
community service,社区服务英文

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community service是什么意思

community service英 [ k??mju?n?ti ?s??v?s ]社会服务。
1.He was sentenced to 140 hours' community service for drunk driving.
2. I have been doing community service work in Oakland for the past several years.
3. Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people.
4. He depended on the support from the teachers and community service workers like us.
5. Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home, child care center or government agency.


社区服务的英文:Community service
1.The community service kicked off a good start
2.Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service
3.We need to create more jobs in community services.
4.Community Service: The "Safety Valve" of Modern Society;
5.miscellaneous social and related community services
6.Community service:the safety valve of modern society
7.Development of Community Services to Perfect Social Security System;
8.Kwun Tong Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [Christian Family Service Centre]

community service是什么意思

community service
[英]k??mju:niti ?s??v?s
[美]k??mjun?ti 's?v?s
n. 感化,感化工作
[例句]Traditionally , microlenders were nonprofits focused on community service.

community service(感化工作)具体是什么东西?

社区服务吧? 为什么说感化工作?
20世纪70年代初开始,国际社会就开始倡导对未成年人采取以社区为基础的社会化矫正,以代替专门机构对未成年人的刑事处置。如《联合国预防少年犯罪准则》明确规定:“在防止少年犯罪活动中,应发展以社区为基础的服务和方案……正规的社会管制机构只应作为最后手段来利用”。“1973年,英国《刑事法庭权力法》中创立了社区服务(Community Service)这一刑种。”之后,“社区服务”发展十分迅速,至20世纪80年代,西欧国家、美国1/3以上的州以及加拿大、澳大利亚等国及我国香港地区,都引进了这一刑种。“社区服务”,一般适用于犯有非暴力性轻微犯罪的未成年犯,既可作为主刑,也可作为附加刑。内容主要是从事一定时数的无偿劳动,以此赎回罪过或赔偿被害人;或者为公益和私人从事一定时数的有偿劳动,以赔偿对于公私法益的损害。
所以,community service的概念引入我国,就变成了对青少年的感化工作。detention center(青少年罪犯)感化中心

在美国高中上学community service具体是做什么?怎么参与?累积出来的小时有什么意义?

community service 指的是社区服务。类似自愿者在社区里提供免费的义工工作。美国加拿大等国家在高中阶段都有固定的时间段要求学生完成,作为毕业前的一项分数。比如,有的学校规定20小时的自愿者服务才可以毕业。
就像我 给学校送文件
这样也算 不知道你们学校有没
如果你要进大学 那么这玩意儿是必须有的
那么你可以去老人院 反正不要去私人企业就行
community service 指的是社区服务。类似自愿者在社区里提供免费的义工工作。美国加拿大等国家在高中阶段都有固定的时间段要求学生完成,作为毕业前的一项分数。
一般学校会规定最少需要40~50小时才能够毕业,为service learning requirement。有些学校有特别的Scholarly Program,可能会要求更高的时数。

What does Community Service mean to You?

(Thanks OBC's ESL program giving me the opportunity to share my understanding of community service here.)

What does Community service mean to us?? After visiting Melissa who got brain tumor surgery and? became visually disabled, I have been thinking about what community service means to us.

? ? For me, community service means anything you do that benefits your community.? Good examples of community service would include: tutoring children,? assisting the elderly, helping out at your local shelter, or even cleaning up your community area. Our ESL program is a good example. We have been in operation for almost three years ,basically zero-funded and is solely operated by volunteers . One of the ESL main mission is helping our visiting mothers and our community and help new? international students to integrate into the local community. (So, let's give thanks to Eve and ESL all volunteer teachers and all other volunteers!) It's time think about giving back to our community !

? I personally met a great man whose name is Ron. Ron dedicated his life ,passion and time to help new immigrants, especially those from China . He listened to their problems and provided advice , making real human connection along the way. He mentored young specialists and fresh graduates by going through different interview scenarios and improved their resumes, until they found good jobs. That was after Global financial crisis in 2008 when many people lost their jobs. My daughter and I both benefited from this great man. We were so moved ,touched by his kindness . Ron later died of cancer and? when we attended Run's Memorial service,many people wept for the lost of a beautiful soul and a close friend !

? Participating in community service has many benefits . Here are some statements regarding high school students community service participation : “Students engaged in service-learning are engaged in authentic situations; they get to know real people whose lives are affected by these issues… As a result, they have lots of questions—real questions that they want to have answered. Thus, students are interested and motivated to learn the materials to resolve their questions." Young people who participate in community service , apply? what is taught to resolve real world issues, thus, equipping themselves to? become better citizens . That why so many parents want their children to get involved in community service. It's not only for getting the volunteer hours that high school or college graduation requires, but also? learning? from community service.

? ? Second benefit of community service participation is that people get to interact with those in entirely different social and economic environments. These experiences allow people to see life from a different perspective and reevaluate their opinions of others. Many young people who get involved in community service come out with a deeper worldview.?

? ? Another benefit of doing community service activities is that we can gain a better understanding and greater appreciation of the country’s diversity. In multicultural Canada, appreciating other cultures and tearing apart silos and stereotypes play important roles to help people become more responsible citizens and better persons.

? ? Melissa's parents dedicate their lives working at OM Chile. They help and take care of orphans, transform lives and communities. They wish to show God's unconditional love to people who are less fortunate. We Chinese are beneficiaries of such love as well. In the 18th century, for the salvation of the Chinese soul, many foreign pastors gave up their own comfort or even lives to work in China, which was then very poor and backward. Melissa told me that helping orphans, giving hugs to homeless and delivering God good news are her parents passion. She respects her parents’ wish to live out their own passions by helping others. From my prospective, Melissa’s parents live a very fulfilling and complete life!

? ? We can all learn from Melissa’s parents and Ron . All we need to do is to spend some time with those in need. We and our children shall devote ourselves to helping others and making our community a better place and ourselves a better person!? Let's not wait! Let’s jump into the real life and act!

? (Thanks again for having me to share my understanding of community service !)



  recreation n. 消遣, 娱乐
  community service 社区服务,义务劳动
  donate vt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款
  donar n.(德国神话)多纳尔(雷神)
  donor n. 捐赠人 [计算机] 施主
  charity n. 慈善机关(团体),仁慈,宽厚
  volunteer n. 志愿者,自行生长的植物 adj. 志愿的,自行生长的(树等) vt. &vi. 自愿(做)
  celebration n. 典礼,宗教仪式,庆祝
  farewell adj. 告别的 int. 再会,别了 n. 告别
  party n.社交聚会; 党,党派; 当事人; 同类,伙伴 v.为…举行社交聚会; 为…请客; 参加社交聚会 adj.政党的,党派的; 社交的,聚会的; 共有的,共同的
  band n. 带;箍,队,乐队 vt. &vi. 联合,结合
  ensemble n. 全体, 合唱曲, 女人的全套服装
  rehearse vt. 预演, 排演, 预先演习 vi. 参加彩排
  rehearsal n. 排练,彩排 v. (使)排练,背诵
  sponsor n. 保证人, 赞助者 v. 发起, 赞助
  Radio Station n. 广播电台,无线电台
  patron n. 赞助人, 保护人, 老主顾
  newspaper n. 报纸,报社,新闻纸 v. 从事新闻工作
  stuff n. 材料, 原料, 东西 n. 素质, 本质; 废物 vt. 填满, 塞满
  society n. 社会, 社团,阶层圈子
  club n. 击棍,扑克牌中的梅花,俱乐部 vt. 用棍棒打,集合 vi. 集合,分担花费,泡夜总会
  ticket office n. 售票处
  travel agency 旅行社
  union n. 联盟,结合,政党,工会,连接轴 adj. 联邦政府的,工会的
  ballroom n. 舞厅
  ball n. 球, 舞会 v. (把...捏)成球状
  amusement n. 娱乐, 消遣
  entertainment n. 娱乐
  guarantee n. 保证(书), 担保(书) n. 担保人; 抵押品 vt. 保证, 担保
  alternative adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换物, 取舍
  custodian n. 管理人,保管人,监督人
  index n.索引; <数>指数; 指示; 标志 vt.给…编索引; 把…编入索引; [经济学]按生活指数调整(工资、价格等) vi.[机械学]转位
  fill in v. 填写
  enroll vt. &vi. 登记,使加入,卷起
  exchange student 交换学生
  excavate v. 挖掘, 挖开, 凿通
  refund n. 偿还 vt. 付还,偿还借款,换回新公债
  service n. 服务, 公务部门, 服役, 发球, 发球方式 vt. 维护, 保养
  policy n. 政策, 方针, 保险单
  staff n.参谋; 全体职员; 管理人员; 权杖 adj.行政工作的; 参谋的.; 职员的; 作为正式工作人员的 v.在…工作; 为…配备职员; 任职于
  stop by vt. 偶然过访(停留一下,靠近,访问)
  stop in v. 作短暂的访问, 顺便拜访
  track meet n. <美>田径运动会
  press vt.压,按; 逼迫; 紧抱 vi.压; 逼迫; 重压 n.强迫征兵; 新闻报道,出版物; 压榨; 印刷机(厂)
  touch base 建立联系
  museum n. 博物馆
  lab n. 实验室
  athletic adj. 运动的,活跃的,健壮的
  laboratory n. 实验室, 实验大楼
  accommodation n. 住处,膳宿;调节;和解;预订铺位
  fine n. 罚款,罚金,结尾 vt. 罚款 vi. 净化,细化 adj. 美好的, 优质的, 精致的,晴朗的, 健康的,纤细的,恭维的,辞藻华丽的 adv. 恰好地,合适地
  cafeteria n. 自助餐厅 adj. 有多种选择的
  dining hall n. 餐厅
  choir n. 唱诗班, 唱诗班的席位
  dissertation n. 论文
  chorus n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  editor n. 编辑, 编者
  edit vt. 编辑,编校,修订 n. 编辑工作
  fund-raising n. 筹募资金活动
  dorm n. (集体)宿舍
  dormitory n. (集体)宿舍
  canteen n.小卖部; 食堂,小饭馆; 水罐; 餐具盒,炊具箱
  reference book n. 参考书
  advisory adj. 顾问的;提供咨询的 n. (关于天气、疾病或其他危险、问题的)公告,警告
  administration n. 行政,管理,中央政府
  alumni n. 毕业生,校友
  apartment n. 一套公寓房间
  apply vt. 应用, 申请; 涂 vt. 使专心从事 vi.申请; 有关联

unpaid community service是什么意思

unpaid community service
The unpaid community service could enhance students' socialadaption , which is the lack of test- oriented education.

there is a community service center in our area翻译成汉语是什么意思

there is a community service center in our area
I think being out and about in the downtown community is actually our nextevolution, and I think it may actually be better than being in an office, orperhaps it should be split 50/ 50
And there is
a community service
center in our area.
There is a fund of information in our
school library.
3. There
is a huge Victorian edifice in the area.