
rice university energy,新能源可以申请的英国大学

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Troubled by the long-term dangers of radioactive contamination and nuclear weapons proliferation, Kennedy pushed for the adoption of a Limited or Partial Test Ban Treaty, which prohibited atomic testing on the ground, in the atmosphere, or underwater, but did not prohibit testing underground. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union were the initial signatories to the treaty. Kennedy signed the treaty into law in August 1963.
The Cuban Missile Crisis began on October 14, 1962, when American U-2 CIA spy planes took photographs of a Soviet intermediate-range ballistic missile site under construction in Cuba. The photos were shown to Kennedy on October 16, 1962. The United States would soon be posed with a serious nuclear threat. Kennedy faced a dilemma: if the U.S. attacked the sites, it might lead to nuclear war with the U.S.S.R., but if the U.S. did nothing, it would endure the threat of nuclear weapons being launched from close range. Because the weapons were in such proximity, the U.S. might have been unable to retaliate if they were launched pre-emptively. Another consideration was that the U.S. would appear to the world as weak in its own hemisphere.
Many military officials and cabinet members pressed for an air assault on the missile sites, but Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine in which the U.S. Navy inspected all ships arriving in Cuba. He began negotiations with the Soviets and ordered the Soviets to remove all defensive material that was being built on Cuba. Without doing so, the Soviet and Cuban peoples would face naval quarantine. A week later, he and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev reached a basically cordial, lasting agreement. Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles subject to U.N. inspections if the U.S. publicly promised never to invade Cuba and quietly removed US missiles stationed in Turkey. Following this crisis, which brought the world closer to nuclear war than at any point before or since, Kennedy was more cautious in confronting the Soviet Union.
The extent of Kennedy's involvement in Vietnam remained classified until the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971.In Southeast Asia, Kennedy followed Eisenhower's lead by using limited military action as early as 1961 to fight the Communist forces led by Ho Chi Minh. Proclaiming a fight against the spread of Communism, Kennedy enacted policies providing political, economic, and military support for the unstable French-installed South Vietnamese government, which included sending 16,000 military advisors and U.S. Special Forces to the area. Kennedy also authorized the use of free-fire zones, napalm, defoliants, and jet planes. U.S. involvement in the area escalated until Lyndon Johnson, his successor, directly deployed regular U.S. forces for fighting the Vietnam War.
By July 1963, Kennedy faced a crisis in Vietnam: despite increased U.S. support, the South Vietnamese military was only marginally effective against pro-Communist Viet Minh and Viet Cong forces. Regarding Ngo Dinh Diem, the Roman Catholic President of South Vietnam, as insufficiently anti-Communist, the U.S. gave secret assurances of non-interference for an impending coup d'état.On November 1, 1963, South Vietnamese generals overthrew the Diem government, arresting and soon killing Diem (though the circumstances of his death were obfuscated).Kennedy sanctioned Diem's overthrow.One reason to support the coup was a fear that Diem might negotiate a neutralist coalition government which included Communists, as had occurred in Laos in 1962. Dean Rusk, Secretary of State, remarked "This kind of neutralism…is tantamount to surrender."
Kennedy increased the number of U.S. military in Vietnam from 800 to 16,300. It remains a point of some controversy among historians whether or not Vietnam would have escalated to the point it did had Kennedy served out his full term and been re-elected in 1964.[35] Fueling the debate are statements made by Kennedy and Johnson's Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara that Kennedy was strongly considering pulling out of Vietnam after the 1964 election. In the film "The Fog of War", not only does McNamara say this, but a tape recording of Lyndon Johnson confirms that Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam, a position Johnson states he strongly disapproved of.Additional evidence is Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 263, dated October 11, 1963, which ordered withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel by the end of 1963.Nevertheless, given the stated reason for the overthrow of the Diem government, such action would have been a policy reversal, but Kennedy was generally moving in a less hawkish direction in the Cold War since his acclaimed speech about World Peace at American University the previous June 10, 1963.
After Kennedy's assassination, new President Lyndon B. Johnson immediately reversed his predecessor's order to withdraw 1,000 military personnel by the end of 1963 with his own NSAM 273 on November 26, 1963
The turbulent end of state-sanctioned racial discrimination was one of the most pressing domestic issues of Kennedy's era. The United States Supreme Court had ruled in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. However, many schools, especially in southern states, did not obey the Supreme Court's judgment. Segregation on buses, in restaurants, movie theaters, bathrooms, and other public places remained. Kennedy supported racial integration and civil rights, and during the 1960 campaign he telephoned Coretta Scott King, wife of the jailed Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., which perhaps drew some additional black support to his candidacy. John and Robert Kennedy's intervention secured the early release of King from jail.
In 1962, James Meredith tried to enroll at the University of Mississippi, but he was prevented from doing so by white students. Kennedy responded by sending some 400 federal marshals and 3,000 troops to ensure that Meredith could enroll in his first class. Kennedy also assigned federal marshals to protect Freedom Riders.
As President, Kennedy initially believed the grassroots movement for civil rights would only anger many Southern whites and make it even more difficult to pass civil rights laws through Congress, which was dominated by conservative Southern Democrats, and he distanced himself from it. As a result, many civil rights leaders viewed Kennedy as unsupportive of their efforts.
On June 11, 1963, President Kennedy intervened when Alabama Governor George Wallace blocked the doorway to the University of Alabama to stop two African American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, from enrolling. George Wallace moved aside after being confronted by federal marshals, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and the Alabama National Guard. That evening Kennedy gave his famous civil rights address on national television and radio. Kennedy proposed what would become the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Kennedy signed the executive order creating the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women in 1961.Commission statistics revealed that women were also experiencing discrimination. Their final report documenting legal and cultural barriers was issued in October 1963, a month before Kennedy's assassination
Kennedy was eager for the United States to lead the way in the space race. Sergei Khrushchev says Kennedy approached his father, Nikita, twice about a "joint venture" in space exploration—in June 1961 and autumn 1963. On the first occasion, the Soviet Union was far ahead of America in terms of space technology. Kennedy first announced the goal for landing a man on the Moon in speaking to a Joint Session of Congress on May 25, 1961, saying
"First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him back safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish."
Kennedy later made a speech at Rice University on September 12, 1962, in which he said
"No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space."
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
On the second approach to Khrushchev, the Ukrainian was persuaded that cost-sharing was beneficial and American space technology was forging ahead. The U.S. had launched a geostationary satellite and Kennedy had asked Congress to approve more than $25 billion for the Apollo Project.
Khrushchev agreed to a joint venture in late 1963, but Kennedy was assassinated before the agreement could be formalized. On July 20, 1969, almost six years after JFK's death, Project Apollo's goal was finally realized when men landed on the Moon.
Now the trumpet summons us again- not as a call to bear arms, though
arms we need- not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-but a
call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year
out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulatio-n- a struggle against the
common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North
and South, East and West that can assure a more fruitful life for all
mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generation-s have been
granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I
do not shrink from this responsibi-lity- I welcome it. I do not believe
that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other
generation-. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this
endeavor will light our country and all who serve it-and the glow from
that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you,
but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world ,
ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which
we ask of you. With a good conscience- our only sure reward, with
history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land
we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on
earth God’s work must truly be our own.
Kennedy as president and as politician, and establishes the two realms, myth and substance, in which the subsequent examination of Kennedy's life and career will be conducted. His presidency is then divided into the broad categories of foreign policy and domestic policy. Within these categories the suceeding chapters touch on the major controversies and conflicts of the Kennedy years in office, from the question of his religion, which clouded the candidacy, to his final days in the White House. We use events of the presidency as a means of reflecting on Kennedy the man, the Senator, and the candidate, as well as the President. Nothing is taken at face value, not Kennedy's liberalism, his support of minorities, nor the wisdom of his economic measure or his foreign policy decisions. All are scrutinized for the reality that often has been obscured by the popular myth. Along with the more widely noted issues, such as the communications "flap" over the "vast wasteland" reference, there are chapters on lesser known but nonetheless important issues, such as Kennedy's management of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and his handling of relations with India. A brief concluding section sets the Kennedy presidency within a frame of two others, those of Truman and Reagan, yielding insights into each.
After Kennedy's military service as commander of the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 during World War II in the South Pacific, his aspirations turned political. With the encouragement and grooming of his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat, and served in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated then Vice President and Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election, one of the closest in American history. He was the second-youngest President (after Theodore Roosevelt), the first President born in the 20th century, and the youngest elected to the office, at the age of 43. Kennedy is the first and only Catholic president, and is the only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize. Events during his administration include the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African American Civil Rights Movement and early events of the Vietnam War.
Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime but was shot and killed two days later by Jack Ruby before he could be put on trial. The event proved to be an important moment in U.S. history because of its impact on the nation and the ensuing political repercussions. Today, Kennedy continues to rank highly in public opinion ratings of former U.S. presidents.


1.剑桥大学University of Cambridge 开设了新能源技术硕士MPhil in Energy Technologies 。
2.伦敦大学学院University College London开设专业了能源经济、政策与环境硕士Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc、能源与环境材料硕士Materials for Energy and Environment MSc。
3.帝国理工学院Imperial College London开设了可持续能源发展硕士MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures。
4.兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University开设了能源与环境硕士Energy and the Environment。
5.诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham开设了可再生能源与建筑硕士 Renewable Energy and Architecture (Nottingham/Ningbo) Masters (MSc)。
6.伦敦城市大学 City University London开设了能源环境技术与经济硕士MSc Energy, Environmental Technology and Economics;可再生能源与电力系统管理硕士MSc Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management。
7.杜伦大学 Durham University开设了新能源与可再生能源硕士MSc in New and Renewable Energy;能源与社会学硕士MSc in Energy and Society。
8.伦敦大学皇后玛丽学院Queen Mary, University of London开设了可持续能源系统硕士MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems。
9.南安普顿大学 University of Southampton开设了能源与可持续性硕士(方向;能源资源与气候变化)MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy resources and Climate Change);能源与可持续性硕士(方向;能源,环境与建造)MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Environment and Buildings);可持续能源技术硕士MSc Sustainable Energy Technologies。
10.拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University开设了可再生能源管理 Master in Renewable Energy。


神创造的东北师范大学能量电神重力英语是Northeast Normal University,created by God,has energy,electricity,and gravity。


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考前还在抱着TED, BBC听·那你就没救了·既打击自信心·还没啥用~
①咱们需要做的第一步就是·把备选词全部标上词性:n/v/adj./adv.如果它不仅一个词性, 咱就把知道的词性全部标上!
常见动词后缀:-ize, -is e:做成·-en使成为·-if y使成·-ish使·-ate成为....
常见名词后缀:-ment, -ance, -ence, acy,-ion, -sion, -tion, -th……
常见形容词后缀:-ful, -ous(envious) , -al (national) , -ent(dependent, innocent) ,-ant(assistant)
1.As far as...s Concerned
2.it goes without saying that...
3.It can be said with certainty a that...
4.As the proverb says,
.5.it has to be noticed that...
6.Its generally recognized that...
7.Theres no denying the fact that..
1.A case in point is....
2.As is often the case...
3.As stated in the previous paragraph
4.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore...
.5.But its a pty that...
6.However.the difficulty lies in...
9.Further, we hold opinion that...
8.in this respect, we may as well...
1.1 will conclude by saying..
2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...
3.It maybe safely said that...
4.Therefore, in my opinion, its more
5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that...
6.From my point of view, it would be better if..
④最后还想让自己的作文提高一点点水平·那再加点合适的谚语i.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩
2.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.有志者事竟成3.Rome was not builtin a day.罗马不是一天建成的。
4.It is good to learn at another man's cost.前车之鉴·5.The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strongman ·烈火试真金·困苦炼壮士·
6.Bend the willow while it is still young.修树要趁早·育人要趁小。
顾名思义·按照文章字面意思进行翻译·不加修改。例如丢脸直接翻译成:lose face:功夫翻译成kungfu 等。
Better a glorious death than a shameful life
传统文化古老水镇ancient watertown 民族服饰national costume 文化标志cultural symbol 国宝national treasure
宝贯速产a great heritage 人美文明human civilization 传识legends
佰称folk name/com
玫的ele sant
宽松长祀loose gown
独特元素unique element
象征意义symbolic significant 连潮演变成evolve into
中式菜看traditional Chinese dishes 四、国家发展
课生make a living
共产党the Communist Party 产业/工业industry
中国革命Chinese Revolution 高速列车high-speed trains 高铁high-speeding rail
运洋船舶ocean-going vessels 摆脱贫国get rid of poverty 商业化commercialization
验田experimental plot
国内外at home and abroad 极端员困extreme poverty
文化交清Cultural communication 可持续发展Sustainable development
科技话题创新成果innovation achievements 显著成就remarkable achievements 科技science and technology 新开发newly-developed 新能源new energy 机器人robot 太空站space station 工业革命industrial revolution 高科技领域high technology fields 太空探常计划space exploration plan
大众健康Public health 医疗保健medical care
馒头steamed bun 主食staple food 化肥chemical fertilizer 大米rice 小麦wheat 面粉flour 成熟ripen 收获harvest 庄棕crop 田野field 有机农业organic farming 农作物产量Crop yields 农业现代化modernize agriculture 占据重要地位play an important role


袁隆平,李振声,钱学森,邓稼先,杨嘉墀,王淦昌,王大珩,陈芳允, 李四光 , 华罗庚, 钱三强 , 苏步青,王选,黄伯云,叶笃正,吴孟超,竺可桢,陈景润,茅以升,童第周,钱伟长,周培源,钱学森,杨乐,朱光亚,雷洁琼,严济慈,陈醒身,林巧稚,朱宪彝
Ahn, B. (Ionospheric Conductance Modeling)
Allen, J. (Storm Effects)
Altrock, R. (Interested in Developments)
Anderson, B. (UARS Auroral Currents)
Anderson, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Andrews, G. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Angelopoulos, V. (Geotail Energetic Particles)
Baker, D. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Baker, K. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Behnke, R. (Interested in Developments)
Bilitza, D. (IRI Ionospheric Modeling)
Borovsky, J. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Boteler, D. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Buonsanto, M. (Coordinator, CEDAR Storm Study/Millstone Hill Data)
Burrage, M. (UARS/HRDI)
Bust, G. (Ionospheric Tomography (MACE Data))
Calderon, C. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Cafarella, L. (Antarctic Ground Magnetometer Data)
Carr, S. (Ionospheric Modeling)
Cattell, C. (Geotail Electric Field Data Analysis)
Cayton, T. (GPS Data at 4.2 Re)
Chen, J. (Global MHD Modeling)
Chen, M. (Ring Current Modeling)
Clauer, R. (MAGIC Magnetometer Data)
Coffey, H. (NGDC Solar On-Line Data)
Coles, R. (Canadian Magnetic Observatory Network)
Conkright, R. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Conner, M. (KRM Modeling and Analysis)
Crooker, N. (Solar Wind/IMF/Plasma)
Crowley, G. (TIME GCM Runs)
Davis, C. (Interested in Developments)
Decker, D. (Ionospheric Models, GTIM,PIM,PRISM)
Deng, W. (HRDI/WINDII Data Analysis)
Detman, T. (Interplanetary Scintillation Data)
Dryer, M. (SOLTIPS Coordinator)
Dudeney, J. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Emery, B. (AMIE Modeling)
Engebreteson, M. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Erwin, E. (NGDC Cosmic Ray Data On-Line)
Evans, D. (TIROS/NOAA Particle Data)
Fejer, B. (Low Latitude E-Field Modeling)
Fesen, C. (NCAR TIEGCM Runs)
Foster, J. (Ionospheric Analysis/Millstone Hill Data)
Frahm, R. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Fraser, B. (Southern Hemisphere magnetometers)
Freeman, J. (RICE Magnetospheric Specification Model Run)
Friis-Christensen, E. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
Gary, J. (FREJA Currents)
Gosling, J. (Interested in Developments)
Hairston, M. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Heelis, R. (DMSP Ion Drift Data and RPA Data)
Henderson, M. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Ho, C. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Hoogeveen, G. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Hudson, M. (Radiation Belt Modeling)
Hughes, J. (MACCS magnetometer data)
Hughes, T. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Hume, E. (Interested in Developments)
Hundhausen, A. (Mauna Loa K-Coronometer)
Inan, U. (VLF D-Region Measurements)
Jacobson, A. (Los Alamos Plasmaspheric-Drift Interferometer)
Kamide, Y. (KRM modeling)
Kikuchi, T. (Equatorail Magnetomter Data Analysis)
Kivelson, M. (Galileo Data, Low resolution B data at 3.6 AU)
Knipp, D. (Coordinator, Data Assimilation to include AMIE)
Kozyra, J. (Ring Current Modeling)
Kroehl, H. (Interested in Developments)
Kutiev, I. (Interested in Developments)
Lambour, R. (Modified Magnetospheric Spec Model Plasma Density)
Lanzerotti, L. (Geopotentials/mid latitude magnetometer data)
Lazarus, A. (IMP-8 Solar Wind Plasma)
Li, X. (SAMPEX Data, Energetic Electron Analysis)
Link, R. (UARS PEM/WINDII, Photoelectrons and Energetic Particles)
Linker, J. (Solar Modeling)
Lu, G. (Auroral Boundaries/Particle Spectra)
Luehr, H. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data)
Lui, T. (Geotail Energetic Particles)
Mannucci, A. (GPS Tomography, Global Ionosphere Maps)
Manson, A. (Lower Thermosphere Winds)
Masuda, S. (YOKHOH X-ray Image Data)
Maurits, S. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
McAllister, A. (YOHKOH Solar Images, Stream/CME ID and Interactions)
McEwen, D. (Optical Data at Eureka 89 deg. Magnetic)
McHarg, G. (Auroral Pulsations)
McLandress, C. (UARS WINDII)
Melendez, D. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Meriwether, J. (Lower Thermosphere Optical Data)
Miller, K. (Thermospheric Winds, Transient Electric Fields)
Milling, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
Morris, L. (NGDC Geomagnetic On-Line Data)
Mukai, T. (Interested in Developments)
Mursula, K. (FREJA Electric Field and Low-Frequency Wave Data)
Nakamura, M. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
O'Loughlin, K. (NGDC Ionospheric Data)
Obara, T. (Akebona Data)
Olson, J. (Alaska-Canada Meridian Chain Magnetometer Data)
Onsager, T. (Cusp and Nightside Particle Spectra)
Orr, D. (SAMNET Magnetometer Data)
Papitashvili, V. (IZMEM Modeling)
Patterson, E. (Cosmic Rays)
Pinnock, M. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Prinz, D. (UARS Solar Spectra, Oxygen profile, Ozone profile)
Raeder, J. (Global MHD-Ionosphere Model)
Reeves, G. (Los Alamos Energetic Particle Data)
Reinisch, B. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Rich, F. (DMSP Particle Data)
Richards, P. (Field Line Interhemispheric Model)
Roberts, B. (Interested in Developments)
Robinson, R. (Interested in Developments)
Roderiguez, R. (All Sky Camera Data)
Rodger, A. (Halley Antarctic Magnetometer, Riometer and Coherent Radar)
Rosenberg, T. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Rostoker, G. (CANOPUS Magnetometer Data)
Ruohoniemi, M. (SuperDARN Radar Data and Analysis)
Russell, C. (Interested in Developments)
Samson, J. (Auroral Structures)
Scali, J. (High Latitude Digisonde Velocity obs and e-profiles)
Sharber, J. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Shepard, G. (WINDII Data)
Shiokawa, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
Singer, H. (GOES 6 & 7 Magnetometer and Energetic Particles)
Spence, H. (Interested in Developments)
Stauning, P. (Greenland Magnetometer and Imaging Riometer Data)
Steele, D. (CCD All sky images of aurora and airglow)
Sulzer, M. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)
Sun, W. (Interested in Developments)
Szuberla, C. (Lonyearbyen Magnetometer Data)
Terasawa, T. (Geotail B-Field & Low Energy Particle Data)
Thomsen, M. (Interested in Developments)
Tobiska, K. (Modeled Solar EUV Irradiance)
Totten, T. (Solar Wind Shock Modeling)
Troshichev, O. (Arctic and Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Tschan, C. (Interested in Developments)
Tsurutani, B. (Interested in Developments)
Valiz, O. (Peruvian Ionosonde Data)
Vassiliadis, D. (Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of SW data)
Viljanen, A. (IMAGE Magnetometer Data & Ground Voltages)
Watari, S. (Solar Sector Boundaries)
Watkins, B. (University of Alaska Polar Ionospheric Model)
Weatherwax, A. (Antarctic Magnetometer Data)
Weimer, D. (High Latitude Electric Field Modeling)
Weiss, L. (Los Alamos Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers)
Wickwar, V. (Fabry Perot OH winds and O (1D) winds)
Wilkin, P. (Interested in Developments)
Wilkinson, D. (Satellite Anomalies Studies)
Wilkinson, P. (Australian Ionosondes)
Winningham, D. (UARS PEM Magnetometer & X-ray)
Worthington, W. (Boulder CO Ground Magnetometers and Spectragrams)
Yumoto, K. (210 degree Magnetometer Chain Data)
Zaitzev, A. (IZMIRAN Ground Magnetometer Chain)
Zanetti, L. (FREJA Currents)
Zhou, Q. (Arecibo Incoherent Data)

meat and rice give us a lot of energy的同义句

mear and rice give a lot of energy to us.
【Meat and rice give a lot of energy to us.】
知识点:【give sb sth】=【give sth to sb】
或者:【Meat and rice make us very energetic.】

在图中 翻译成英语 急求!!

1.on the wall
2.in the pencil case
3.Where is my backpack?
4.Where is her baseball?
5.Is her book in the bookshelf?
6.My keys are on the dressing table.
7.Boys and girls are under the tree.
8.A pen is on the English book.
1.辅音加Y结尾的要去Y为I再加ES,即ies;baby - babies
2.一般在名词后面加S,即s'book - books
3.以S,X,CH,SH,结尾的加ES;box -boxes
4.以F或FE结尾的变F或FE为V加ES;knife - knives
5.以O结尾的有两种情况:1.有生命的加ES;tomato - tomatoes 2.无生命的加S;
photo - photos.
My clock is ( on )( the ) (wall).
Is your pencil (in ) (the)(pencilcase)?这里不是3个空吗?
Where's my backpack?
Where's her basball?
Is her book in the bookcase?
My keys are on the dresser.
Boys and girls are under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.
在图中:in the picture.
on the wall
in the pencil box
Where is my backpack
Where is her baseball
Is her book in the bookcase
My keys are on the dresser / My key is on the dresser
The boys and girls are under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.
's 是名词所有格,表示某人的,加s 是单数变复数时才用的。
y clock is ( )( ) ( )在墙上
Is your pencil
My clock is (on)(the) (wall)
Is your pencil (in)(the)(pencil)(case)
where is my backpack?
where is her baseball?
Is her book in the book shelf?
My key is on the dress table.
Boys and girls is under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.
map → maps onion → onions baker → bakers
some water a lot of bread
二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词 a (an) ;而不可数名词不能用 a (an) .如:
Li Hong is a driver. I am a teacher. 李红是一名司机,我是一名教师。
We can't see milk on the table. 我们看不见桌上有牛奶。
[ 友情提醒 ] 在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数名词前都要用定冠词 the .如:
Pass me the ball, please. 请把球传给我。
The chicken on the plate is yours. 盘子里的鸡肉是你的。
三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用 many 等词修饰。如:
many apples a lot of tomatoes a few pens
不可数名词则要用 much 、 a little 等词修饰。如:
much meat a little breadlittle water
[ 友情提醒 ] 这两类名词都可以被 some 、 any 、 a lot of (lost of) 等修饰。如: some eggs/ paper (纸)。
A lot of (lots of) knives / orange juice
three women
ten babies
不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词 + 表示数量的名词(可数名词) + of + 不可数名词”。如:
two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶
five pieces of bread 五片面包
There is some rice in the bowl. 碗里有些米饭。
All the students are in the classroom. 所有的学生都在教室里。
[ 友情提醒 ] 如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。如:
There are two bags of rice in the room. 房间里有两袋子大米。
六、对可数名词的数量提问用 how many ;对不可数名词的数量提问要用 how much ,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用 how many .
I can see two pictures on the wall. → How many pictures can you see on the wall?
There is a lot of pork in the basket. → How much pork is there in the basket?
I want three glasses of water. → How many glasses of water do you want?
七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数中词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如 people, police, family 等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如 clothes, glasses (眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如 Japanese, sheep, Chinese 等。如:
The Chinese people are hardworking and brave. 中国人民勤劳勇敢。
The sports clothes are new. 这些运动服是新的。
I have one sheep. He has two sheep. 我有一只羊,他有三只羊。
最常见的不可数名词有:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic
2、其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)
1. 抽象名词(abstract nouns)。如:beauty, fear, courage, charity, joy, etc.
2. 物质名词(material nouns)。如:air, soap, beef, etc.
2. 物质名词(material nouns)。如:air, soap, beef, etc.
3. 集合名词(collective nouns)。如:family, group, team, swarm, crowd, flock, etc.
3. 集合名词(collective nouns)。如:family, group, team, swarm, crowd, flock, etc.
4. 个体名词(individual nouns)。如:table, man, dog, book, etc.
4. 个体名词(individual nouns)。如:table, man, dog, book, etc.
专有名词包括人名、地名等,如:Tom, Mrs Smith, China, etc.
Tom, Mrs Smith, China, etc.
1.一般在名词词尾加-s。如:dog-dogs, house-houses, gram-grams.
2.以-o或-s,-sh, -ch及-x结尾的名词加-es构成其复数形式。如:tomato-tomatoes, kiss-kisses, watch-watches, box-boxes, bush-bushes.
3.有些以-o结尾,是外来语或缩写名词, 则加-s。如:piano-pianos, dynamo-dynamos, photo-photos, kimono-kimonos.
4.有些以-o结尾的名词,其-o前是元音字母则加-s。如:studio-studios, radio-radios.
5.以-y结尾的名词,且-y前是一个辅音字母,则把-y去掉,加-ies。如:baby-babies, university-universities, fly-flies, impurity-impurities.
如果以-y结尾的名词,-y前是一个元音字母,则直接加-s。如:boy-boys, donkey-donkeys.
-y结尾的名词,-y前是一个元音字母,则直接加-s。如:boy-boys, donkey-donkeys.
6.以-f或-fe结尾的名词,一般将-f,-fe去掉,加-ves。如:wife-wives, wolf-wolves, calf-calves.
这类名词还有:life, knife, self, shelf, leaf, thief, sheaf, half等。
名词scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。
也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。
life, knife, self, shelf, leaf, thief, sheaf, half等。
名词scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。
也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。
scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。
也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。
-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。
7.有些名词以改变元音构成其复数形式。如:man-men, woman-women, goose-geese, foot-feet, mouse-mice, louse-lice, tooth-teeth等。
child的复数为children, ox的复数为oxen。
child的复数为children, ox的复数为oxen。
8.有些表示生物的名词,其复数形式与单数相同。如:fish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deer。这类名词还有aircraft, means等。
1.一般在词尾加-s或-es。如:take-off -- take-offs, grown-up -- grown-ups, armchair -- armchairs, film-goer -- film-goers等。
2.以man或woman为前缀构成的复合词,两部分都变成复数。如:man doctor -- men doctors, woman player -- women players等。
3.主体名词在前,介词或副词在后的复合词只在主体词后加-s。 如:sister-in-law -- sisters-in-law, looker-on --lookers-on, passer-by -- passers-by等 。
4.首字母缩略词(Initials),加-s以构成其复数。如:VIPs (very important persons), MPs (Members of Parliament), UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)等。
5.一些从希腊文或拉丁文转化而来的外来名词通常仍保持其原有的复数形式。如:datum--data, crisis-crises, stimulus-stimuli, phenomenon-phenomena, basis-bases等。
但也有些希腊,拉丁文外来语按英语的变化规则。如:formula-formulas, campus-campuses, myth-myths等。 Return
个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。
集体名词 个体名词
但也有些希腊,拉丁文外来语按英语的变化规则。如:formula-formulas, campus-campuses, myth-myths等。 Return
个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。
集体名词 个体名词
个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。
集体名词 个体名词
集体名词 个体名词
poetry poem
machinery machine
clothing garment, coat, etc.
furniture table, chair, etc.
cutlery knife
equipment tool
weaponry gun, pistol, ect.
foliage leaf
correspondence(信件) letter
luggage trunk, bag, etc.
police policeman
clergy clergyman
但也有一些集体名词本身可用于个体意义,从而有单、复数形式,如team, a team, three teams; committee, a committee, several committees; family, a family, two families等。
有些名词既可作物质名词,也要作个体名词,前者不可数,后者可数。这就要看这些名词用于何种意义。例如rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。
team, a team, three teams; committee, a committee, several committees; family, a family, two families等。
有些名词既可作物质名词,也要作个体名词,前者不可数,后者可数。这就要看这些名词用于何种意义。例如rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。
rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。
Honesty is the best policy.
Knowledge is strength.
但也有一些抽象名词是可数的,如victory, a victory, two victories; conference, a conference, several conferences。还有一些抽象名词可以复数形式出现,但不能计数。例如difficulty, difficulties; opinion, opinions。
victory, a victory, two victories; conference, a conference, several conferences。还有一些抽象名词可以复数形式出现,但不能计数。例如difficulty, difficulties; opinion, opinions。
The salesman met once a week to exchange experience(经验)。
Please tell us about your experiences(经历)in Africa.
抽象名词 个体名词
laughter laugh
抽象名词 个体名词
laughter laugh
laughter laugh
work job
work job
correspondence(通信)letter, note, ect.
correspondence(通信)letter, note, ect.
photography photo
photography photo
permission permit
permission permit
music song
music song
fun joy
fun joy
homework exercise
homework exercise
英语中还有少数几个名词,如family, room, mouth, ear,等,似乎只能是可数名词,但实际上这类名词在某些搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词,例如to have too much family (=too heavy family burden), to have too much winter (= a too long spell of cold weather); to have too much mouth (= to talk too much), to have too little ear (= to be not inclined to listen to others), to have room for (=to have a need for), to feel the patriot rise... (=to feel the patriotic feelings rise...)等。
英语中还有一些名词(大多是指人的名词),通常作可数名词,但在特殊的搭配中表示人的特质等抽象意义时便成了不可数名词。例如fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:
He was enough of a man to tell the truth.
family, room, mouth, ear,等,似乎只能是可数名词,但实际上这类名词在某些搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词,例如to have too much family (=too heavy family burden), to have too much winter (= a too long spell of cold weather); to have too much mouth (= to talk too much), to have too little ear (= to be not inclined to listen to others), to have room for (=to have a need for), to feel the patriot rise... (=to feel the patriotic feelings rise...)等。
英语中还有一些名词(大多是指人的名词),通常作可数名词,但在特殊的搭配中表示人的特质等抽象意义时便成了不可数名词。例如fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:
He was enough of a man to tell the truth.
fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:
He was enough of a man to tell the truth.
He was enough of a man to tell the truth.
专有名词一般没有复数形式,除非专有名词本身带有复数词缀,如the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands. 但一般专有名词有时也可能普通名词化,从而带有复数词缀,如表示某姓的一家人或者表示同性或同名的若干人。例如:
the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands. 但一般专有名词有时也可能普通名词化,从而带有复数词缀,如表示某姓的一家人或者表示同性或同名的若干人。例如:
Have you invited the Browns?(指姓布朗的一家人)
There are two Miss Smiths / Misses Smith in the class.(指两个同姓Smith的女子)

高一英语词组 急!!!!

`555.........`bu zhi dao sorry .....````
人教版高一英语必修3词汇复习总结 Phrases for Module 3
Unit 1
1.mean doing sth. 意味着;
mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;
mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
be meant for 打算作……用; 为…而有
2.take place 发生;举行
3.of all kinds 各种各样的
4.starve to death饿死 be starved of 缺乏,
starve for sth, starve to do,渴望
5.plenty of 大量; 充足
6.be satisfied with感到满意
to one’s satisfaction感到满意是
7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人
8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式
9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人
10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装
11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖
reward sb. for sth. 因 …奖赏某人;
reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人
12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人
13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望
14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐 ( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)
15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些
turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉;
turn on 打开; turn out 结果是......
turn to sb. for help 向某人求助
16.keep one’s word 守信用;
break one’s word, 失信
17.It be obvious that-clause
18.set off
动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;
set in开始; set up建立,创立 ;
set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做
set down 写下,记下
19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起
Unit 2
1.a healthy diet健康饮食;
a balanced diet平衡的饮食
2.in different way用另外方式
3.most often最经常
4.feel frustrated感到沮丧
5.by lunchtime到午餐时间
6.must have happened一定发生过
7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头
8.be tired of 厌倦
9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇
10.throw away扔掉
11.get away with 逃脱
12.tell lies说谎
13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物
body-building foods提供营养的食物
14feel fit保持精力旺盛
15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点
the strength of the diet饮食的优点
16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究
17.earn one’s living谋生
18.be in debt负债
19.glare at怒视
20.move round绕过
21.spy on在暗中侦察;打探
22.upset sb.使......不安
23.look ill 感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心
24.heavy food不易消化的食物
25.chat(ting) about聊起关于......
26.serve with用......配
27.rather than而不是
28.cut down减少
29.before long不久
Unit 3
1. know about 了解关于…事
2. make a bet 打赌
3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输
4. have bad luck 运气不好
5. step inside 走进里面
6. lead the way 带路
7. I wonder if 我想知道是否…
8. go right ahead 说下去
9. as a matter of fact 事实上
10. by accident 偶然
11. sail out of the bay 驶出海湾
12. stare at 盯着
13. towards nightfall 到夜幕降临时
14. carry … out to sea 把…带到了大海
15. give oneself up for lost 因为迷路而绝望
16. work as an unpaid hand 免费劳动
17. account for 导致
18. to be honest 坦白地说
19. your idea of some kind of joke
20. be on my way 上路
21. show sb. out 把某人带出去
22. be confident about 对… 自信
23. the cost of a journey 旅行费用
24. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车
25. lose one’s patience 失去耐心
26. do fifty jumps without stopping 不间断地连续跳五十下
27. fall over 跌到
28. account for your behaviour
29. be jealous of the others’ success
30. show a willingness to do sth.
31. stay out of jail 免坐牢
32. be reserved 被预定了
33. take the gentleman’s order
34. the look on the waiter’s face
35. take a chance 碰碰运气
36. read the bill 看帐单
37. in a rude manner 用粗鲁的方式
38. for a while 一会儿
Unit 4
1. think of…as 把……看作是
2.a cloud of energetic dust具有能量的尘埃
3. combine into…合成……
4. move around the sun环绕太阳运转
5. become violent变得激烈
6. the solid surface固体表面
7. explode loudly猛烈爆炸
8. in time及时,最终
9. produce the water vapor产生水蒸汽
10. make the earth’s atmosphere构成了地球的大气层
11.cool down冷却
12. on the surface在表面
13. be different from…与……不同
14.go round the sun环绕太阳运转
15. disappear from…从……消失
16. stay on…存留在……
17. show one’s quality显现某人的特性,
18.dissolve harmful gases分解,溶解有害气体,
19. become part of…变成……的一部分,
20. develop life发展生命,
21.grow in the water在水里生长,
22. encourage the development of…鼓励……的发展,
23 millions of years later几万年以后,
24.live on land在陆地上生活,
25. live in the sea在海里生存,
26. grow into forests长成森林,
27. produce young生出幼仔,
28. lay eggs下蛋,
29.animals with hands and feet长着手脚的动物,
30.spread all over the earth遍布全世界,
31.develop new methods发展了新的方法,
32.. move around迁徙,
33. go by过去,推移,
35.escape from… into…从……逃离到……,
36.depend on….依靠,依赖,取决与……,
37. solve a problem解决
38 be lucky enough足够幸运,
39. make a trip去旅行,
40. visit the moon参观月球,
41. in the spaceship在太空飞船中,
42. explain to… that…向……解释……,
43. on the journey在旅程中,
44 be off启程,
45 rise into the air升人太空,
46. feel the pull of the earth感觉到地球的拉力,
48. push…into the seat把……推向座位,
49. say…to each other向彼此说……,
50.fall back to…朝……落下去,
51.fall from a tree从树上掉下来,
52. fall to the ground朝地上落下去,
53. get close to…接近……,
54 cheer up高兴起来,
55 float weightlessly around失重飘来飘去,
56 in the spaceship cabin太空船舱,
57. watch…do看着……做,
58. move freely自由的活动,
59. climb down the steps从梯级上爬下来,
60. step forward向前迈步,
61.fall over摔倒,
62. need practice需要练习
63..get the hang of…掌握了……的诀窍,
64. enjoy oneself感到自如,
65. leave the moon’ s gravity摆脱月球引力
66. come back to…回到……
Unit 5
1. frost on the ground地上覆盖了一层薄霜
2. around noon中午时分,
3. the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada加拿大最大最富有的城市
4. leave for…离开去……
5. go on a tour of the city继续在市内游览一番
6. go up the tower登上塔顶
7. look across the lake俯瞰湖面
8. flow into…流人……
9. flow over…流经……
10. on one’s way to…在去……的路上
11. a covered stadium加顶的运动场
12. walk north向北走
13. phone… from a telephone booth到电话亭给……打电话
14. have dinner in downtown Chinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭
15. move to…移居到……
16. meet… at…在……迎接……
17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜
18. come from South China来自中国南方
19. go as far as Ottawa去到远至渥太华
20. about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto距多伦多东北大约有400公里
21. take too long花费的时间长
22. at dawn黎明
23. at the train station在火车站
24. have English words in small letters有小字体的英文标注
25. go downtown到市区去
26. be close to…,接近……
27. spend the afternoon in the lovely shops整个下午在可爱的商店
28. visit… in…在……拜访……
29. sit in a café坐在咖啡馆
30. look over…眺望……
31. sit down with…和……坐在一起
32. on a train trip across…坐着火车上横穿……
33. have a French culture具有法国文化
34. speed along the river toward…沿着河流驶向……
35. dream of…梦想……
36. on a trip在旅途中)
37. on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸
38. take the aeroplane乘飞机
39. fly from… to…从……飞行到……
40. take the train from… to…乘火车从……到……
41. from west to east从西到东
42. across Canada横穿加拿大
43. cross the whole country横贯整个国家
44. at the airport在机场
45. take…to…把……带到……
46. catch the train乘坐火车
47. on the way to…在去……的路上
48. see great scenery看美丽壮观的风景
49. on the trip在旅途中
50. go eastward向东行驶
51. pass cities经过城市
52. in less than five days在不五天的时间里
53. from coast to coast从一个海岸到另一个海岸
54. in the warmest part of…在最热的地方
55. be surrounded by…被……所包围
56. on the north在北边
57. ski in the mountains在山上滑雪
58. sail in the harbour在港湾了扬帆行船
59. north of………的北边
60. settle down in the seat落座,
61. look out of the window at the wild scenery从窗口看到了自然风光
62. a mountain goat野山羊
63. a grizzly bear大灰熊
64. a famous Western festival有名的西方节日
65. come from all over…全来自……
66. compete in ~ing比赛做……
67. ride wild horses驾驭野马
68. have a gift for ~ing有天资/天分做……
69. work with…与……共处, win…prizes赢得……奖金,
70. live within 320 kilometres of the USA border居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带
71. go through…穿过……
72. a wheat-growing province种植小麦的省份
73. thousands of square kilometers in size面积有数千平方米
74. at the top end of…在……的最上首
75. a busy port繁忙的港口
76. rush through…穿行过…
Unit 1
1. in pairs 成对
2. give reasons for 给…理由
3. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件
4. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖
5. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一
6. concern oneself with 让自己关注
(be concerned about对…担心)
7. welfare projects福利项目
8. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会
9. show the connection between …and…显示出…和…之间的联系
10. fight for为…而战
11. put…to death将…处死
12. a specialist in women’s illnesses妇科疾病的专家
13. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给… 致力于…
14. rather than而不是
15. behave like humans像人类的举止
16. the night before前一天晚上
17. wonder off离开
18. make it all worthwhile使…值得
19. come into one’s arms回到…的怀抱
20. fully understand完全理解
21. observe and record their daily activities观察记录他们的日常活动
22. be determined to下定决心…
23. communicate…with与…交流
24. work out their social system勾勒出他们的社会体系
25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人
26. argue for…为…辩护
argue against…反对…
argue with sb. 与…争论
27. come crowding in纷塌而至
28. achieve everything做成了所有的事
29. gain a doctor’s degree获得了博士学位
30. cheer the achievements of women为妇女的成就喝彩
31. support a family支撑一个家庭
32. get upset感到不安
33. be of great importance很重要
34. look down upon 看不起
35. do some research 做研究
36. catch one’s eye吸引…
37. cut the death rate降低死亡率
38. care for照顾、喜欢
39. follow some simple rules遵循一些简单规则
40. be intended for为…准备
41. get a medical training获得医学培训
42. be placed second to放在…之后
43. further reading进一步的阅读
44. as well as和,还有/ 和…一样
45. story after story 一个故事接着一个故事
46. deliver a baby接生
47. make sure确保,确信
48. carry on继续
49. fill in the forms填表
50. the university entrance exam大学入学考试
Unit 2
1. grow plants种植作物
2. know about farming了解农业耕种
3. a main food主要食物
4. Asian countries亚洲国家
5. have the chance to do sth有机会做…
6. end hunger结束饥饿
7. for that’s how he regards himself因为那就是他如何看待自己的
8. work the land耕种土地
9. a sunburnt face晒黑的脸
10. in many ways从许多方面来说
11. struggle for为…而战/挣扎
12. the past five decades在过去的五十年
13. a high output高产量
14. make it possible to…使…成为可能
15. graduate from…从…毕业
16. see the great need for看到了对…的需求
17. a serious problem一个严重的问题
18. search for寻找
19. without expanding the area of fields不扩大农田面积
20. circulate his knowledge 传播知识
21. less developed countries欠发达国家
22. thanks to幸亏,由于
23. rid …of…使…摆脱…
24. twice as large as before是以前的两倍大
25. be satisfied with对…满意
26. care little about对…很少关心
27. lead a comfortable life过着舒适的生活
28. equip…with…用…装备…
29. give him less freedom to do sth给他更少的自由…
30. would rather宁愿
31. no longer不再
32. play the violin拉小提琴
33. prefer to更喜欢…
34. ride his motorcycle骑摩托
35. awake from从…中醒来
36. with the hope of带着…的希望
37. export rice出口大米
38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan 证明的那样
39. be suitable for 对…合适
40. for sale 卖…
41. chemical fertilizers化肥
42. get confused感到困惑
43. take turns轮流
44. be prepared to准备…
45. no matter how无论怎样
46. refer to 指的是…参考…查阅…
47. be rich in富含…
48. be good for对…有好处
49. reduce diseases减少疾病
50. the water supply水的供应
51. year after year一年又一年
52. as a result结果
53. get exhausted感到筋疲力尽
54. insist on坚持
55. every two or three years每两三年
56. write a summary of…写…的总结
57. exchange…with…与…交换…
58. give each other comments互相评论
59. be free of远离…
60. that is to say那就是说
Unit 3
1. silde on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒
2. bump into someone else撞到别人
3. round a corner在拐角处
4. fall down掉下
5. be cruel to …对…残忍
6. at times有时,常常
7. be content with对…满意
8. badly off(worse off) 贫困
9. astonish us with the deep feelings用深厚的感情打动…
10. be born in poverty出生贫寒
11. become famous for变的有名
12. a particular from of acting一种特殊表演方式
13. his entertaining silent movies
14. be well-known throughout the world
15. wear worn-out shoes穿着破鞋子
16. carry a walking stick拿着手杖
17. a social failure一个社会生活中的失败分子
18. overcome difficulties克服困难
19. be unkind to sb对…不好
20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子
21. the problem facing sb面对某人的问题
22. thousands of成千上万
23. rush there in search of冲向…寻找…
24. fortunate enough足够幸运
25. pick up拾起…/接某人
26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪
be caught on被…钩住
27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘
28. pick out挑出
29. cut off切断,隔绝…
30. as if似乎,好象
31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment每口都吃得津津有味
32. star in主演…
33. his lifetime outstanding work他终生杰出的工作
34. be buried in被埋葬在…
35. knock into撞到…
36. think it funny to…觉得滑稽…
37. play on words说俏皮话
38. treat it as a question把…当作一个问题
39. an answer to the question问题的答案
40. go camping去露营
41. in a mountainous area在山区
42. in the open air在户外
43. look up at the stars抬头看着星星
44. how vast the sky is 天空多么广阔
45. try a third time又试了一次
46. pay special attention to特别注意…
47. bring out the humorous meaning
48. turn into变成…
49. improve your English vocabulary
50. a sense of success成功感,成就感
Unit 4
1. on the left side of the chart在图表的左边
2. make notes作笔记
3. act out表演出来
4. the purpose of languange语言的目的
5. give an example举例
6. be interested in the development of 对…的发展感兴趣
7. at a major hotel在大酒店
8. local business people当地商人
9. represent the Chinese government代表中国政府
10. look around in a curious way好奇地张望
11. disappoint your boss使老板失望
12. an exciting experience一次另人兴奋的经历
13. closely followed by…后面跟着…
14. introduce…to…介绍…
15. approach sb靠近…
the approach of spring春天的到来
the approaching examinations即将到来的考试
16. touch her and kiss her on the cheek吻她的脸颊
17. step back后退
18. take a few steps away from离开…退开几步
19. at the time as同时…
20. reach his hand out to伸出手去…
21. a learned man 有知识的人,有学问的人
22. in the same way同样…
23. spoken language口语
24. express their feelings表达感情
25. keep physical distance,保持身体距离
26. be more likely to很有可能
27. shake hands with sb与…握手
28. nod at 对…点头
29. avoid difficulty in communication避免交流中的困难
30. with the help of在…的帮助下
31. in general 一般而言
32. actions speak louder than words行动胜过言语
33. take action采取行动
34. be nervous about对…紧张
35. the comedy show喜剧表演
36. all kinds of各种各样
37. even if即使
38. speak to对…说话
39. misunderstand each other互相误解
40. be similar to与…相似
41. turn your back to背对…
42. show anger显示愤怒
43. the universal facial expression通用的脸部表情
44. be intended to打算…
45. put …at ease使…放心
46. lose face丢面子
47. nod the head up and down点头
48. refuse to do something拒绝做…
49. look away from从…转过眼神(不看)
50. hold your arms across your chest双臂抱胸
51. turn forward to向前倾…
52. roll your eyes转动眼珠
53. show respect for对…表示尊重
54. give a hug to拥抱…
55. be willing to愿意…
56. look direclty at an adult直视一个成人
look sb in the eye直视…
57. tell the truth说实话
58. be wrong about误解…
59. be angry at sb生…气
60. be pleased with对…高兴/满意
Unti 5
1. a theme park主题公园
amusement park游乐园
2. provide sb with sth提供
provide sth for sb
3. amuse oneself自娱自乐,消遣
4. escape their busy life for a while暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活
5. share this basic purpose有着共同的基本目的
6. various ways各种方式
a variety of各种各样,种类繁多
7. meet this need满足这种需要
8. relax a bit稍微放松一下
9. have fun together一起玩得高兴
10. in other ways用别的方式
11. in recent decades在最近几十年里
12. more than不仅仅
13. get around四处走动,四处传开
14. charge money for admission收取门票费
15. make a profit挣钱
16. not just…but also不仅…而且…
17. sell souvenirs卖纪念品
18. advertise sth on television在电视上做广告
19.have a certain idea某种特定的思想
20. be based on以…为基础
21. involve… in…使…参与…(介入)
22. athletic competition运动竞赛
23. the challenge for…..的挑战
24. a brand of sports equipment
25. along with sneakers随同运动鞋一起
26. come to life活跃起来
27. go for rides去玩…
28. have our pictures taken让人替我们拍照
(have sth done)
29. in the clothing of minority people 穿着少数民族人的服装
30. name …after…以…命名
31. a place of fantasy梦幻之地
32. get close to靠近…
be close to
33. the early settlers in America早期美洲移民
34. marine or ocean parks还有公园
35.learn about了解…
36. take an active part in experiments
37. go on imaginary trips进行虚拟的太空旅行
38. advanced computer techniques
39. experience life感受生活
40.a careful test仔细的测试
41. large amounts of money大量的钱
42. remind him of the holiday使他想起假日
43.take a journey deep into space作次太空旅行
44. be pulled into a Black Hole被拖进黑洞
45. survive an airplane crash在坠机事件中幸存
46. in the jungle在丛林中
47. mysterious creatures神秘的生物
48. for a break作为间歇
49. take part in参加
50. face to face面对面
51.the present time当前时间
52.science and technology-based theme parks 以科技为基础的主题公园
53.up-to-date information最新的信息
54.hands-on learning实践性学习
55.prepare for为…准备
56.a good combination of fun and learning
57.a volunteer guide志愿导游
58.a theme park of your own choice 你自己选择的主题公园
59.point out指出
60. change … into…把…变成…(把…翻译成…)

ways of save energy的英文作文怎么写

Due to the shortage of energy, with the further development of energy-saving work, various new and advanced energy-saving furnace types are becoming more and more perfect, and the heat dissipation loss of the furnace is significantly reduced after the use of new refractory fiber and other high-quality thermal insulation materials.
Advanced combustion devices are used to strengthen combustion, reduce incomplete combustion, and the air-fuel ratio tends to be reasonable. However, the technology of reducing the heat loss of flue gas and recovering the waste heat of flue gas is still accelerating.
In order to further improve the thermal efficiency of kiln and achieve the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction, recovering flue gas waste heat is also an important energy-saving way.
How to save the energy
When we talk about the topic how to save the energy,there are may ways to solve th problem.
Firstly,we can recycle it.For instance,we can use the water that has been washed the rice to water the plants in our home.We can use the cold boiled water to clean the dusted funitures at our home.
Secondly,Let's get into the habit of turnning off the water tap.As for this way,especially in some public places,such as in the washroom or the school canteen and so on.
Thirdly,we can collect the waste thing and sort them out according the their possibility of recycling.
Last but not least,we should use less plastic bags.We should get into the habit of preparing the enviromently-friengly container before weo go shopping.
Those are some ordinay ways,but it is very utilizing。
ways of save energy英语作文:
Energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. Many people worry that energy resources on the earth will be exhausted if we use them in an unchecked way. This, most people agree, will cause serious problems and even crisis and jeopardize the survival of mankind .
On the one hand, most people agree that the problem can be solved in one way or another. One is to conserve and save our energy. Energy refers not only to coal, oil, or natural gases but also to goods, land and water, etc. Most countries have realized the wastefulness in their using of energy. They are trying to conserve energy.
For example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. Some cities have enforced water savers at public such as restrooms and bars. Some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. By these means, people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.
However, conservation alone cannot solve the problem. Another way, perhaps the best I think, is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner or later. I think there are many energy resources that we can develop and utilize.
We don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources. There are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power, waterpower and solar power. These resources, if developed, can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.