
  ( ) 2. Mary doesn’t like_______.
  A. blue B. yellow C. white
  ( ) 3. What’s Mary’s last name?
  A. Mary B. Grace C. I don’t know
  ( ) 4. What’s the telephone number of Mary’s teacher?
  A. 281-3725 B. 766-9176 C. 281-9176
  ( ) 5. Is Mary a Chinese student?
  A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is.
   Look, this is my best friend.


Food 食物 1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡 2. rice 米饭 3. noodles 面条 4. sausage (sausages) 香肠5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗6. pizza 比萨饼7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕8. French fries / chips 炸薯条 9. meat 肉10. meal (meals) 饭 11. chicken 鸡肉 12. fish 鱼肉 13. lamb 羊肉 14. beef 牛肉 16. steak 牛排17. bread面包 18. popcorn 爆米花 19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad 色拉 Vegetable 蔬菜 1. potato (potatoes) 土豆2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱 Fruits 水果 1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果 2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子 3. banana (bananas)香蕉 4. pear (pears) 梨 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝 6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬 8. mango (mangoes) 芒果 9. grape (grapes) 葡萄 10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子 11. nut (nuts) 坚果 Human Body 人体 1. head 头 2. neck 脖子 3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀 4. forehead 额头 5. nose 鼻子 6. mouth 嘴 7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛 8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵 9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿 10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊 11. hand (hands) 手 12. leg ( legs ) 腿 13. foot (feet) 脚 14. knee (knees) 膝盖 15. face (faces) 脸 16. finger (fingers) 手指 17. pointer 食指 18. thumb 拇指 19. nail 指甲 20. child (children) 儿童 21. man (men) 男人 22. woman (women) 女人 23. baby (babies) 婴儿 Animals 动物 1. bee (bees)蜜蜂 2. cat (cats)猫 3. dog (dogs)狗 4. bird (birds)鸟 5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子 6. cow (cows)奶牛 7. tiger (tigers)老虎 8. lion (lions)狮子 9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 11.snail (snails)蜗牛 12. mouse (mice)老鼠 13. chick (chicks) 小鸡 14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊 15. goat (goats) 山羊 16. fish (fish)鱼 17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶 18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓 19. fly (flies) 苍蝇 20. whale (whales)鲸鱼 21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼 22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚 23. hippo (hippos)河马 24. frog (frogs)青蛙 25. elephant (elephants)大象 26. duck (ducks)鸭子 27. horse (horses)马 28. pig (pigs) 猪 29. monkey (monkeys)猴子 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛 31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠 31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉 32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠 School 学校 1. teacher (teachers)老师 2. student (students)学生 3. pupil (pupils)小学生 4. ruler (rulers)尺子 5. eraser (erasers)橡皮 6. book (books)书 7. bag (bags)书包 8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔 9. pen (pens)钢笔 10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes)铅笔盒 11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具 12. classroom (classrooms)教室 13. blackboard (blackboards)黑板 14. chalk 粉笔 15. table (tables)桌子 16. desk (desks) 课桌 17. computer (computers)电脑 18. playground操场 Colors 颜色 1. brown 棕色 2. yellow 黄色 3. orange 橙色 4. green 绿色 6. purple 紫色 7. gray 灰色 9. red 红色 10. white 白色 11. blue 蓝色 12. indigo 青紫色 13. violet 紫罗兰 14. black 黑色 Vehicles交通工具 1. car (cars)汽车 2. van (vans) 货车 3. bike (bikes)自行车 4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机 5. train (trains)火车 6. plane (planes) 飞机 7. taxi / cab 出租车 8. bus (buses)公共汽车 Family 家庭 1. father 爸爸 2. mother 妈妈 3. sister 姐姐、妹妹 4. brother 哥哥、弟弟 5. son 儿子 6. daughter 女儿 7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑 8. uncle 叔、伯 9. nephew 侄子 10. niece 侄女 11. cousin 堂兄妹 12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公 13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆 14. study 书房 15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室 16. living-room / sitting-room客厅 17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室 18. clock (clocks)时钟 19. TV 电视 20. photo (photos) 相片 21. flower (flowers) 花 22. door (doors) 门 23. window (windows) 窗户 24. bed (beds) 床 25. sofa (sofas) 沙发 26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜 27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜 Preposition 介词 1.on 在…上面 2. in 在…里面 3. under 在…下面 4. over 垂直上方 5. above 在上方 6. next to 在旁边 7. between 在…之间 8. behind 在后面 9. in front of 在…的前面 10. of …的 11. among 在…之中 12. to 给… 向 往 13. from 从…来 14. off 从…离开 15. up 向上 16. down 向下 17. on top of 在顶上 18. at the foot of 在…的脚下



  Unit 1
  His name is Bill. Linda is my friend.
  Your name , please ? Who is this girl ?
  This is my new bag . Show me your pen .
  My friend is Pat . Our friends are their friends.
  Unit 2
  What is it ? It’s a tail.
  Nice to see you.
  He had a cow. Let me try.
  Unit 3
  What would you like ? I want some peaches.
  How about you ? Here you are.
  I’d like one , please . I don’t like mangoes.
  Would you like an orange ? Yes, please.
  I like to eat lemons and apples .
  Unit 4
  What’s in my hat? An eraser .
  This is my friend.
  Let me try .
  You can see many toys in it.
  You can find a toy car in this big hat.
  Unit 5
  Touch your leg . Who wants to try?
  He has got two big eyes.
  What can you hear? I can hear a bird.
  I can smell with my noses.
  We can hear with our ears.
  Unit 6
  Let’s play games. He must be in the house.
  The colour of it is red. Do you understand ?
  Catch the beanbag . Kick the shuttlecock.
  Turn off the light . Show me your shoes.
  Wash your hair.Which one do you want to play first?
  Unit 7
  Which is Mr li? Where is my sock?
  Here I am.
  Which one do you like ?
  Do you like bananas or apples?
  Unit 8
  Please wait. What colours have you got?
  This is a new street.
  My bag is orange and my shorts are green.
  Let’s go and have a look.
  Hurry up ! Red is the colour for an apple to eat.
  Unit 9
  Have you got a toy train? Yes,I have ./ No ,I haven’t.
  We are at school. We are in the zoo.
  Which needs wings? Where is my toy bike?
  How much ice cream do you want? Lots , please.
  Unit 10
  We are busy. One plus two is three.
  Nine minus two is seven.
  I’ve got three.
  Unit 11
  How do you do ! He’s reading a newspaper.
  This is my grandpa.
  Who’s Nick’s dad? Bob Green.
  She is watering the flowers now.
  Make yourself at home .
  Unit 12
  What’s your hobby? I like swimming.
  We often watch TV and do homework.
  We often listen to music together .I like go shopping.
  What does Sam like doing? He likes flying a kite.
  Swimming is good. I like climbing trees.
  I like talking with friends.She likes reading very much.
  Unit 13
  This is mine. Is that yours? Yes, it’s mine.
  Who is he ? You use these to see.
  Which one is different ? Do you like my dress?
  Yes , I do. No, I don’t.
  Unit 14
  What is he doing ? He is mopping the floor .
  Would you like a cup of tea ? Yes , please .
  My grandpa take me to the shop.I often do homework.
  How can we make grandpa and grandma happy ?
  I think we can sweep the floor.
  Unit 15
  Who is he ? You use these to see.
  It’s ours . Where is he going on New Year’s day?
  How will she go there ? By plane.
  Unit 16
  How do you go to school every day ? By bike.
  They want to catch a mouse .
  Who is your best friend ? Tony.
  What’s your favourite fruit?
  I ’m coming. No problem.
  Let’s have a race .Welcome to our English Evening.



  Unit 5 My body and the monster's   —Who wants to try? 谁要来试试?
  —He's got three eyes,four ears and three legs. 它有三个眼睛,四个耳朵和三条腿。
  【带 u 的单词】
  duck 鸭子 gun 枪 jug 壶罐 mug 大杯
  nut 干果 rug 小地毯 hut 小屋 tub 桶
  Hokey Pokey
  You put your right hand in, 伸出你的右手,
  you take your right hand out. 收起你的右手。
  You put your right hand in, 伸出你的右手,
  and you shake it all about. 到处摇摇你的脚/手。
  You do the Hokey Pokey, 来做这些动作,
  and you turn yourself around. 自己来回转一转,
  That's what it's all about. 就做这些动作。
  【实用句型】 情态动词 can
  1.What can you see? 你能看到什么?
  I can see a book. 我能看到一本书。
  What can you hear? 你能听到什么?
  I can hear a car. 我能听到一辆车的声音。
  2.We can see with our eyes. 我们能用眼睛看。
  we can hear with our ears. 我们能用耳朵听。
  see 看 smell 闻 hear 听 taste 尝 touch 碰
  What can we do with our hands and feet?我们可以用手脚干什么?
  hands: touch clap hold write pick catch
  feet: stand run kick jump hop stamp
  Unit 6 Let's play games.   【课文内容】
  —Let's play games.Which one do you want to play first? 一起来玩游戏吧,你想先玩哪一个?
  —Where is Sam? 山姆在哪?
  —He must be in the lemon house. 他肯定在柠檬屋里。
  —Pick an apple and put it under the chair.Do you understand? 拿起一个苹果然后把它放在椅子下面。你明白了吗?
  —Yes. 是的.。
  bounce the ball 拍球 kick the shuttlecock 踢毽子 draw the clown's nose 画鼻子
  catch the beanbag 抓沙袋 hopscotch 跳房子 throw the beanbag 丢沙袋
  pick and put 拿起放下 hide and seek 捉迷藏
  【带 a 的单词】
  cake 蛋糕 name 名字 face 脸 make 做
  game 游戏 plane 飞机 wave 挥手 bake 烘烤
  came 来 hate 讨厌 late 迟 mate 伙伴
  date 约会 gave 给(give的过去式) Dave 迪夫
  same 一样 take 拿走 cave 洞穴 wake 叫醒
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,转圈。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch the ground. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,碰地。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,show me your shoes. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,给我看你的鞋子。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,eat more fruit. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,多吃点水果。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,go upstairs. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,上楼梯。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,wash your hair. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,洗头。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn off the lights. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,关灯。
  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,say goodnight. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,说晚安。


  上册   Unit 1 What's your name?
  What's your name (please)?
  My name is Andy / Liu / Dehua.
  I am Andy / Liu / Dehua.
  ---How old are you?
  --- I am 7(Yours old).
  Unit 2 What's this?
  What's this? this →(反) that
  What's that? =>It's a …(当该句用于询问字母时,答句中无“A”,即It's “B”.)
  颜色的用法:① be ~: It's pink. ② ~ n.: It's a pink shirt.
  陈述句 This is a bag. 变疑问句把脖子提到前面去
  Is this a bag? Yes, it is.
  That is a book.
  Is that a book? No, it isn't.
  一般疑问句用yes或no来回答:Yes, it is.或No, it isn't.。答句的最后一个词用问句的第一个词。
  Unit 3 What colour do you like?
  颜色的用法:① be ~: It's pink. ② ~ n.: It's a pink shirt.
  Unit 4 How many ducks are there?
  how many ①(多少),可数名词的数量 ② + 可数名词 (pl.) 复数
  ⑴ 在词尾加s。pen → pens
  ⑵ 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es。 bus → buses ;box → boxes ;watch → watches ; brush → brushes
  ⑶ 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es。 (y → ies) baby → babies; boy → boys
  ⑷ 以f, fe结尾的词,变f, fe为v,再加es。 (f →ves) (fe → ves) leaf → leaves; knife → knives
  ⑸ 以辅音加o结尾的词(外来词、缩写词除外)加es。
  negro ['neɡr?u] → negroes hero ['hi?r?u] → heroes
  potato → potatoes tomato → tomatoes mango → mangoes
  下列词除外,photo → photos kilo → kilos
  ⑹ 特殊变化:
  ① oo → ee foot → feet tooth → teeth goose → geese
  ② a → e man → men woman → women ['wimin]
  ③ mouse → mice ;louse → lice
  ④ sheep → 不变 ; deer → 不变
  people → +s peoples 民族
  不变 people 人
  fish → 不变或加es fish 或 fishes
  ⑤ child → children ox → oxen
  有 have 某人有某物
  there be 某处有某物
  there is (are) + 存在物 + [存在的地点]
  There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有笔。
  There are two boys in the classroom. 教室里有两个男孩。
  Unit 5 Have you got any fish?
  ① have [h?v] 有 I have a book. ;
  have got 有 I have got a book.
  ② some [s?m] 一些 I have got some books. ;any ['eni] 一些 Have you got any books?
  some 用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句。
  Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear?
  第一人称→我,我们;第二人称→你,你们;第三人称→他,他们 人名和物名(我的书)
  单三主语有:she, he, it, Rose(单独的人名) the book(物名)等。
  如果句子中出现单三形式,have → 变has
  She has a book. 她有一本书。
  例如(e.g.):第一人称 I have got a chair.
  →变问句 --- Have you got a chair? --- Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  →变否定句 I haven't got a chair.
  第三人称 She has got a book. 她有一本书。
  →变问句 ---Has she got a book? 她有一本书吗?--- Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.
  →变否定句 She hasn't got a book.
  Unit 7 Our family
  ⑴ What's your name? My name is… / I'm…
  ⑵ How old are you? I'm…years old.
  ⑶ ---How many pencils are there in the pencil-box. ---There's 1./ There are 2.
  ⑷ What's this? It's a…
  ⑸ How old is your father? He's 36.
  ⑹ What colour is it? It's…
  What colour(s) are they? They are…
  ⑺ How many people are there in your family?
  ⑻ What are these? They're…
  ⑼ Which is the pen? This is the pen.
  ⑽ Have you got a…? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  Has he got a…? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.
  ⑾ This is a pen. → (变复数形式) These are some pens.
  Unit 9 What's your favourite fruit?
  favourite [fei'v?reit] adj. 最喜爱的 My favourite food.
  n. 最喜欢的(人或物) My favourite is my mother. 我最喜欢的人是妈妈。
  前面用“某人的”e.g.: your favourite book
  Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear?
  too 也 There's an egg, too. (句末)
  also 也 They also love me. (句中 be ~ ~ v.)
  I am a teacher, too. / I am also a teacher. / I also like English.
  ⑷ a, an 一个 a 用在辅音音标开头词前
  an 用在元音音标开头词前
  a pear;a university [?ju:ni'v?:s?ti] 大学; an apple;an hour [?u?] 小时
  Unit 13 What's for breakfast?
  8. What's for breakfast on…?
  Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三
  Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日
  => ① 首字母大写 ② 无冠词the ③ on ~ 在……④ What day is it today? 今天星期几?
  It's Sunday. 今天星期日
  => ---What's for breakfast on Monday?--- I have burger for breakfast on Monday.
  Unit 14 By bus or by bike?
  7. 特殊疑问句,需要用具体内容来回答。
  结构:以 wh~ 开头(特殊疑问词) + 一般疑问句 + ?
  答题步骤:① 找到划线部分对应的`特殊疑问词。(寻找)
  如:My name is Angel. → (what)
  what 什么  (代事物);who 谁   (代人物)
  whose 谁的  (代人物的);where 哪里 (代地点)
  when 什么时候 (代时间);which 哪一个 (代特征)
  why 为什么 (代原因);how 怎样 (代方式)
  ② 将原句变成一般疑问句。(改变)
  ③ 两者加合(疑问词 + 一般疑问句),去掉划线部分。
  e.g.: I go to school by bus.
  ① how② Do you go to school by bus? ③ How do you go to school?
  The book is on the desk.
  Is the book on the desk?
  Where is the book?
  Unit 15 We love animals.
  love [l?v] v. 喜爱;like v. 喜欢
  ① ~ + n.(单/复数)
  e.g.: I like / love books.;I like / love the book. ;I love / like Miss Yang.
  ② ~ + doing I like / love playing football.
  to do I love / like to play football.
  下册   Unit 1 What's your name?
  I can see hens on the farm. (A: in B: at C: on)
  farm → farmer ;What's on the farm? → There are many animals.
  Unit 3 Where's the cat?
  表示位置的介词:in, on, under, behind, between(两者之间);next to(挨着……),
  in front of(范围之外的前边);in the front of(范围之内的前边),
  Unit 4 Please have some cake.
  祈使句 特点:① 无主语② 动词原形开头③ 表示了对对方的命令,意愿,请求
  肯定:Stand up. Go out.
  否定:Don't 开头 Don't stand up.
  Unit 5 This is our house.
  How many rooms are there in your house? 你家有多少间房间?
  有: there be 句式翻译成(有)。存在句(某地有某物)
  have = have got (有生命类的东西)(某人有物)
  There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。
  There are ten girls in the classroom. 教室里有十个女生。
  → there is 单数/不可数(就近原则); There are 复数
  E.g. There are 5 rooms in my house. 我家有五间房间。
  Unit 10 Our beautiful garden.
  our [?u?] 我们的
  Miss Yang is our teacher. Ms.杨是我们的老师。
  同音异形词 hour 小时 an hour 一小时
  冠词:a / an 一个
  the this 特指用the
  the that
  the these
  the those
  an hour 名词前用a / an与开头字母是否发音有关系。
  a university ['ju:niv?siti] 大学 冠词用a
  Where are you? I'm in the classroom. here, there前无介词
  I'm here. 我在这。 / He is there. 他在那儿。
  look at… 看…… look at him
  主格:发出动作的人 I, you, he, she, we, they, it.
  宾格:承受动作的人 me, you, him, her, us, them, it.
  Unit 13 Can you do it?
  can 能 (情态动词)
  ① + do (原形) : I can read English. 我能读英语。(动词原形)
  ② 变疑问句:(can提前):Can you read English?
  ③ 变否定句:can + not => can't:I can't read English.
  ④ 回答:Yes, I can. / No, I cant.
  Unit 16 What are you doing here?
  be + v.-ing (be + 动词的ing形式)
  e.g.: Rita is singing. Rita正在唱歌。
  do: I go to school at 7:00.
  does: she goes to school at 7:00.
  ① be going to(将要) do(动作原形)
  We are going to play. 我们将要玩。
  ② will do(动作原形)
  We will play. 我们将要玩。
  be going to: 主语做好准备。
  will: 一种“将要”的趋向。

剑桥少儿英语:论坛家长讲述 儿子的剑桥少儿一级得了满盾!

一级是满盾了,用孩子的话说就是:“感觉超级简单!” 但我们家长在引导孩子的这条道路上却是任重而道远,我们还得时刻提醒孩子不能骄傲,要继续加油。真正想想没有我们这么努力的引导帮助想必孩子也不会感觉这么轻松。祝愿他今后的路如现在一样每次都轻松而过。
05年剑桥少儿英语考试1-3级真 剑少模考专题:剑少模考成绩公 剑少模考试卷(2005真题)下载 剑桥少儿英语1~3级(下) 如何 剑桥少儿英语1~3级(上) 如何 剑少模考专题:在线答疑贴 剑少模考阅卷与诊断说明 剑少模考成绩公布-荣华考点 剑少模考成绩公布-和盛考点 剑少模考成绩公布-中鼎考点 剑桥少儿英语预备级上知识点汇 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇 学而思英语剑少英语全真模拟考 《论坛家长讲述 儿子的剑桥少儿一级得了满盾!》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/



  一、Listening part   1. 听一听,圈一圈
  1) a / k 2) f / h
  3) B / D 4) u / w
  5) t / e 6) CCTV / ZJTV
  7) desk / duck 8) fish / sheep
  9) black / blue 10) boy / girl
  2. 听一听,选一选
  ( )1) A.mat B.cat ( )2) A.fish B.face
  ( )3) A.dog B.sochs ( )4) A.bus B.cup
  ( )5) A.bed B.bag ( )6) A.box B.dog
  ( )7) A.eyes B.ears ( )8) A.peach B.pear
  ( )9) A.slow B.bush ( )10) A.lemon B.orange
  二、Writing part   1. 写出下列字母的大写或小写
  2. 按照字母顺序填空
  1) 大写字母写一写 A____C____E K____M____O Q____S____U
  2) 小写字母写一写 f____h____j p____r____t v____x____z
  3. 找出与下列单词对应的汉字并写下来
  乌龟_______ 熊猫______ 窗户______ 蛇______
  蛋糕______ 树______ 香蕉______ 柠檬 ______
  竹子______ 夹克衫______ 马______
  panda duck bamboo banan
  snake horse tree turtle
  window cake jacket lemon
  4. 读句子,连线
  1) Good morning! A. I'm fine. Thank you!
  2) What's your name? B. No, I don't.
  3) How are you? C. Good morning!
  4) What colour do you like? D. My name's Cathy.
  5) Do you like apples? E. I like pink.
  5. 试一试,选一选
  ( )-- Hello, I am Bill. What's your name?
  -- _____________________________.
  A. I'm Kim. B. I'm seven.
  ( )-- How old are you?
  -- _____________.
  A. I'm Ben. B. I'm seven.
  ( )Hello, I'm Bill. __________ Ben.
  A. She is B. She is
  ( )Hi, I'm Frank. ___________Sue.
  A. He is B. He is
  ( )-- What's this?
  -- __________.
  A. It's a cup. B. It's red.

